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Rickshaw Js Moving Average

Du får aldri jobb hvis du ikke har godt svar på dette ofte stilte intervjuespørsmål Velg riktig svar for å finne ut om du er forberedt på et vellykket jobbintervju. Hvorfor ønsker du denne jobben Velg riktig svar: Jeg ønsker å få kunnskap og erfaring i denne arbeidslinjen. Denne jobben tilbyr langsiktig karriereutvikling. Denne jobben er en ekte mulighet for meg å vokse og utvikle. Jeg kan få innvirkning og gi fordel for selskapet Denne jobben vil hjelpe meg med å anta et annet nivå i min karriere. Test ditt jobbintervju Ferdigheter Takk for at du tok deg tid til å intervjue med oss, men weve bestemte oss for å ansette noen andre. Ingen arbeidssøker ønsker å høre disse ordene etter intervjuet. Merk Svare på dette intervjuet spørsmålet feil kan koste deg din nye jobbSolar kraft for de fattige: fakta og tall Solkraft kan bidra til å lette fattigdom på landsbygda. David J. Grimshaw og Sian Lewis skinner et lys på sin fremgang, potensial og fallgruver. Økende tilgang til energi er viktig for å sikre sosioøkonomisk utvikling i verdens fattigste land. Anslagsvis 1,5 milliarder mennesker i utviklingsland har ingen tilgang til elektrisitet, med over 80 prosent av dem som bor i Afrika sør for Sahara eller Sør-Asia. 1 Problemet er mest akutt i fjerntliggende områder: 89 prosent av befolkningen i Afrika sør for Sahara lever uten strøm, noe som er mer enn dobbelt så stor andel (46 prosent) i byområder. 1 For disse menneskene kan selv tilgang til en liten mengde elektrisitet føre til livreddende forbedringer i landbruksproduktivitet, helse, utdanning, kommunikasjon og tilgang til rent vann. Alternativer for å utvide tilgangen til elektrisitet i utviklingsland har en tendens til å fokusere på å øke sentralisert energi fra fossile brensler som olje, gass og kull, ved å utvide nettstrøm. Men denne tilnærmingen har liten fordel for de fattige i landet. Gitterforlengelse i disse områdene er enten upraktisk eller for dyrt. Denne strategien bidrar heller ikke til å takle klimaendringene. Kraft utgjør allerede 26 prosent av de globale klimagassutslippene, og mens det meste kommer fra den utviklede verden, forventes utviklingsland i 2030 å bruke 70 prosent mer total årlig energi enn utviklede land.2 Det er derfor et klart behov for pro-fattige, lav-karbon måter å forbedre tilgangen til elektrisitet i utviklingsland mdash solenergi kan være en slik løsning. Jorden mottar mer solenergi på en time enn verdens befolkning forbruker i et helt år. Nesten alle utviklingsland har enormt solkraftpotensiale mdash det meste av Afrika har for eksempel rundt 325 dager sterk solstråle om året, og leverer i gjennomsnitt mer enn 6 kWh energi per kvadratmeter om dagen (se figur 1). Desertec-stiftelsen, et felles tysk og jordansk selskap, anslår at dekker bare en prosent av globale ørkener i solcellepaneler, kunne drive hele verden. 3 Figur 1: Verdens kart over potensiell solenergi (solisolasjon i kWhm2day) (kreditt. Hugh Ahlenius, UNEPGRID-Arendal Maps og Graphics Library). Og likevel er de landene som mottar mest solenergi ofte også de som minst kan dra nytte av det, på grunn av mangel på kunnskap og kapasitet til å utnytte solenergi og konvertere den til strøm. Det er to måter å bruke kraft fra solen: å samle varmen (solvarme) eller omdanne lyset til elektrisitet (fotovoltaik). Solvarmeanlegg bruker 39collectors39 mdash som strekker seg fra flate plater som legger på tak til parabolske retter, krafttårn eller solpyramider som brukes i solenergianlegg, for å absorbere sollys og produsere varme. Solvarmeanordninger kan mest enkelt brukes til oppvarming eller kjøling, men er også egnet for tørking av avlinger, pasteuriserende vann eller matlaging (se tabell 1). Gjennom å konsentrere solenergi (CSP) systemer, som bruker en kombinasjon av linser eller speil og sporingssystemer for å fokusere et stort område av sollys inn i en liten stråle, kan de også brukes til å gi strøm. Den konsentrert sollyset hetter vann for å produsere damp for å drive en turbin, koblet til en generator. Solcellefotovoltaiske (PV) systemer bruker solceller, koblet sammen i 39moduler39 (solcellepaneler), for å konvertere lys til elektrisitet. De spenner fra noen få små celler som kan kjøre en kalkulator til store solkraftverk med tusenvis av solpaneler. Mer enn 90 prosent av PV-systemene er basert på silisiummaterialer. PV-systemer som er koblet til strømnettet inkluderer en enhet som kalles en omformer for å slå likestrømmen som genereres av solcellepaneler til vekselstrømstrømmen som brukes på nettet. Off-grid-PV-systemer kan også inkludere en omformeren, men krever også batterier for å lagre overskuddsenergi, og en elektronisk ladestyring for å forhindre at batteriene overbelastes. For tiden er solvarmeanlegg ca. 30 prosent effektive for å slå varmen til strøm mdash sammenlignet med ca. 15 prosent effektivitet for PV-systemer. Men i det lange løp bør utviklingen av nyere materialer til PV-systemer, som polymerer og nanopartikler, øke effektiviteten. Hverken solvarme eller PV er ny teknologi, men de er ikke mye brukt til å produsere elektrisitet fordi de forblir relativt dyrt sammenlignet med karbonbasert energiforsyning. Det internasjonale energibyrået beregner at i 2007 solstråle PV og solvarme bidro med mindre enn 0,2 prosent av brutto global kraftproduksjon. 4 Men med stigende kostnader for fossile brensel, økende bekymring for forsyninger, mdash, antyder noen analytikere at vi kan gå tom for olje så tidlig som 2025 mdash og økt bevissthet om fossile brensler39 rolle i klimaendringene, vil markedsforholdene i økende grad favorisere solenergi. Statsstøtte kan også bidra til å oppmuntre veksten i solenergi. Sikkert har interessen for solenergi hevet de siste fem årene. Total ny finansiell investering i solenergi var US33,5 milliarder i 2008 mdash en 172 prosent økning på US0,6 milliarder investert i 2004. 5 Det har vært en like imponerende vekst i solenergi PV kapasitet, som vokste seks ganger mellom 2004 og 2008 til nå mer enn 16GWh (se figur 2). 6 Figur 2: Global kapasitet i solenergi PV fra 1995ndash2008. Kilde: Fornybar energipolitikk Nettverk for det 21. århundre 6 Interessen bør stige ytterligere ettersom teknologien forbedrer, produksjonen skalerer seg og kostnadene faller. Den hellige graden av solenergiøkonomi er å nå rutenettparitet mdash hvor den usubsidierte kostnaden for solenergi er lik eller billigere enn kostnaden av konvensjonell rutenett. Analyse av ledelse konsulentfirma McKinsey amp Company forutsier at kvote 2020 minst ti regioner med sterkt sollys vil ha nådd grid parityquot. 7 Men disse vil nesten helt sikkert være innenfor utviklede land som Italia, Japan, Spania og USA. Og for utviklingslandene, til og med når nettverksparitet er nådd, vil det fortsatt være behov for off-grid-løsninger for å levere strøm til eksterne lokalsamfunn. Mens prisen på store nettilkoblede solsystemer vil falle som prisfallet på solpanel, er det mindre sannsynlig at mindre nettverkssystemer ser lignende kostnadsbesparelser, blant annet fordi batteriprisen forblir høy. Batterier kan være så mye som 40 prosent av et off-grid solsystems kostnader. Og det er en ekstra kostnad forbundet med å erstatte dem, fordi batterier er usannsynlig å vare så lenge som solpaneler. Effektiviteten til elektriske apparater kan også gjøre en stor forskjell for kostnadene ved å levere elektrisitet gjennom off-grid solsystemer. For eksempel anslår en tysk ingeniør med erfaring i å ta PV-systemer til utviklingsland at kostnadene ved å levere off-grid-solenergi til en enkelt landsby ville falle fra US35,000 til bare US8,300 hvis landsbyen separat installerte energieffektive kompaktlysrør og nyere kjøleskap og datamaskiner. 8 Solar homesystemer Det vanligste solenergi-PV-systemet i landlige omgivelser er solvarmesystem, bestående av et solpanel, koblet til et batteri og ladeapparat. Det inneholder vanligvis minst ett lys og en stikkontakt for å drive annet elektrisk utstyr som radioer, TV-apparater eller mobiltelefonladere (se figur 3). Figur 3: Solar hjemmesystem komponenter. Kilde: Husholdningens energinettverk Innen 2007 hadde over 2,5 millioner boliger i utviklingsland tilgang til elektrisitet fra solenergisystemer. 9 Veksten i solvarmesystemer har vært spesielt sterk i Asia mdash, spesielt i Bangladesh, Kina og India, hvor mikrofinansieringsordninger, eller regjerings - og giverstøtte har gjort det lettere å få tilgang. I 2008 godkjente Verdensbanken to prosjekter i Bangladesh for å installere 1,3 millioner solsystemer. Og det kinesiske prosjektet for fornybar energiutvikling, som ble stengt i midten av 2008, installerte mer enn 400.000 solsystemer i Nord-Kina. 6 I Afrika har veksten i solenergisystem blitt langsommere. Men innen 2007 hadde kontinentet fortsatt mer enn 500.000 systemer i bruk, mer enn halvparten av disse i Kenya og Sør-Afrika. 9 De fleste prosjekter i landlige Afrika utenfor disse to landene er relativt små. For eksempel er Zara Solar Ltd en liten solenergivirksomhet som selger sol-PV-systemer til landlige samfunn i Tanzania. Opprettet av en lokal entreprenør, har selskapet mottatt støtte fra flere givere, blant annet Verdensbanken, Lighting Africa og Ashden Awards for bærekraftig energi, og har installert mer enn 4 000 solsystemer i Nord-Tanzania. Og til tross for høye kapitalkostnader og pågående batteri - og vedlikeholdskostnader kan off-grid solsystemer spare penger. Zara Solar Ltd-kunder kan betale tilbake kostnadene til et solar homesystem på mindre enn to år, gitt de rette finansieringsmekanismer. Solsystemer kan også drive offentlige bygninger som skoler eller landlige helseklinikker. Solar Electric Light Fund. for eksempel støtter installasjonen av hybrid solarndashdiesel systemer mdash som genererer mer enn 90 prosent av sin elektrisitet fra solen mdash til kraft helseklinikker i flere land, inkludert Burundi, Lesotho, Rwanda og senest i Haiti etter de ødeleggende jordskjelv i Port-au-Prince i januar 2010. I mange tilfeller kan rent god kvalitet lys forsynes med svært lite elektrisitet mdash og lavpris mdash med stor innvirkning på livskvaliteten. De fleste landsbyer i Afrika, Asia og Latin-Amerika stole på parafinlamper og lys for deres belysning. Disse koster gjennomsnittlig husholdningsbruk US40ndash80 hvert år, avgir forurensende stoffer som utgjør alvorlige helserisiko, inkludert luftveier eller øyeinfeksjoner, nyre - og leverproblemer og kan forårsake husbranner som dreper folk. Sollamper gir et sikrere og billigere alternativ. Indisk selskap NEST Ltd lager sollytter som er små, praktiske og koster bare US35 hver. De kan betales i avdrag over ett til to år, fra besparelser på petroleum. Mer enn 100 000 hus i Andhra Pradesh og Maharashtra bruker NEST-lanterner, og sparer mer enn 20 000 tonn karbondioksid hvert år. 10 Solar lanterner tilbyr et sikrere og billigere alternativ til parafinlamper SELCOAshden-priser for bærekraftig energi IEEE Spectrum rapporterte i fjor at Danmarks Risoslash Nasjonalt Laboratorium for Bærekraftig Energi hadde utviklet et kvotepotensielt livreddende lampekvot ved hjelp av lysdioder, lysdioder, PV-celler og ultratynne litiumbatterier. 11 Det er et fleksibelt ark med PV-celler som, når du klipper hjørner sammen, lyser med lesekvalitetslampe. Prototypene koster US27 per lampe og varer i omtrent ett år. Utviklingslaget er overbevist om at kostnadene kan reduseres til US7 mdash, kanskje til og med halvparten dersom de outsourcere produksjonen til Kina mdash, noe som vil gi en betydelig fordel i både kost og helse for lokalbefolkningen. Faktisk blir solenergi i økende grad brukt i et bredt spekter av off-grid applikasjoner. (se tabell 1). I Rizhao, Kina, bruker 99 prosent av boliger solvarmer. Tabell 1: Off-grid applikasjoner av solenergi Solenergi brukes også til å bringe andre fordeler mdash i mange tilfeller, det kan gi det første skrittet ut av fattigdom ved å gi nye ferdigheter og inntektskilder. For eksempel utdanner ikke-statlig organisasjon SolarAid gründere i utviklingsland i forretningsplanlegging og markedsundersøkelser for å hjelpe dem med å sette opp små solenergi bedrifter for å konvertere parafinlamper til sollytter og bygge solladere eller solvarmeradioer fra lokale materialer. På samme måte trener ikke-statslige organisasjonen Barefoot College 39Barefoot Solar Engineers39 (hovedsakelig fra landlige landsbyer i Afrika og Asia) for å installere, reparere og vedlikeholde solbelysningsenheter i et forsøk på å fremme landlig solenergi-elektrifisering og øke inntektene til fattige landsbyboere. Ved utgangen av 2009 hadde høgskolen utdannet 461 solenergi ingeniører, inkludert 211 kvinner, og ifølge høgskolen hadde en estimert nesten 900.000 mennesker. Barefoot College har trent 461 solenergi ingeniører fra landlige landsbyer i Afrika og Asia FlickrBarefoot Fotografer av Tilonia Finance og utover Men bedre tilgang til solenergi for de fattige i utviklingsland står fortsatt overfor en rekke hindringer. Utover det politiske miljøet, som favoriserer utviklingen av fossile brensler, er det viktigste finansieringen. Tilgang til solenergi er enten kjøpt i det åpne markedet eller levert gjennom internasjonal hjelp. Det finnes et bredt spekter av hjelpemodeller i drift. Store givere som Verdensbanken og International Finance Corporation er store finansierere av solenergi PV i utviklingsland, som støtter prosjekter i Afrika, Asia og Latin-Amerika verdsatt til mer enn US600 millioner. Spesialistorganisasjoner som SolarAid samler inn penger til å investere i solsystemer for skoler eller samfunn med fokus på å forbedre helse, utdanning og levebrød. Produsenter som Sollatek donerer en rekke enheter til veldedige organisasjoner per måned. Men det er økende interesse for å flytte bort fra rett hjelp mot strategier som gjør det mulig for de fattige å finansiere sine egne energibehov. For eksempel gir mikrofinansieringsleverandører, som tilbyr små lån mdash ofte basert på ingen sikkerhetsstillelse mdash for de fattige, å være vitale for å overvinne den relativt høye kapitalkostnaden til off-grid-solsystemer. Mange slike mikrofinansieringsleverandører er etablert ved hjelp av midler fra store givere, som Verdensbanken, men blir selvopprettholde på lang sikt gjennom tilbakebetaling av kreditt. De mikrofinansieringsleverandørene som spesialiserer seg på å selge solcelle-PV-systemer, inkluderer ofte støtteaktiviteter som trening, vedlikehold av utstyr og erstatning av deler, eller avhending av skadede batterier. For eksempel, Grameen Shakti. en mikrofinansleverandør i Bangladesh, har installert mer enn 320.000 solsystemer basert på mikrokreditt det siste tiåret og har som mål å øke dette tallet til en million i 2012. Det har trent mer enn 4400 teknikere (for det meste kvinner) og satt opp 45 39technology-sentre39 å installere og vedlikeholde solsystemer lokalt. Mikrofinansieringsleverandører kan inkludere veldedig grunnlag, for eksempel Solenergifondet som har installert mer enn 2000 solsystemer i Etiopia. Banker kan også tilby mikrofinansiering. Aryavart Gramin Bank i India, bulk-orders PV-systemer og tilbyr kjøp, installasjon og vedlikeholdslån til landlige kunder. Kreditten tilbakebetalinger er billigere enn den månedlige kostnaden for parafin og kan betales tilbake over fem år. Private solfirmaer kan også bidra til mikrofinansiering. Det indiske selskapet SELCO. for eksempel har solgt mer enn 100.000 solsystemer de siste 13 årene. Selv om det ikke gjør lån selv, bidrar det til å forbinde kunder med mikrofinansieringsleverandører, i mange tilfeller gir en 39down-betalingsgaranti39 for å dekke forhåndsbetalte kapitalinnbetalinger. Regjeringene bør også ta en rolle i å lage solenergi økonomisk rimelig mdash ved å støtte systemet som gir dårlig tilgang til solenergi teknologi. Dette innebærer å investere i forskning og utvikling for selve teknologien, og bruke et system av subsidier for å forbedre opptaket av solenergi og for å støtte installasjons - og vedlikeholdskostnader. For å sikre at fordelene oppleves av de fattige i fjernsamfunn, må slike tilskudd favorisere desentralisert, off-grid, små solsystemer over sentraliserte, fossile brenselbaserte løsninger. Utover finansiering er det andre hindringer for å forbedre tilgangen til solenergi for de fattige. Disse inkluderer forbedring av lokalt eierskap av solenergi teknologier, veving av off-grid solsystemer i klimapolitikk og mål for å redusere globale utslipp, og oppgradering av produksjonsteknologi for å redusere kapitalkostnadene. Bunnlinjen er at oppskalering av solenergi for de fattige vil avhenge av en blanding av vitenskapelige forbedringer, politiske tiltak og kollektive tiltak som tar sikte på å takle klimaendringer og elektrisitetsfattigdom. David J. Grimshaw er leder av Practical Action39s internasjonale program innen ny teknologi og seniorforsker i nye teknologier ved Det britiske institutt for internasjonal utvikling. Sian Lewis er oppdragsgiver på SciDev Du kan også likeSearch Streetly nettside Du er veldig velkommen til å kontakte Alan med hva som er nytt eller Nyhetsinformasjon om Streetly, i Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, som skal legges til Streetly nettside, gratis, bare signere Oppgi det gratis nyhetsbrevet (øverst på siden for å få full detaljer. Vennligst bla nedover siden for å se alle nyheter og artikler. For de nyeste datoene og stedene for arrangementer, se hendelsessiden Se Street Hockey Club-kamprapporter, Club nyheter og fixture datoer på Streetly Hockey Club-nettstedet Se Streetly Cricket Club News, kamprapporter og fixture datoer på Streetly Cricket Club nettsted Januar 2013 Nyheter Annonsering. New Streetly Networking Møteopplegget vil bli avholdt onsdag 23. januar 2013, og starter klokka 18:00 på All Saints Church, Foley Road East, Streetly Jeg har listet under en utkast til agenda, men hvis du vil se noe lagt til, vennligst gi beskjed. Du kan også sende meg en e-post hvis du vil ha det mething heve under enhver annen virksomhet. AGENDA 1. Velkommen Introduksjoner 2. Unnskyldninger 3. Beskrivelse fra hver gruppeklubbsorganisasjon om deres klubb 4. Fremme våre aktiviteter og arrangementer a. Nyhetsbrev b. Nettsteder c. Facebook d. Twitter 5. Finansieringsmuligheter 6. Eventuelt 7. Sted, dato og klokkeslett for neste møte 8. Møte i nærheten Det ville være svært nyttig for meg hvis du kunne bekrefte møtet. Ideelt sett vil jeg foreslå at vi bare trenger en eller to (til det meste) til å delta for å representere hver gruppeklubborganisasjon. Hvis du tror at jeg mangler noen grupper, vennligst gi meg beskjed om deres kontaktinformasjon eller send epost til dem og be dem om å kontakte meg. Jeg vil sende deg e-post til deg individuelt i tiden mellom nå og møte dato, og jeg håper å ha et dokument utarbeidet i tide til møtet som viser de oppdaterte detaljene til hver gruppeklubbsorganisasjon som vi kan dele. Hvis noen har spørsmål, kommentarer eller ønsker å møte meg personlig mellom nå og 23. januar 2013, vennligst ikke nøl med å kontakte meg. Til slutt vil jeg gjerne takke Alan Neath, webmaster på Streetly. org nettsiden, det er takket være hans nettsider at jeg har klart å få mange kontaktdetaljer. Mange takk på forhånd, John Morris, Area Manager, tlf .: 01922 652029, Mobil: 07852 421421 Desember 2012 Nyheter November 2012 Nyheter Bliss Yoga har mellomrom tilgjengelig på torsdagskveldene på Leighswood School mellom kl. 7.30-8.45, kontakt Michelle, via e-post: Helloblissyoga. org. uk eller telefon 01922 624182 Drop-in-sesong på Blackwood Pavilion, Blackwood Park, Streetly fredag ​​23. november mellom 11.00 og 13.00. Det vil være et utvalg av representanter fra politiet, brannvesenet, råd og samfunnsgrupper, og du er veldig velkommen til å komme med og se hva som skjer i Streetly-området og rapportere eventuelle problemer eller bekymringer. Community Weight Challenge, som starter onsdag 21. november klokken 10 på Blackwood Pavilion. Det er en 12 ukers kurs, på slutten vinner den største taperen 300, 2. premie er 200 og 3. premie 100. (basert på 30 deltakere, klasser begrenset til 35) Ukentlig veiing Vekttap Coaching Fun Friendship Tips Råd Ernæring Utdannelse Støtte Fellesskap Ukentlige premier Belønninger Bare 39 for hele 12 uker, 10 på onsdager, fra 21. november i Blackwood Park Pavilion, Blackwood Park, Blackwood Road, Streetly, Ring Cathy eller Steve på 0121 218 4636 eller tekst Arriba til 07736307573 Tesco, PRINCESS ALICE DRIVE, NY OSCOTT, SUTTON COLDFIELD, åpner dørene til en begivenhet onsdag 21. november, hvor du alle kan komme til Tesco Store mellom kl. 18.00 og 21.00. Ha en GRATIS GLASS MED BUBBEL OG SMAKSESONGSØKENDE MATSØKEMOSTER OG HAR ET FØRSTE FORSØK AV DET NYE SEASONAL STOCK. Alle er velkommen til å delta. Det er ingen fangst, og du trenger ikke å kjøpe noe. Bare gå til kundeservice og fortell dem at du har kommet for arrangementet. Advarsel, pass opp for SKY TV SCAM En lokal nabolagsleder har Walsall Police etter å ha mottatt en telefonsamtale som hevder å være fra Sky TV Insurance, sier at hun hadde rabatt, men for å få denne rabatten måtte hun betale 50 som de ville samle inn via debetkortet. De ba om sikkerhetsnummeret fra baksiden av kortet hennes, men heldigvis fortalte hun innringeren at hun ikke hadde et kort (tenkte de mente et Sky-kort) og telefonsamtalen ble ferdig på det tidspunktet. Å realisere noe var ikke riktig, hun kontaktet politiet. Dette er selvfølgelig en variasjon på den klassiske phishing-svindelen, der den som ringer, forsøker å få betalt kortopplysninger for å kunne bruke dem bedriftsmessig. Det bør uten å si at du ikke skal passere noen detaljer til alle som kaller anrop på denne måten. Tenk på det: Hvorfor skulle de trenge en 50-betaling for å behandle en rabatt? Oktober 2012 Streetly-området Nyheter September 2012 Streetly-området Nyheter Streetly Hockey Club har nå lansert sin nettbutikk der alle de nye produktene som er tilgjengelige for 1213-sesongen ligger. For alle de som ennå ikke besøker Sportology til ordresett for neste sesong, er det nå muligheten til å kjøpe alt ditt sett på nettet. For å få tilgang til denne butikken, følg butikklenken: nettbutikk Berømte familier ansiktsgraver på gategården Familier vil bli belastet for trekantninger plassert rundt graver for å beskytte mot maskiner og andre skader. Forslaget er å fjerne bekymringer for at gressklippere og arbeidere tramper over tomter på Streetly Cemetery. Jordpersonalet har allerede stoppet med å bruke turmøtter etter en petisjon på mer enn 2500 navn. Noen slektninger hadde tykt på å plassere planter eller kant rundt tomter, men rådsjefer sa at det medførte vedlikeholdsvansker. Nå har nye planer blitt avduket for å bringe inn trekant for å beskytte gravene til en pris på 75 til slektninger. Men kampanjer hevder at forslagene til Little Hardwick Road-området bare ville være en kortvarig løsning. Forslagene blir diskutert på et møte i hele Walsall-rådet på mandag. Andragendeorganist Mehboob Matloob, fra Walsall-muslimske organisasjonen, sa at gruppen ønsket å holde samtaler med rådet. Mr Matloob, Nutmeg Grove, Chuckery, hvis bror Mohammed Ramzan Matloob og bestemor Lala Bibi er begravet på kirkegården, sa: Rapporten som er utarbeidet for møtet, oppfyller ikke forespørslene fra framställerne og Walsall Muslim Organization mener at det ikke går langt nok. Den har foreslått trekanting til en pris, og slik kanting er bare en kortsiktig løsning, da den raskt vil forfall og ødelegge seg bort. Foreløpig forbyder regler og regler ikke gjengis eller annen form for monument eller minnesmerke på plen, og kun kranser og blomster bør vises på forstyrrelsestidspunktet. I en rapportråds administrerende direktør Jamie Morris sa: Kostnaden for trekantene installert av rådet ville bli belastet familier som ber om at det skal gjøres, og derfor bør ikke være et press på servicebudsjettet. August 2012 Streetly område Nyheter Juli 2012 Streetly News News Streetly innbyggere Simon Seaton-Smith og Chris Aird som jobber både innen bygg, engineering og miljøkonsulentene Couch, Perry og Wilkes, deltar i en 350 mil fondsøkt sykkeltur som starter i Portsmouth og deretter reiser til alle første og andre verdenskrig slagmarker og minnesmerker i Nord-Frankrike. De håper å skaffe midler til Fisher House, et nytt anlegg for bruk av familier av servicepersonell som mottar behandling på Birminghams Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Delhi 6, den nylig åpnede indiske restauranten som ligger på Burnett Road i Streetly Village (B74 3EJ) har blitt høyt berømt av Paul Fulford, matkritiker for Birmingham Mail. Paul dømte matlagingen til en meget høy standard, betjenes av informert, effektivt og vennlig personale. En ny spansk tapasbar har åpnet i Manor Road, Sutton Coldfield. Baren heter Don Diego, og eier og kokk er Gran Canarian Alfonso Yufera-Ruiz, som sammen med sin kone Emma pleide å jobbe på Michelin-stjernede restauranten Simpsons. Greggs bakeri, åpner en ny butikk i Red Rose Center i Sutton Coldfield. Butikken vil gå videre til High Street og vil være i tillegg til det eksisterende Greggs-uttaket i kjøpesenteret Mall. Det vil skape minst 10 nye jobber. Arbeidet er endelig fullført ved renovering av Bourne Pool og dens omkringliggende broer og stier. Nettstedet er en del av Wheats Garden Center som ligger på Chester Road mellom Hardwick Arms og Irish Harp pubber. Bassenget ble laget i 1443 ved damning Bourne Brook, en bekk som strømmer gjennom Little Aston fra Aldridge til Lichfield, og ble brukt til å drive en jernmølle som gjorde blad og spydspisser. Nå har bassenget blitt forvandlet til en oase av ro, fred og ro og er et fristed for dyreliv. Hvete ønsker å oppmuntre så mange besøkende som mulig for å nyte dette nydelige området og unnslippe en stund fra kjas og mas i hverdagen. Lokale fotografer og kunstklubber samt fuglekikkere er også velkomne, og stedet har også et hopscotch-område og en fisk - og and-fôringsplattform for barn. Det er gratis å besøke. For mer informasjon besøk wmwheat. co. uk Arthur Terry School, som ligger i Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, er en av kun to av 52 skoler i landet for å bli lærerutdanningsskole. Det rekrutterer nå 30 kandidater til å fylle vitenskap, matematikk og dramaundervisning. Arthur Terry er også en støtteskole for 5 andre nord Birmingham grunnskoler og videregående skoler, så det gir et vell av erfaring til alle som trener der. Skolen har i løpet av de siste åtte årene produsert ni lederlærere, 16 nestlederlærere og 22 assisterende lederlærere for andre skoler. Tre nye ikke-ledende medlemmer er utnevnt til styret i NHS Foundation Trust, som driver Good Hope Hospital. Styret har ansvaret for beslutningstaking og ledelse på sykehuset. Rådgiver Les Lawrence, medlem av Birminghams byråd, har særansvar for tjenester for barn, unge og familier, og har tidligere hatt to andre tillitsvalgte. Professor Laura Serrant-Green er direktør for forskning og næringsliv ved University of Wolverhampton, samt professor i samfunns - og folkehelsepleie. Professor Edward Peck er Pro-Vice kansler i Birmingham University og leder av sin College of Social Sciences. En 47 år gammel mann er blitt anklaget for drapet på Betty Yates som pleide å undervise på Foley First School i Streetly. Betty ble funnet død den 18. april på hennes hytte nær Bewdley i Worcestershire. Hun hadde blitt slått med sin egen stokk og stakk i nakken. Mer enn 300 venner og tidligere elever deltok i en minneservice i den pakkede St. Annes-kirken i Bewdley. Hjelp og håp er til stede for de som er etterlatt ved en partners død eller ved skilsmisse. Fresh Start Social Group tilbyr vennskap og forståelse og dager rundt hele landet. Det møtes på Lea Marston Hotel på torsdag kveld kl 20.00. Medlemmer kommer fra så langt som Cannock, Tamworth, Lichfield og Coleshill. For detaljer kontakt margaret på 07821 054522 eller email mmculloughuwb En ny støttegruppe for dem som er rammet av demens, er satt opp i Streetly. Det første møtet ble avholdt torsdag 14. juni. For detaljer, se siden Hva skjer og Hendelser. Personer som lider av revmatoid artritt vil kunne få hjelp og informasjon fra en nylig opprettet støttegruppe. The Birmingham North Rheumatoid Arthritis Group møtes to ganger hver måned, på Sutton Coldfield Methodist Church, South Parade. For mer informasjon, besøk nras. org. uk En ny støttegruppe har blitt lansert på Good Hope Hospital, Sutton Coldfield, for å hjelpe og støtte par som faktisk går gjennom, eller tenker på å bruke fertilitetsbehandling. For mer informasjon, kontakt fruktbarhetsklinikken ved Godt håp på 0121 424 9758 eller 0121 424 9376. Juni 2012 Streetly area Nyheter Mai 2012 Streetly område Nyheter April 2012 Streetly News Nyheter Mars 2012 Streetly News Nyheter Lokal Streetman Malkit Singh, MBE, har vært anerkjent av byen Birmingham og æret med et sted på Broad Streets Walk of Stars. Mr. Singh er en av de mest vellykkede Bhangra-artister i historien. Bourne-bassenget, som ligger ved Wheats Garden Centre på Chester Road, Streetly, gjennomgår en stor oppussing for å forberede de besøkende som forventes i vår. Bassenget, broer og stier blir revolusjonert for å gjøre det mulig for besøkende å slappe av i dette vakre, naturlige området og å lære om historien til området og om dyrelivet der. Bassenget ble opprettet i 1443 og ble en gang brukt til å drive en jernmølle for å lage kniver og spydspisser i det 15. århundre. For mer informasjon besøk wmwheat. co. uk Politi som undersøker mordet på Betty Yates som lærte på Foley First School i Streetly, har gitt ut detaljer om to menn som ble oppdaget i nærheten av hennes hjem den dagen hun antas å ha blitt drept. Flere detaljer er vist nedenfor. Crimestoppers veldedighet har satt opp en 10.000 belønning for informasjon som fører til arresteringen og overbevisning av personen som drepte pensjonert streetlærskolelærer Betty Yates. Frøken Yates ble funnet myrdet i hennes hytte ved Bewdley tidlig i januar. Hun pleide å undervise på Foley First School mellom 1974 og 19789 og ble mye elsket og respektert av elevene hennes. Tributes til Mrs. Yates finnes på Facebook. Enhver med informasjon som kan hjelpe politiet, kan kontakte West Mercia Police Major Incident Room på Stourport på 0300 333 3000. Alternativt kan informasjonen sendes til Crimestoppers anonymt, på 0800 555 111 eller ved å fylle ut et elektronisk sikker skjema på deres nettside crimestoppers - uk-org Belønninger kan bare hevdes for informasjon som er sendt videre til Crimestoppers via telefonlinjen og vil ikke være tilgjengelig for de som bruker nettbasert skjemainnretning. Birmingham Central Library lukker gulvene fire, fem og seks på mandager, tirsdager og lørdager som en del av flyttingen til det nye biblioteket på Broad Street. Musikkbiblioteket er stengt på mandager og tirsdager. Hvis du trenger å bruke Arkivsøkesalen, ring 0121 303 2468. For å bestille et sted på en av de halvtimes offentlige besøkene på det nye bibliotekets byggeplass, ring 0121 464 2107. Numrene er begrenset til 15 personer per besøk. Datoer er tirsdag, 13. mars (kl. 10.00) og mandag 26. mars (kl. 16.00). The Streetly School har innført en ordning med elever og ansatte som heter Project Streetly. Hundreds of pupils have volunteered to be part of one of 13 teams and each team has their own project which will hopefully improve their school and their local community. Amongst the teams there is a news team and a charity team and another project involving gardening. Fifty staff have volunteered to help in their own time. In January, work began on the complete refurbishment of the Neonatal Unit at Good Hope Hospital. The work will take six to eight months and will dramatically improve facilities for tiny babies and their families. RAID or Rapid Assessment, Interface and Discharge is a new service at Good Hope Hospital which will ensure that dementia patients and those with psychiatric needs will be assessed within one hour of arriving at AE, or within 24 hours if on a ward, and referred to any relevant service. The scheme was established in December 2009 and trialled at Birminghams City Hospital for 18 months before securing funding to continue there. A charity now based at Good Hope Hospital is looking for more volunteers. Home From Hospital Care helps older patients when they have been discharged from hospital, offering free short-term support with shopping, appointments, and basic administrative matters such as form-filling and letter writing. Contact co-ordinator Pat Mann on 0121 424 9887. LADIES. The Breast Friends charity, based at Good Hope Hospital, is still collecting unwanted bras. The charity is working with Birmingham City Council to recycle and sell a marathon distance (over 26 miles) of bras to help raise funds. Breast Friends gets 1 for every kilogram of bras and hopes to collect 46,145 bras before the Olympics begins in July. 31,840 bras had been donated at the last count. Bra banks can be found at Four Oaks station, Sainsburys Castle Vale, Lidl in Kings Road, New Oscott, Wyndley, and Stockland Green Leisure centres, Arthur Terry Sports Centre, and Erdington swimming pool, Mason Road. A new treatment is being offered locally for sufferers of Dupuytrens disease - or claw hand. A service designed to treat the disease in its early stages is being offered by The Cancer Partners UK radiotherapy centre, based within the grounds of Spire Hospital, Little Aston. Bar Apres is re-opening in premises which were previously Flints on Belwell Lane, Mere Green. Hopefully, the new bar, which will include an outside decking area, will open in March or April. Meanwhile, Wetherspoons has opened a new pub - The Mare Pool - in the old Apres premises. North Birmingham Cyclists Touring Club is looking for new members. The club has 160 active members and is chaired by Streetly man John Bedford whose wife Beryl is also a member. The club rides six nights a week and welcomes new and experienced cyclists of all ages. For more details call John on 0121 353 5136 or visit northbirminghamctc. co. uk Work is due to start in March on the latest extension to the Bike North Birmingham route. Plans hopefully include bicycle hire from Wyndley and Erdington leisure centres and will connect the current route from Pype Hayes Park through New Hall valley to Plantsbrook, with Sutton Park Town Gate and Sutton railway station. Continuing out of the park through Boldmere gate, the path also links with such places as Witton Lakes and Brookvale Park, and with the Birmingham and Fazeley canal. Proposals are being considered to build a supermarket, a cafe and street level parking, on the strip of land between Brassington Avenue and the railway line in Sutton Coldfield. Blue Badge parking permits for people with disabilities can still be applied for in Walsall. New regulations issued on 1st January, 2012 to help crack down on people who abuse the scheme means that permits can still be applied for locally but are issued centrally. New badges will have added security features to make them harder to alter, and will be made from PVC rather than cardboard. For more information, call 01922 653560 or email bluebadgeswalsall. gov. uk Would you like to grow your own veg. but dont have a garden Local environmental group EcoSutton has launched a garden sharing scheme matching people who need a vegetable plot with people in and around Sutton who cant manage theirs. For more information contact Anita Bridges on 0121 354 3394 or email her at anita. bridgesblueyonder. co. uk Streetly Riding for the Disabled is looking for lunchtime volunteers to help them run riding sessions for disabled people at Bourne Vale Riding Stables, Little Hardwick Road, Streetly for an hour from 1.00pm. Volunteers are needed to assist riders to mount and dismount, walk or run alongside the horse and rider, help with taking horses to and from their stables, and returning equipment back to the tack room. Prior experience is not necessary as full training will be given. For more information, contact Meg Bateman on 0845 450 6846 or Zena Robbins on 01543 253624 or email marioncrundwell. co. uk February 2012 Streetly area News Banners Gate Counselling Centre based at St. Michaels House, Boldmere Road, Sutton Coldfield, has now expanded its 16 years of service to offer crisis pregnancy and post-abortion counselling. The centre is staffed by 30 volunteer counsellors who offer their services free of charge but who request a donation towards running costs. Call 0121 354 6544. Sutton Coldfield Model Engineering Society, based at Little Hay, is looking for new members. The group was founded in 1948 and operates a fully functioning miniature railway line with scaled models of locomotives, including a 460ft track, signals, tunnels and bridges. Visit scmes. freeserve. co. uk January 2012 Streetly area News FREE TRAINING in Fire Risk Assessment for Businesses Do you need help to carry out a fire risk assessment for your premises The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires that businesses carry out a fire risk assessment and these free training sessions will help you to do this and meet your legal responsibilities. Dave Marsh from the West Midlands Fire Service will lead the sessions taking you through the Fire Services own fire risk assessment template and providing you with the information you need to complete your own risk assessment. Any questions you may have, he will be happy to answer so take advantage of these specially organised workshops and ensure you are meeting your legal obligations. The sessions are will run on Tuesday 21 February, starting at 10.30am, 2.30pm and 5.30pm, lasting approximately 1 hours. They will take place in the training suite at Walsall Tenants and Residents Federation, 129 Lichfield Street, Walsall, WS1 1SY. For more information and to book a place, please contact Diane Mansell on 01922 652416 Know Your Town is a FREE EVENT providing local organisations, businesses and voluntary groups with the invaluable opportunity to promote themselves to their local community. Repairs are set to take place to Blackwood Youth Club in Streetly following a fire before Christmas which damaged large parts of the building. Blackwood Youth Club has been closed since the fire in December 2011 which caused damage to the main doors, walls, ceiling and floor. Work is set to start mid January and will also see the building refurbished and redecorated. It is hoped the youth club will be able to reopen within two to three weeks. In the interim period Walsall Councils Integrated Young People and Support Services team have been using the Hopper bus to continue providing a service in the area. The bus is fitted with a wide range of facilities including a Playstation, various games, arts, crafts and DVDs. For further information on the interim youth services call Jan Madeley on 07793 189448 New adult reading group starting at Streetly Library. First meeting on Wednesday 1st February 2012, 11am to 12noon. Free to join, Come along or Tel: 01922 654864 for information. December 2011 Streetly News Extra visitor parking spaces have been created at Streetly Crematorium as part of a 1 million programme of improvements by Walsall Council. Landscaping around the new 21 space car park was completed ahead of it being opened to the public. It will supplement the 57 space main car park at the rear of the crematorium buildings. There is a regular flow of visitors to the crematorium and the extra car parking will address the issue of motorists who are ignoring double yellow lines and leaving their vehicles on grass verges at the site. Signs are placed in the additional car park informing visitors of the main parking area as they will initially enter the site via the smaller car park. Councillor Anthony Harris, Walsall Council cabinet member with responsibility for bereavement services, said: We stated that the overflow car park would be open to visitors by the end of the year and Im pleased to confirm that is the case. I would also like to personally thank the officers and contractors who have worked hard to complete this on schedule. The extension to the car park is one of several changes at the crematorium as part of a 1 million programme of improvements this year which has also seen three new cremators installed at the site. Delhi 6 Restaurant in Streetly won the finalist of the British culinary chef of the year award and the finalist for the newcomer restaurant of the year at the prestigious British curry awards on Monday 28th november 2011 which was hosted by tv chef James Martin and other famous bodies. November 2011 Streetly News Important information about industrial action on 30 November 2011 Walsall residents are being advised that some council services, including school closures could be affected by industrial action next Wednesday, 30 November 2011. As trade unions across the country stage a day of industrial action, some council services will be closed or run at a much reduced level. Walsall Councils First Stop Shop in the Civic Centre, Darwall Street will be closed during the national dispute and callers to the councils general enquries (01922 650000) may experience some delay. Residents seeking information about Revenues can call 0845 111 2851 and the Benefits service on 0845 111 2855. Residents may see disruptions to their bin collection service next week. Revised arrangements for bin collections on that day will be communicated via the council website as soon as they are known. People who do not want to wait until the next collection can use Walsall Councils Household Waste Recycling Centre in Fryers Road, Leamore. The recycling centre at Merchants Way, Aldridge does not operate on Wednesdays. Parents are advised to contact their school directly or visit walsallcs to check for school closures. The council has already confirmed Walsall and Willenhall Markets will be shut during the day of strike action. Updates will be made to Walsall Councils website at walsall. gov. uk to highlight disruption caused by industrial action. Councillor Chris Towe, cabinet member for finance and personnel at Walsall Council, said: Our customers and service users are our key priority during this time. However, despite having robust contingency plans in place, it is likely that the service delivered to residents of the borough may experience some disruption. Should you experience a problem with your bin collection on Wednesday please visit the councils website or call us on 01922 650000 to check revised arrangements. Walsall Council apologises for any inconvenience this may cause our residents, however it is difficult to provide a comprehensive and fully accurate prediction of the impact this may have on our services, he added. Residents can still access council information and a range of services via our website walsall. gov. uk. Streetly singing super star, Connie Talbot will perform with a cast of thousands before an audience of many more thousands in a special concert at the Royal Albert Hall in aid of the CLIC Sargent charity for children with cancer on December 9th. The evening is part of a four-month concert tour she is headlining with Young Voices, an organisation which motivates children by getting them to sing in choirs. Regular walks are free to join which explore your local area, see more details on the Walks page A burst 3 foot diameter water main pipe fed by Barr Beacon Reservoir, floods 150 homes in Streetly causing an estimated 1 million pounds worth of damage and to compound the damage, a number of families were subjected to over zealous insurance representatives trying to cash in on the flood with further complications caused by fraudsters taking documents washed away by the flooding and making efforts to steal money from bank accounts. Household appliances such as washing machines and fridges removed from the flooded homes which were put outside were stolen by people posing as workers adding more loss and expense to flood hit Streetly residents West Midlands Police unveiled plans to monitor and follow cash security vehicles as it re-appealed for information following a 23,000 robbery at a post office in Streetly, which saw two men armed with an axe ambush a delivery driver. Det Ch Supt Darren Walsh said: The increased use of overt and covert patrols will make cash-in-transit robberies a far more risky enterprise for gangs. We are aware of the potential hotspots, we have far greater communication with the industry over delivery times and are generally far better prepared. He said police on normal patrol were also being asked to keep a closer eye on security vans while they were outside business premises. Banks, building societies, post offices, betting shops, supermarkets, off-licences, bars, restaurants and garages will all be closely monitored under the scheme. Det Ch Insp Walsh added: Marked and unmarked police cars will follow security vehicles, but there are many other covert tactics in place. This is a crime which can have lasting effects on the people who are working for the security companies or businesses, but it is one we are determined to stop. The drive to reduce cash van raids is also backed by armed response vehicles, increasing the risk of detection for the robbers. The Streetly raid took place in the Blackwood Road post office on November 11 at 9.15am. Two masked men armed with an axe pounced on the cash van delivery drivers and escaped with 23,000. Detectives today said investigations were continuing and they were searching for a black Renault Megane with the registration GR55 BDH. October 2011 Streetly News Local Streetly singer Connie Talbot is encouraging schools to join the worlds largest childrens choir to sing alongside her and other musical stars and help Young Voices celebrate 15 years of music. The Birmingham concert will be held on Wednesday, 28th November. For more information, or to sign up your school, visit youngvoices. co. uk. Two new sleep clinics for children have been set up at Good Hope and Heartlands Hospitals to help children who suffer from sleep problems ranging from night terrors to insomnia. The consultant heading the medical team is concerned that computer gadgets are a big cause of their problems which, in their extreme, mean that some young people sleep all day and are awake all night making it very difficult for them to lead normal lives. The clinic is open, by referral to young people aged 1 - 16. To attend the clinic write to Dr. C. Kallappa, Consultant Paediatrician, Good Hope Hospital, Rectory Road, Sutton Coldfield, B75 7RR. Following the success of a similar venture in central Birmingham, Sutton Coldfield couple Natalie Drew and Ashling Phillips have set up a same sex fertility clinic on Chester Road, Sutton Coldfield. The centre will primarily be used to provide a support service for parents. Visit gay-familyweb. co. uk Refurbishments and improvements to Sutton Coldfield railway station should be finished shortly. 1.5million has been spent to improve disabled access and to strengthen the footbridge. There will be new 16 person lifts with CCTV connecting each platform with the ticket hall. The Salvation Army charity shop on Birmingham Road, Sutton Coldfield, has launched a new customer loyalty card. Every time a customer with a card spends 5 their card will be stamped and shoppers will get 5 when they collect 10 stamps. On the reverse of the card, is the reward scheme for donations to the store which works in conjunction with a re-bag. This red, black and white bag can be bought instore for 99p - each time it is brought into the store full of donations, a stamp to the value of 2 will be given. For more information visit wear2shop. co. uk or call into the shop to pick up a free card. A donation of 20 can provide a weeks support for a rough sleeper, a days vocational training at a Salvation Army day centre, or a much needed box of food for a family struggling with poverty at Christmas. Obsessions and Francesco Hair Salon of Streetly provided clothes and hair styling at a fashion show held at Moor Hall Hotel to raise funds for the Sutton Coldfield Cancer Support Centre. 1,800 was raised. Enjoy a walk or bike ride along the new North Birmingham Cycle Route which runs along the banks of Plants Brook, Sutton Coldfield and links up Pype Hayes Park with New Hall Valley Country Park and Rectory Park. Visit blog. connect-2birmingham. orgnew-map for a map of the area. Fancy the next best thing to a homemade cottage pie, or some really tasty liver and onions Local butcher Colin Ryan of Blackwood Road, Streetly has a new selection of ready to cook meals made from the finest ingredients. Try his turkey, beef, pork, faggots, liver and onions - all in their own delicious gravy, or beef stew or shepherd or cottage pie. Prices range from 1.29 - 1.59 per pack and include cooking insrtuctions. Why not stock up your freezer for the winter months ahead and make sure you have a nutritious and healthy meal. Did you work for Lightning Fasteners in Witton A reunion is planned for November. If youd like to attend call Pam on 0121 308 3760 or Gill on 0121 382 5649, for further details. September 2011 Streetly News Friday, 9th September, 10.00am - 12.30pm, the First Stop Express Bus will be at the Hardwick Arms Public House, to help local residents deal with any Walsall Council matter such as Streetly disabled parking permits, Streetly potholes, Streetly recycling. August 2011 Streetly News Aldridge Beacon Area Partnership Community Meetings all start at 6pm as below: 29Sept2011 Pheasey Park Farm Community Centre 63 Hillingford Avenue Birmingham, B43 7HL contact: Joyce 21Nov2011 Beacon Church Collingwood Drive Birmingham, B43 7JL contact: Brenda Homblin 16Jan2012 St Johns Parish Church High Street Walsall Wood, Walsall, WS9 9LP Contact: Rev. Nigel Carter 14Feb2012 Aldridge Youth Theatre Noddy Park Road, Walsall, WS9 8NQ Contact: Mike Harrison 26March2012 All Saints Church Foley Road East, Sutton Coldfield, B74 3JL FAO: Brenda Clarke July 2011 Streetly News Streetly Bus services meetings outcome report by John Morris ( also read more information on Streetly Bus Services page ) I just want to thank you all for your support and attendance at the 3 public bus meetings that we have held in Streetly. There were around 40 people in attendance on Wednesday evening and 9 people attended the bus depot tour earlier in the day. As you will remember we had over 120 people at each of the 2 previous meetings, which gives us the impression that there are now less issues with the buses than there were at the start of the year, which is obviously good news and a big improvement. However, we all realise that there will continue to be the occasion issues, as Nick said, when dealing with man and machine there is always the chance that something can go wrong For any future issue with the 77 and 935 service can you please call 0121 254 7272 this is the National Express West Midlands bus hotline. This will help National Express analyse your issues and see the trends and hotspots. You can continue to follow the bus services for Streetly by visiting the Walsall Transport User Forum. The future meetings for this year are held at the Council House, Walsall, commencing at 6pm on the following dates:- 4 October 2011 6 December 2011 14 February 2012 17 April 2012 I also want to thank the following people for their help and support:- Nick Newcombe, Walsall Area Manager, National Express West Midlands for his support and commitment to all the meetings Babs Coombes, Black Country Area Manager, Centro for her support and commitment to all the meetings Annabel Owen, local resident for her help with organising the meetings and getting the church booked David Owen, local resident for all his help with the microphones for the meetings Brenda Clarke, Secretary of All Saints Church for the room hire Janet Cookson, local resident for doing such a fantastic job of advertising all of the meeting and putting up the posters Many thanks again to everyone who attended the meeting and brought the issues to our attention. John Morris Area Manager Tel: 01922 652029 Mobile: 07852 421421 Walsall Partnership Walsall Council 1st Floor Challenge Building Hatherton Street Walsall WS1 1YG Find details of local Commercial property for sale, rent or lease in Streetly, Walsall area Streetly Commercial property index Ascom UK Limited has centralised Business in our Technical Centre in Streetly and will therefore be closing the Head office in Sevenoaks with effect of the 30th June 2011. Streetly will become the new head office and registered address, this office has been our Technical Centre for many years now and around 70 of our staff are already located there, it is ideally positioned just off the M6 for us to service our customers. security and wireless solutions. Leader in tailor-made integrated wireless onsite communications lone worker protection, for pharmaceutical, food and other industries, hotels, secure institutions, retail, leisure and commercial establishments. Provider of state of the art alarming systems, alarmlink. Ascom UK (Ltd) Enterprise Drive Aldridge Road Streetly B74 2DY tel: 0121 353 6151 ascom. co. uk Sunday 10th July, Blackwood Picnic in the Park 2011, at Blackwood Park Streetly Walsall, B74 3PH, With a variety of activities taking place, it will be a great afternoon out for the family. Announcing new on Friday Mornings, Streetly Library Cradle Club for babies 0- 2 years old. From 10.00am - 11.30am. Cost 50p per family. Tel 01922 654864 The Utility Warehouse Price Promise means you can benefit from: The UKs cheapest Home Phone The UKs cheapest Home Phone and Broadband bundle The UKs cheapest Mobile tariffs The UKs cheapest standard Gas and Electricity Or they will give you back Double the Difference More benefits of being a Discount Club member include: Savings on everyday shopping and petrol UKs cheapest online shopping Free calls to UK and international numbers Save over 50 on your line rental compared to most BT customers Award-winning customer service Unique Share and Save plan Only need One bill for all your services Helping you switch - the Utility Warehouse will even reimburse up to 200 during July, of early termination fees charged by your previous supplier(s) when you switch your services to them. No minimum contract term - the Utility Warehouse is so confident that youll be happy with the money you save that most services have no minimum contract term, so youre not tied in. If youre not totally happy with the money you save and the Utility Warehouses award-winning UK-based customer service team, you can go back to your current suppliers higher prices at any time June 2011 Streetly News Streetly parents of Cerys Edwards have been given fresh hope that dangerous drivers will be given harsher sentences following comments by the Prime Minister, David Cameron who said he backed calls to increase the maximum prison term available for dangerous driving from the current two years to at least five. A House of Commons motion calling for the maximum sentence to be increased to seven years has been signed by 15 MPs from all parties. Cerys Edwards was just a year old when she was left with a catalogue of appalling injuries after her familys car was hit by millionaires son Antonio Boparan in Streetly Lane, Sutton Coldfield, in November 2006. He was overtaking on the wrong side of the road at more than 70mph in a 30mph zone in his powerful Range Rover when he caused the head-on smash. Cerys was left brain-damaged, paralysed and unable to breathe without a ventilator. Boparan, from Little Aston, Sutton Coldfield, was jailed for 21 months after being convicted of dangerous driving but was freed after just six months. More than 13,000 people signed a petition demanding a change in the law. May 2011 Streetly News Announcing, new Walsall Police service for the local community. All residents in Streetly should visit the daily updated Blog of Kevin Pitt to be informed, with crime updates, crime prevention tips and news from Walsall police, neighbourhood watch and wider worlds creating a repository of information for local residents, all sorts of groups, and the variety of watch schemes running in Walsall area. The Kevin Pitt Blog Residents living in Streetly and Pheasey will be able to raise any concerns and discuss key community issues with Walsall council and other leading agencies on Thursday 2 June from 10am to midday. Representatives from Walsall Council, Walsall Area Partnership, West Midlands Police, West Midlands Fire Service and NHS Walsall will be on board the First Stop Express bus when it calls at St Martins Church, Daffodil Road, Pheasey. Local Ward councillors have also been invited. Residents can also visit the bus to find out about events and places to visit, entertainment ideas, apply for a disabled parking badge, report pest control issues and view planning applications. West Midlands Police Authority will be holding a public consultation event on Tuesday 19 July from 7pm to 9pm in Walsall Council Chamber, to inform communities of the changes relating to policing, the funding cuts and the voting in and role of the new Police and Crime Commissioner. There will also be consultation on policing priorities as part of normal duty. The meeting is open to the public and will be attended by a senior officer from Walsall Local Policing Unit and Police Authority members. If you have any queries please address them to the Police Authority, contact details as follows: West Midlands Police Authority Room 113, Lloyd House, Colmore Circus Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6NQ 0121 626 5143 Monday 23 May, Councillor Garry Perry was sworn in as the new Mayor of Walsall for 201112. Announcing, ADT wireless Home security Alarm Systems provided by your local ADT Engineer in Streetly for full details see ADT wireless Home security Systems The Big Tidy Up in Streetly The Big Tidy Up is a organised clean up in Streetly area as part of the Big Tidy Up 2011 run by Walsall Council and Whg. A number of events, which the public are invited to attend, have already been registered. Sunday 5 June 10am - midday, Blackwood Park, Streetly, 10am to midday. Meet at the scout hut. The Big Tidy Up team are keen to hear from other individuals groups interested in carrying out tidy ups in their communities. In return the council will support participants by providing litter pickers, bags and organising rubbish collection. People can register their tidy ups and find out more information at The Big Tidy Up If you have any questions please send emails to thebigtidyupwalsall. gov. uk Announcing, Thursday, 2nd June, HALF TERM BOREDOM BUSTER at Streetly Scout Hut from 10:00 10:55 wondering what to do with your young children during the half term break The Creation Station is running 2 Discovery Arts Crafts Sessions for children aged 1 11 years. The Creation Station provides award winning arts and crafts creative fun where children are encouraged to explore, discover and develop to create their own journey of learning. We use a wide range of different tools, materials and ideas. All our products are safety tested, non toxic and where possible environmentally sourced and recycled. Have a break, bring the children along, let them get messy and enjoy as they proudly take their artwork home with them Cost 5 per child, and just 2.50 for each additional sibling. Places are limited to book your place contact Sue on 0844 854 9089 Announcing, Roman Cars - 0121 353 1616, a brand new private hire taxi firm, based on Chester Road, Little Aston, providing passengers with a First Class service, different from other taxi and private hire firms. more information on the Streetly Local Buisiness Quick Guide section Website bugs going around, providing services in and around Walsall for young people. Walsall schoolchildren have got the bug for a new-look website packed full of useful information, which guides children, teenagers, parents and professionals to services in and around Walsall for young people. Schools across the borough have been given colourful, decorative bugs to hand out to children, advertising the children and young peoples service directory at mywalsall. org The directory is a joint development by Walsall Councils Universal Services and Common Assessment Framework Programme and Walsall Families Information Service, in partnership with The Creative Development Team. It has been funded through the NHS Communities for Health Programme. It provides information on what services are available across the borough and, more importantly, how to contact them. The site includes a directory of local leisure and cultural activities for children and young people, compiled as part of the LoL programme devised by The Creative Development Team. LoL (Lots of Leisure) is a programme designed for children in the care of the local authority, to encourage them to participate in sports and leisure activities to improve their health and well-being. Children on the programme designed the LoL logo as part of the project and were consultants during the whole process of putting the web site together. Join the cast, with Tudor Musical Comedy Society for their 50th year production of The King and I. Recruitment Day on Sunday 22nd May at Moor Hall School, Rowallen Road, Sutton Coldfield B75 6RE. Children only at 10am til 12pm, workshop, you will be introduced to the music and shown some movement so please wear appropriate clothing. Call 07795 614 227 or email vickygauntrocketmail for more information. Free 10 Marks Spencer gift voucher from Sutton Coldfield Dairies Recommend a friend to Sutton Coldfield Dairies and you will receive a 10 Marks Spencer gift voucher. Let us know of any of your friends family that would like a 7 days a week milk delivery and after they have had a delivery for a month you will receive your voucher. One 10 voucher for every referral, just call 0121 448 0269 Last week the country celebrated the wedding of our future King, Prince William to Catherine Middleton but this week we have news of a king from a little further a field. Tudor Musical Comedy Society celebrates 50 years in the business by returning to Sutton Coldfield Town Hall for a lavish production of Rodgers Hammersteins The King I from 27th September to the 1st October 2011. This popular musical is based on the true-life story of the former King of Siam his relationship with his childrens governess, a widow called Anna Leonowens. Anna left England travelled with her son Louis to Bangkok in 1862 to teach the kings 82 children ended up also teaching the king about life in Victorian England so that he could be seen as a modern monarch. The show is full of well-known songs including Getting to Know You which features in the current advert for popular kitchen company Magnet, Whistle a Happy Tune Shall we Dance and Tudor is looking for adults and children to join the company for this production. Rehearsals begin this Thursday 5th May at 7.30pm at St. Jamess Hall, Mere Green, in Sutton Coldfield with open auditions to follow shortly. If you would like to join the company for this show or just want more information contact chairman Nigel Gaunt on 0121 241 5772 or 07944 7766831. Alternatively check out their website on Tudor Musical Comedy Society You can follow Tudor Musical Comedy Society on Facebook TudorMCS on Twitter. Police raid homes in Streetly, Kingstanding and Aldridge in probe over armed robberies, resulting in 5 arrests and charges with armed robbery offences. The men, aged between 17 and 35 have been charged with conspiracy to commit armed robbery and appeared at Walsall Magistrates Court. During a search of the addresses, a quantity of cannabis was recovered, 10,000 in cash, suspected stolen vehicles and evidence linked to a number of serious offences. The intelligence led operation formed part of Operation Serve and Protect, a force-wide initiative which aims to target known offenders believed to be linked to serious offences such as armed robbery and car key burglary. Detective Inspector Bob Bradford from Force CID, who led the operation said: West Midlands Police has worked alongside other regional police forces to combat serious and organised crime. We have been out on the streets of the West Midlands, targeting those who we believe may be involved in serious criminality. Streetly Library will stay open Walsalls Lord Mayor Gary Clarke has confirmed that there are currently no plans to close Streetly Library on Blackwood Road. A new Sure Start Childrens Centre has been built attached to the Community Hall at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East. The centre will provide a range of childrens services including a creche and parental, family and health support. Local Streetly teenager Florence Bell, skiing for great Britain, finished in 26th position out of 77 in the Topolino Alpine downhill slalom held in Folgaria, Italy. Walsall College hairdressing student Lucy Gibara who also trained with Francesco, Streetly, has reached the final of the Wella Professional XPOSURE competition. April 2011 Streetly News Free Drinks to celebrate the Royal Wedding. Pimms lemonade OR Gordons Gin tonic at Farmer Johns pub, just get a voucher which is valid until 11th May 2011 Free drinks here FREE MILK delivered fresh to your door 7 DAYS A WEEK All new Sutton Coldfield Dairies customers receive a weeks free milk, call 0121 448 0269. This offer is open to all new customers. After you have had a delivery for 4 weeks, your next week will be free. For existing customers, recommend a friend and you both receive your fifth week free. ( Please do not mention Streetly website. we cant drink that much milk. ) Claim 20 discount off all carpet cleaning online orders placed with Sutton carpet cleaning or just call Phil, on 0121 311 1893 and say Streetly website told you All carpet cleaning pre booked for May and booked online you will receive 20 discount from our normal prices. Please book early to avoid disappointment. A list of our current rates for carpet upholstery cleaning, is on the suttoncarpetcleaning website Picture Appeal. Do you have any knowledge or photographs of Hingleys Cottage in Streetly, which is situated off Lindrosa Road B743JZ accessed via the un-made track to the railway. photographs of Hingleys Cottage for the late 1940 - early 50s are required for local history research and can be returned, please call 0121 353 9216 Thank you very much Blackwood Park Pavilion in Streetly, will have 31,600 to refurbish its interior after the grant from the Cory Environmental Trust was secured. Streetly area manager John Morris has pledged a further 10 per cent of funding on top of that to boost the facelift budget. Pat Stockford, chairman of the Blackwood Park Friends Group, said: We have had work done outside the pavilion and this regeneration will now continue inside, so that the building is available for use by the whole neighbourhood. There are a lot of activities going on in Streetly and we think the refurbished pavilion will further benefit those. A management plan is now also being prepared as council bosses look towards sealing Green Flag status for Blackwood Park in the near future. The plans include a new kitchen and toilet facilities to be installed at the pavilion as part of an internal redesign, with work carried out to provide facilities for community groups of all ages and interests. Park rangers, PCSOs and Neighbourhood Watch groups will also be able to use the facility. A secure fence was added to the pavilion last spring with improvements to the cladding, roof and windows costing around 46,500. Cleansing Service Group provided 10,000 towards the cost with the remainder coming from section 106 funding. Wednesday, 4th May, Trickster a bogus caller musical, will be performed by the Solomon Touring Theatre at the Shelfield Academy, Broad Way, High Heath, Pelsall. Based on a true story, a cast of three professional actors present this musical and energetic live story-telling event. George is an elderly gemntleman who has become the victim of a distraction burglar. Once a proud soldier, we follow George as he battles with being conned and beats the bogus callers. The performance is aimed at older and vulnerable people in the community, but anyone who wants to attend is welcome. Performances are at 9.45am - 12 noon or 1.45 - 4.00pm. The event is free. To book a place call Aaron Holmes on 01922 652029 or Ranjit Kaur on 01922 653312. Coogee Nursery School in Streetly was rated as outstanding for the second time in four years following a ofsted visit by government inspectors. Pre-school leader Gemma Rushton said she was thrilled with the rating and We are a happy team with happy children, passionate and dedicated about our children and our work and enjoy working with the children and their families. The Coogee Nursery School, Burnett Road, Streetly, is holding an open morning on Saturday May 14th 2011 A Woman died on Tuesday 19th April, after being hit by a freight train in Sutton Park, half a mile from the Streetly Gate entrance. The collision came at about 10am and a West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: On arrival at the scene, crews found a pedestrian and a train that had been in a serious collision. Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that nothing could be done to save the woman and she was confirmed dead at the scene. British Transport Police spokeman said the death was not being treated as suspicious. Hats off to Guys and Dolls Hats off to Guys and Dolls. Members of Manor Operatic Society paused during rehearsals for their forthcoming musical Guys and Dolls to make a charity donation to the local Air Ambulance service. The society has a proud record of using its musical productions to raise funds for charitable causes and the members celebrate their latest achievement as their President Cecily Gilbert presented their cheque for 1375 to Flight Paramedic Stef Cormack from the Midlands Air Ambulance Service. The Society will continue its fund raising efforts during their next presentation: Guys and Dolls at Sutton Town Hall from Tuesday April 12th to Saturday April 16th. Tickets available from 0121 308 4126. Streetly residents are warned to keep their windows closed to avoid a recent increase in high value burglaries. Houses in Lilac Avenue and Parkside Way were broken into during the first weekend in April and statistics prove that this time of the year always shows a rise in the number of this type of crime. Calendar Boys Voluntary group Streetly Health Watch recently joined together with regulars at the Hardwick Arms pub to help raise awareness of prostate and testicular cancer and, at the same time, raise money to help fund research into these conditions. Having supported the sale of the Think Pink calendar which raised funds for a local breast cancer group, some male customers decided they would produce their own calendar in true Calendar Boys style Time was short but willing if somewhat apprehensive volunteers were soon rounded up and, with the excellent help of a local printer, the calendar was launched on the last day of November. Quiet unassuming men suddenly achieved celebrity staus and found themselves spending valuable drinking time signing autographs rather than enjoying a quiet pint More than three hundred calendars were sold over the Christmas and New Year period. More money was raised at the regular Wednesday quiz nights, and from generous customer donations. The final total was 1200 which will be divided equally between The Prostate Cancer Charity and Cancer Research UK. Jayne Kelsey, manager of the Hardwick Arms, was astounded at the response and was very proud at what everyone had achieved. Jayne felt that the events had succeeded wholeheartedly in raising the profile of prostate and testicular cancers and other mens health issues and had brought a tremendous sense of working together amongst all pub clients, both young and old. Jayne also wanted to thank Ivan Jones from Aldridge Printing Services who pulled out all the stops to get the calendar printed on time. Plans are already afoot for a 2012 calendar Professor Hubert Lacey, medical director of Newbridge House in Streetly, a eating disorders specialist, has spoken out about the lack of recognition of the binge eating disorder amid rising obesity levels bulimia. Professor Lacey says binge eating disorder is poorly recognised, yet affects more people than anorexia and bulimia. It comes as figures show that obesity rates in the Birmingham area are the highest in Europe. A survey showed that a third of adults are classified as being obese twice as many as the EU average and higher than anywhere else in the UK. Professor Lacey says that between one and three per cent of adults are believed to have the disorder and that many people having obesity treatment such as gastric bands have a serious untreated eating disorder. He said: It is vital to treat the underlying psychological cause of over-eating and not just the physical symptoms, otherwise, in time, that treatment may fail. It is very important to recognise that for many people who are very overweight there is a serious psychological disorder driving the desire to over-eat. To some extent, as a society, we have developed understanding and recognition of the problems behind anorexia. We need to offer that same understanding and support to people with binge eating disorder. Professor Lacey has recently published a self help guide for people who want to break the cycle of binge eating disorder and bulimia entitled Bulimia Binge-eating and their Treatment (by Professor Lacey, Dr Bryony Bamford and Amy Brown.) Professor Lacey added: Binge eating is treatable and self-help programmes can help people with mild disorders. Many people who binge eat feel deeply ashamed of their behaviour and are reluctant to seek help. They become locked in a cycle of binge eating when they are unable to cope with difficult or painful feelings. But the binge eating generates more negative feelings and an overwhelming sense of being out of control. Of course everyone has the occasional binge notably during the Christmas season and it is natural to over-indulge from time to time. The sign of a binge eating disorder is the frequency of binge eating combined with the distress it causes. March 2011 Streetly News Cash boost in Streetly for Blackwood Park Pavilion facelift Blackwood Park is a step closer to being able to boast a pavilion to be proud of thanks to Walsall Councils greenspaces service working in partnership with Blackwood Park friends group, to secure more than 30,000 in funding for its facelift. Officers have received 31,600 from the Cory Environmental Trust which will be used to refurbish the interior of Blackwood Park pavilion. Streetly area manager John Morris has pledged a further ten per cent of funding on top. Streetly Residents and park users took part in a survey in 2009, and this year a survey with Blackwood School children gave them the opportunity to have their say on future developments. A management plan is being prepared and this looks towards the application of Green Flag status for Blackwood Park in the near future, as one of the boroughs premier parks. The pavilion project aims to restore full community use at the wooden building and boost visitor numbers at the park. Pat Stockford, chair of the Blackwood Park Friends Group, added: We have already had work done outside the pavilion and this regeneration will now continue inside. It is very important for the interior to be done so that the building will be available for use by the whole neighbourhood. There are a lot of activities going on in Streetly and we think the refurbished pavilion will further benefit those. It is hoped that a new kitchen and toilet facilities will be installed at the pavilion as part of an internal redesign, with work carried out to provide facilities for community groups of all ages and interests. Park rangers, PCSOs and Neighbourhood Watch groups will also be able to use the facility. The greenspaces team is awaiting the results of other funding applications which will enable the project to begin. A secure fence was added to the pavilion last spring with improvements to the cladding, roof and windows costing around 46,500. Cleansing Service Group provided 10,000 towards the cost with the remainder coming from section 106 funding. Local Streetly Sea Scout Ian Henery, an assistant scout leader with All Saints Sea Scouts, is hoping to complete a 40 mile charity walk despite having only one lung. Ian wants to raise money to help support an orphanage and 118 families suffering from leprosy in India. He and his team, the All Saints Pirates, will be walking over Cannock Chase on Saturday, 19th March. If youd like to sponsor Ian, contact him on 01902 366 615 Royal wedding street party in Streetly Sara Greenwood is trying to organise a street party in Streetly for the Royal Wedding 29th April. To offer a range of entertainment to the residents, kids and adults I wondered if anyone in a band or any local musicians would like an opportunity to play in front of a crowd. Anyone who is interested in offering help to support the local community, please contact me on 07703 501842, Sara Greenwood. Please note funds are very limited, also, any budding magicians or balloon modellors who would like a bit of practice with an audience please give us a call Streetly Show Must Go On Local musical theatre group, Tudor Musical Comedy Society who are based in Sutton Coldfield, have had a challenging few weeks thanks to unexpected building work at Streetly Community Centre, on Foley Road East, Sutton Coldfield where they rehearse perform their concerts. Tudors Chairman Nigel Gaunt explains more, Building work for the new Surestart Childrens Centre on the site started at Streetly before Christmas is scheduled to finish at the end of MarchEarly April. We are performing our Thats Entertainment cabaret nightly at the centre from Tuesday 22nd March (there is no performance on Wednesday) until Saturday 26th March. These concerts are special because we will be singing songs from shows over the last 50 years to celebrate the societys 50th year so you can imagine our concern when we first heard the news that the work would not be finished in time for our shows. Building work for the Surestart Childrens Centre at the Streetly Community Centre which coincidentally is also 50 years old this year was planned to start early last year so the Centre would have been finished by now. However the work was postponed so Tudor went ahead with their rehearsals. Fortunately even though the builders have now moved in the work will have no effect on Tudors audience of 440 people over four nights who for 12.50 will also enjoy a light supper with a licensed bar during their evenings entertainment. The performers have been less fortunate however as there are currently no backstage facilities. This means they will have to use the changing rooms outside the building come on stage through the audience rather than through the wings, as they would normally do. As Nigel Gaunt sums up, Over the last 50 years the Society has met head-on every challenge it has faced this year is no different. Our production coordinators James Pam Garrington, musical director Tim Harding choreographer Kate Atherton have valiantly reorganised each stage routine to accommodate our slim line stage to allow for the logistics of off-site dressing rooms. Our cabaret last year was such a success that we have added an extra nights performance on a Tuesday this year and despite the recession our ticket prices have remained the same. This year we will be performing songs from old and new from Forbidden Planet, Hairspray, Glee, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, James Bond, Mary Poppins to name just a few. Our audience can be assured that the performances will not be affected by the changes taking place. As the old saying goes The Show Must Go On The concerts take place at Streetly community centre, Foley Road East, Sutton Coldfield, B74 3HR from Tuesday 22nd March through to Saturday 26th March 2011 at 7.30pm (doors open at 7pm). Tickets cost 12.50 and also include light supper a programme. Please note there is no performance on Wednesday 23rd March. If you would like more information about the concerts taking place or you would like to book tickets you can contact Tudor Musical Comedy Society on 07842214631 or 0121 308 2431 or write to TMCS, PO Box 13483, Sutton Coldfield, B73 9HG or tudormcsaol. Their website is tmcs. yolasite You can also follow Tudor Musical Comedy Society on Facebook TudorMCS on Twitter. Warning for dog owners who allow their pets to foul in public places Dog-fouling will not be tolerated in the Walsall borough thats the message from a working group which has been set up to deal with the problem. Walsall Councils environment scrutiny and performance panel recently set up a dog fouling working group after receiving results from a recent survey which revealed that 41 per cent of respondents were concerned about dog fouling. The group have put together an action plan which aims to get tough on persistent dog-foulers and also to educate people on the health risks which dog-fouling poses on the whole community. Walsall Councils cabinet is expected to approve the action plan when it meets on March 16. A report to cabinet states that the working group has produced a number of recommendations aimed at raising public awareness of the problem and improving the way the council can tackle it. It also states that housing landlords, schools and area partnerships will also become involved in helping to encourage dog owners to behave responsibly and pick up their dogs litter. The animal control team at Walsall Council will assist in investigations, erect anti-fouling signage and seize stray dogs. Those who persistently ignore the warnings could be issued with a 50 fixed penalty fine, if they do not clean up or alternatively may be prosecuted through the Magistrates Court, where the maximum fine is 1000. It also also expected that community representatives from the area partnerships will be provided with stencils to spray the no dog fouling message on footpaths across the borough. The working group has also recommended that posters using shock tactics are displayed in parks and open spaces used by dog walkers. They suggested that the posters displayed should demonstrate the dangers of dog fouling, including toxicara. Hotspot areas will be highlighted by area managers and will be targeted with leaflets and signs. Registered social landlords will be asked to contribute to the anti dog fouling initiative through promotions in their newsletters and assisting with signage. Dog waste bags are easily carried and readily available from most pet stores and vets. Plastic carrier bags also have the added advantage of being re-used for the same purpose. Dog waste wrapped in this way can be disposed of in any ordinary litter bin or taken home and placed with normal household waste. Dog fouling costs councils throughout the country 22 million a year to clean, and remains the countries most complained about issue according to local authorities and MPs. Royal wedding street parties in Streetly People looking to stage a street party for the Royal Wedding have been urged to get their application in. Residents have until March 16 to get a formal request in for an event on Prince Williams wedding day with Kate Middleton on April 29. Any road closures must be arranged well in advance by the boroughs safety advisory group, leisure bosses warn. The group is a panel made up of Walsalls emergency services and key council officers. Councillor Anthony Harris, Walsall Council cabinet member for leisure and culture, said: The Royal Wedding will be a chance for a national celebration and a red letter day for so many people. Im sure many people are thinking of having a celebration in the street with tables, bunting and games which will be great to see. Were keen to help as much as we can and people Im sure will be amazed at the amount of work that has to be done with police and transport to arrange safe road closures. To date, weve had five people contact us so far to say they are interested in holding a party. Were asking for applications to be made by this date as this is when the boroughs safety advisory group next meet. This is the forum for the emergency services, partners and ourselves where we can consider application. Well try and process applications after that date but the best bet would definitely be to get an application in by March 16. For more information, people can email LeisureAdminwalsall. gov. uk, call 01922 650335 or 01922 650326 The First Stop Express bus will be in Streetly again next Wednesday, 16th March, 2011. The bus will be parked up on Farmer Johns public house car park from 10am until 12 noon. There will be representatives from West Midlands Police, West Midlands Fire Service, Ward Councillors (if available), NHS Walsall, your Area Manager, Welfare Rights, Anti-Social Behaviour Unit and the Dog Warden (if available). You are most welcome to come along to chat to the partners, learn more information about your local area and get free advise on tackling crime and personal safety, including a free personal attack alarm. You can also talk to the contact centre team from Walsall Council and raise your issues with them. We all look forward to seeing you there. Streetly football referee Stephen Henke is to be honoured by the Football Association for 40 years of continuous service to refereeing. He will be presented with a certificate at the West Bromwich Albion ground - The Hawthorns - later this month. A cry for help Katie Rose from Brabham Crescent, Streetly would like to hear from anyone who can help her find her Chihuahua dog Buzz who ran off in Sutton Park at the Boldmere entrance on Thursday, 24th February. Buzz is chipped and has a collar with his name and a contact number. Call 0121 353 5548 or 07919 895 088. Ladies - dont burn your bras. Instead, donate them to raise funds for the cancer support charity, Breast Friends based at Good Hope Hospital. Birmingham City Council has set up 11 re-cycling bins collecting used bras. Bins can be found locally at Lidl on Kings Road, New Oscott and at Four Oaks railway station car park. There will be a follow-up meeting to discuss Streetly bus services number 77 Walsall to Sutton Coldfield, and number 935 Walsall to Birmingham. Meeting on Wednesday, 30th March, to be held at All Saints Church, Foley Road East, Streetly at 6.00pm. Everyone welcome. Commencing on the 24th March, hosted at Blackwood Road Methodist Church, Streetly, is a six week Expert Patient Programme. The programme will take place every Thursday for six weeks (minimum attendance four weeks out of six) and is for anyone living with any long term health condition such as angina, depression, bronchitis, arthritis. The programme aims to healp you take more care of your health by learning new skills to manage your condition. Sessions run from 10.00am - 12.30pm, are free of charge, and are open to anyone with a long term illness. Contact Elaine Smith on 01922 858673. This is an NHS funded project. Local retailer The Midcounties Co-operative, is giving its support to an anti-smoking project. Pupils from Streetly School are joining pupils from St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Technology College in Aldridge, and from Grace Academy in Darlaston as part of The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundations Anti Tobaco Youth Campaign which will help the pupils learn more about smoking and the tobacco industry and which will hopefully encourage them to reject the habit long term. Streetly School pupil Abi Havenhand, who trains at the Walsall Academy of Dance, won the junior tap dance award at the Wrekin Dance Festival in Telford. Can you help Acacia Family Support, a Sutton based charity that offers support for families suffering from post natal depression, is looking for family members who could help with research into this condition. The group also needs volunteers willing to work one morning a week. Call 0121 301 5992 or email helpacacia. org. uk Children and parents from local Streetly playgroup Taylors Tots, have been collecting food and other items such as nappies and formula milk for the Elim Church in Kingstanding. The goods are then distributed by the church to the homeless and needy. The two men who organised a network of rental properties, including a luxury home in Roman Road, Streetly, to grow 7.4 million worth of cannabis have been jailed for a total of 12 years. Ali Munir and Shazad Ali, joint owners of letting company K2 Properties, and Daniel Shemmell, had been operating the illegal conspiracy for over 3 years. Munir and Ali then sold the letting business and its debts for a nominal sum of 1 in breach of a restraining order A disastrous fish kill threatens the on-going success of a Walsall based charity. Established in 2006, the Catch Them Young Fishing Initiative acts as a means to engage disaffected young people through the popular sport of angling. Based in Walsall, with a fishing facility in Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire our mission is to make difference. Through a unique blend of mentoring and mediation support, the CTY initiative aims to break the cycle of negative behavior amongst young people, guiding them towards an alternative path to becoming better functioning adults and better citizens. Due to the prolonged severe weather conditions during December 2010 and January 2011, we have seen a significant fish kill at our lake in Abbots Bromley, resulting in the loss of some 250 carp which has quite literally ripped the heart out the project. One of the primary reasons CTYFI has been so successful in changing the lives of troubled and vulnerable young people was the fact they were guaranteed to catch big carp on each of their fishing sessions. The enjoyment they obtained from this meant that we were able to introduce other elements into our sessions with them such as education, mentoring and life skills without them losing interest. We have had some major successes on the project in turning these young people into valuable and positive members of society. Without intervention a projected path towards crime and unemployment was in most cases inevitable. We are now looking at ways to try and restock the water so that the project can continue to make a difference. We as a Charity have no financial capacity to purchase replacement fish and wondered if you would be willing to support us in regenerating this unique project by considering sponsoring a fish or even a number of fish. Carp scale patterns are as unique as our finger prints it is therefore easy to identify a fish by its scales or other physical features. In the world of specialist carp fishing and on some of the larger commercial fisheries many of the larger carp are easily recognised and as a result are affectionately given names. What we intend to do is name the sponsored fish after the organisation that sponsored its purchase. We are currently in the process of redesigning our website (ctyfishing. co. uk) and will be providing regular news updates and catch reports for those accessing the site, and plan to highlight named fish in any coverage here. We also have a dedicated sponsor profile page, with links to relevant websites. We have already secured a fish supplier in Shifnal who is willing to supply us fish stocks at a greatly reduced rate which will help us enormously. Carp prices range from 75 for a 10lb fish, 175 .00 for a 15lb fish, or 400 for a 20lb. All the fish we have lost range from 10 - 26lb. Any help would be enormously appreciated. Contact details are: PC Darren Robbins (Project Manager) - e: darren. robbinsctyfishing. co. uk t: 07792 794 783 or log on to ctyfishing. co. uk and use the on-line form on the contact us page. Kind regards. Mark Lewis Trustee Director Police Safe House and Crime Prevention Are you over 50 Would you like to attend a free 2 hour session at the police house in Brownhills and see how to protect your property and garden Places are available on Friday, 18th March, Wednesday, 6th April, Thursday, 12th May, Monday 23rd May. Transport arranged. Contact John Morris on 01922 652029. Bryan Chatham, a Streetly hair salon owner, raised 622 towards the 2,000 needed to help the rural community of Gucuka in Swaziland, by doing a sponsored swim. Other fund raising events are to include a 26 mile walk and a curry night. If you would like to help contact Bryan a bchathamhotmail. co. uk BRMB DJs Foxy and Giuliano, together with other radio station staff, joined staff and parents from Hundred Acre Pre-School Playgroup in Streetly to give a graffiti daubed wall a makeover. Wickes provided the paint and brushes. The playgroup is hoping to have a decked area so that the children can play outside. A local man who lives on Endwood Drive on the borders of Streetly and Little Aston has been sentenced to 18 months in prison after being found guilty of laundering 800,000 of criminal proceeds through bank accounts in India, Spain and the UK. Karnail Singh Samra also received an additional 12month prison sentence, to run consecutively, for 26 separate counts of Contemp of Court by failing to declare and removing 225,000 of cash from the UK to India. His son, Harbinder Singh Samra, was also involved in these crimes and was one of the principal fraudsters in the gang. He was jailed for 5 years for his part in the huge scam which saw millions of pounds being made by defrauding the VAT system whilst pretending to import and export mobile phone products. The gang spent the criminal proceeds on properties and luxury cars. More than 8 million of assets have been seized so that the gains can be confiscated. Local primary school headteacher Simon Griffiths has been appointed as one of only 100 national leaders of education after transforming a failing school into an outstanding one when it was reviewed by Ofsted in 2005. Lindens Primary School on Hundred Acre Road, Streetly, has also been designated a National Support School, a move which recognises the staffs success in turning the school round. Mr Griffiths said the turnround had been fuelled by completely changing the teaching and learning culture within the school and involving the children in the decision making process of chosing a good learning environment. January 2011 Streetly News Streetly shoppers will be interested to hear that Waitrose is hoping to open its first Midlands convenience store in Sutton town centre, creating up to 40 new jobs. Local Streetly resident Sylvia Robinson was so impressed with her recent treatment as a patient in Good Hope Hospital Coronary Care unit she published her praise on the Letters Page in the Sutton Observer. Anyone interested in becoming eco friendly might like to know that EcoSutton have recently set up in the town and are hoping to inspire people to work together to make the town more sustainable. For more information call Anita on 0121 354 3394 or email her at anita. bridgesblueyonder. co. uk The milkshake store ShakeAway in Sutton Coldfield, has launched its own record label and is looking for talented local residents to produce a video of themselves performing. The winner will spend a day in a recording studio. Visit shakeawayrecords or call into the store before February 18th. Local football clubs were saddened by the news that Streetly talent scout Bill Bishop died on December 10th 2010. Bill had not been well for a few months and died in Good Hope Hospital of pneumonia after developing a chest infection. He was known not only as a wonderful husband and father but also as a gentleman who was always passionate and knowledgeable about his game. Many tributes agreed that he will be truly missed. A long-standing member of Streetly Tennis Club has put together a collection of photos and memories of the clubs history to mark the end of its centenary year. Maggie Benson has been a club member for 44 years. Copies of the booklet are available by calling 0121 308 5255, price 7.00 December 2010 Streetly News Tuesday December 21st an Open Invitation to everyone Come along to see and hear how Blackwood Acappella Singers enjoy themselves. This is an open invite to anyone who would like to come along to listen, to join in maybe, or to get into the Christmas Spirit at our open evening on Tuesday December 21st at Blackwood Methodist Church Hall Streetly, at 7.30 or a bit later if you cant make it for that time. We will demonstrate how we warm up, learn a song line by line, then harmonise it to produce a wonderful sound. We will then sing some Christmas songs, have a break for nibbles and drinks, and afterwards you can listen again or sing with us all. Its free, itll be jolly, and you will feel really great afterwards. guaranteed for further information contact Brian Spencer 0121.353.2071 or Roger Woodhouse 0121. 355.5975 Walsall Council welcomes new powers for local communities Powers to help local communities get more directly involved in council services were welcomed today, 13th December 2010, by Walsall Councils leader. The governments Localism Bill, published today is part of the governments Big Society agenda. Some of the proposals include: Local groups having the right to buy certain public buildings like libraries, pubs or shops. If a council is going to sell a property, community groups will get extra time to develop their bid. Communities can question how services - such as care homes, leisure centres and transport - are being run and potentially take them over. More power for local people to overrule planning decisions and protect green spaces. Councillor Mike Bird, leader of Walsall Council said: We now know we are facing major reductions in public spending over the next few years. So we need to think radically about how services could be provided in very different ways. If we carry on doing what weve always done we simply wont be able to afford the type of services that residents of Walsall have come to expect. But if we can put more power in the hands of local people to improve and even run some local services then perhaps we can avoid making painful cuts. Im a big supporter of what local community groups can do. Theyre often more responsive and better equipped than the council is to deal with local issues. So this is a major opportunity for them. But its not about transferring services out of local authority control for the sake of it - were going to need to approach this in partnership so we get the best outcome for local people. Local resident Susan Littlehales has recognised the dedication of a Streetly car mechanic by nominating him for a national award. Nathan Dent who works at Forge Autos, Chester Road is one of six finalists in the Valeo Garage Hero 2010 Award. Brent Hudson, marketing director of Valeo, said that Nathan stood out from other entries for the excellent commitment he has shown to the local community. Thieves took over 11,000 worth of coins and jewellery including Krugerands and gold sovereigns, from a house in Manor Road, Streetly. Garden Designer Heather Hawkins of Just Plants of Four Oaks has found what she believes to be an antique pendant whilst working in a Streetly garden. The pendant has the Latin text Ascendit Ad Aetherum Thalamum incribed around a depiction of the Virgin Mary. Local Streetly GP Richard Denning, whose annual UK Games Expo has featured previously on our news page, has released his first board game Great Fire of London 1666 Game and already has plans for another game and more projects in the pipeline. The game is available at the Waylands Forge game shop in Paradise Circus in Birmingham or can be ordered at medusagames. co. uk Congratulations to Lewis Moore, owner of the Francesco group of hairdressing salons who has just been announced as Midlands Hairdresser of the Year. More congratulations go to local Streetly based group The Erdington Operatic Society who, yet again have put on an excellent performance of Orpheus in the Underland to much acclaim. November 2010 Streetly News Stay healthy with winter on the way Winter is a particularly difficult time of year for everyone, but particularly for senior citizens. As the temperatures drop and the nights draw in the likelihood of accidents and injuries increase. Claims specialist Accident Direct have helped produce some top tips to avoid winter injuries. Improved living standards, better healthcare, greater awareness of the importance of a healthy diet and taking regular exercise have led to more and more people enjoying life into their 80s and 90s. However older people, in particular the frail elderly, are one of the groups of our population most vulnerable to accidents, particularly in and around the home. According to RoSPA those over 75 years of age are most at risk, suffering both the highest mortality rate and the most severe injuries. In 2002 an estimated 500,000 people aged over 75 years of age attended Accident and Emergency Departments as the result of a home accident. The majority of accidents in the older age groups also involve females rather than males. Many of the fatal and non-fatal accidents to older people are attributable wholly or in part to frailty and failing health. This can lead to failure or slowness to see and avoid risks. By drawing the attention of older people and their carers to danger spots and unsafe habits then accidents can be reduced. The great majority of both fatal and non-fatal accidents involving older people are falls. Almost three-quarters of falls among the 65 and over age group result in arm, leg and shoulder injuries. Older people are also more likely to injure more than one part of their body, with 25 of falls causing injury to more than one part of the body, compared to an average 16 among all age groups. One in every five falls among women aged 55 and over results in a fracture or fractures requiring hospital treatment. With the likelihood of injuries increasing greatly in the winter months the need to ensure you are equipped to deal with winter is more acute. It is with this in mind that claims specialist Accident Direct has produced a guide for the elderly to help them to stay healthy this winter. Here is a quick example of some of the quick tips to avoid injuries during winter: Not to walk on icysnowy paths instead look for routes which are dry or have been cleared Wall mounted heaters are preferable to portable ones as they do not pose a tripping hazard Replace old slippers and canes as these can become worn out and smooth, offering little protection to winter conditions To read all of the advice for winter look at Accidents Direct advice on avoiding winter accidents. Local resident, Keith Robinson from Hardwick Road, Streetly, has just won the pairs crown at his local bowling club for the ninth year running. Keith is now 91 years of age and has been playing bowls since 1935, winning many titles along the way. He is still an ardent Aston Villa supporter, regularly watching their matches at the ground. Congratulations to local Streetly resident Marion Hall who has been working tirelessly to transcribe details from Aldridge Parish registers. As a result of all this hard work, the Staffordshire Parish Registers Society has published details of baptisms, burials and marriages registered at the church of St. Mary the Virgin, Aldridge from 1771 - 1900. Are you a single lady, over 40, who needs to find a tried and trusted handyman Look no further than 40rtyplus website where you can find details on a wide range of subjects from finding a plumber to getting financial or childcare advice. The site has a forum where members chat and even offers beauty and health tips. Members can also get involved in a growing number of activities such as climbing, bowling, comedy and theatre evenings. After a gap of twelve years, HMV have re-opened a music shop in The Mall, Sutton Coldfield (previously known as Gracechurch). Så langt. there has been a lot of interest in this renewed venture with a queue of shoppers eagerly awaiting. Lewis Moore, owner of the Francesco Group hairdressing salons in Streetly and Walsall, is in the news again Lewis and fellow hairdresser Jacky Crosby, have made the final of the prestigious Midlands Hairdresser of the Year Award with their collection Raw Rebellion which features a series of curves and softly shaped styles. The awards take place at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on November 22nd. Good Luck from Streetly Website October 2010 Streetly News Streetly girl Demi Hanson, aged 15, who attends Barr Beacon Language College, has reached the public voting round of the 2011 Miss Teen Queen UK competition. If youd like to vote for Demi and help her go through to the live finals in London next year, visit Miss teen queen website The Queslett Pub in Streetly has beaten 23 other pub and club premises to be announced as best pub and overall winner in the Best Bar None Awards and will be able to use the award logo in any promotional material for the next year. Premises are judged on their efforts to operate responsibly and help reduce alcohol related crime across the borough of Walsall. Three cars were involved in a collision at the junction of Burnett, Hardwick and Little Aston Park roads on Sunday, 17th October. Four people were taken to hospial but no one was seriously injured. Anyone suffering from pre or postnatal depression can now get help from the new Sutton Coldfield offices of Acacia Family Support. The charity has been running for six years and also has offices in Walmley, Kingstanding and Saltley. Services provided include a befriending service, drop-in centres, a dads project, and a cognitive behavioural therapy programme. You can call Acacia on 0121 301 5992. THE WEST END ON YOUR DOORSTEP Fans of Musical Theatre in Streetly dont have to venture far out of town this autumn, as they can find their own West End experience just up the road in Brownhills Brownhills Musical Theatre Company, which celebrates its 40th anniversary next year, are performing A Night at The Musicals at Brownhills Community Technology College Theatre from Monday 8th November until Saturday 13th November, with a matinee performance on the Saturday. The programme for this Musical extravaganza includes showstoppers from classic Broadway shows such as Hello Dolly and Anything Goes right through to current hits such as We Will Rock You and Avenue Q. Favourite songs from Hairspray, Phantom of the Opera and Monty Pythons Spamalot are also featured. The company have invited a group of local future musical stars to appear as the Annie orphans for one section of the show. With amazing costumes, choreography and the faultless harmonies the company are renowned for, this is your chance to see local talent to challenge any West End stage Tickets range from 7 to 12.00. The Terrace Restaurant, well known for its high standards and courteous service is only a few minutes walk from the show on the A5 Watling Street. The traditional English restaurant continues the West End theatrical tradition by offering a Pre Show menu for the Monday-Friday and Saturday lunchtime for the run of the show. This Table dHote menu is priced at 12.50 for 2 courses or 14.50 for 3 courses. For Ticket sales and availability call Joanne-Marie Wilkins on 07532 189 689, alternatively, booking forms can be collected from Julie Homfray at 109a Walsall Road, Aldridge WS9 0AX (01922 456742). To book your early evening meal, call The Terrace Restaurant on 01543 378291, mentioning A Night at The Musicals. John Morris Walsall Partnership Area Manager wishes to hear your views on the way that Area Partnerships are performing for local residents. I am always available and you are welcome to contact me at any time, I will always endeavour to either talk to you on the phone or come and meet with you. If you have any comments and quotes that you would like to send me I would be very grateful, as I am looking for feedback on the progress weve made in the first few months and to see how the residents are understanding our role and what we are doing. I will carry out consultations on : Wednesday, 20th October Walsall Wood Library 12 noon til 1pm Thursday, 21st October St. Martins Church, Daffodil Road 10am til 12 noon Friday, 22nd October Streetly Library 2pm til 3pm Tuesday, 26th October Aldridge Library 10am til 12 noon Wednesday, 27th October Collingwood Centre, Pheasey 11am til 12 noon Tel: 01922 652029 Mobile: 07852 421421 Email John Morris Streetly Singers who meet every Tuesday evening ( see events page ) are looking for tenors. contact Philip Morris on 0121 353 7893 National Express has again been charged with not providing sufficient information about recent route and timetable changes causing utter confusion for customers. Here in Streetly, passengers have been faced, yet again, with lack of correct timetable information causing great worry to those planning journeys to work and for appointments. Changes made as part of the North Walsall Bus Review at the end of April were not accurately documented and revised timetables issued in August and September are still incorrect. There is also a continuing problem with services being missing on the 77 and the 935 routes. The Sutton News is interested in any concerns you may have about local bus services. Email them at suttonnewsmrn. co. uk Boundary Road in Streetly is getting a new lease of life and shops that have stood empty for years are now open and ready for business. These shops and businesses are prepared to work hard at bringing a much needed sense of community to this part of Streetly which has been run down for so long and would welcome your support. If you didnt come along to see the beautiful pavement flowers during the summer months why not come and meet the new owners now - youll be sure of a good welcome from: Hub - ladies and mens hairdressing Indian Nights restaurant and takeaway Seaspray - fish and chips and a variety of takeaway food Taylors Tots Nursery - secure care for your little ones. Four local men from Streetly, Sutton Coldfield and Walsall, convicted of defrauding HM Revenue and Customs of VAT and of money laundering, have now had their assets seized and have been given six months to pay their considerable fines. Harvinder Singh Batth, formerly of Roman Lane, Little Aston, is currently serving a nine year sentence and must pay 500,000 or serve a further three and a half years in prison. His restrained assets include his Roman Lane home and designer jewellery. Local family Danielle and James Foulsham and their son Theo from Thornhill Road, Streetly, lost their pet French Bulldog, Henry near Streetly Gate on Sunday, October 10th and fear that he may have been targeted by thieves. They are offering a cash reward for Henrys safe return. Contact James Foulsham on 077380 32820. Streetly Hockey Club won the Community Club of the Year award in the annual Black Country Sport and Physical Activity Awards. Congratulations to Graham Kelly, a care worker from Streetly, who has been nominated for a care award by his boss at Care Companions Ltd, Sushila Patel, in recogniton of the excellent and exceptional care he provides. More congratulations are in order, this time to Vera Breakwell from Thornhill Park, Streetly, who recently celebrated her 100th birthday. During the Second World War, her family ran a newsagents in Winson Green, and then a print business. Vera moved to Streetly in the 1960s. BT annnounced this week that it will be upgrading nine regional telephone exchanges, including those in Streetly and Four Oaks. The old copper network will be replaced by fibre optics which will allow super-fast broadband download speeds of up to 40Mbps, potentially rising to 60Mbps, for some 453,000 homes and businesses in the West Midlands. Openreach, BTs local network businss, will carry out the work. For more details see Open reach website If you live or work in Streetly or Four Oaks dont get too excited just yet - work is provisionally scheduled at these two exchanges for December 2011. Streetly School and Sports College has become part of the London 2012s Get Set network, an education programme designed to enhance young peoples learning through sport, culture and education. To mark the event, The London Organising Committee of the Olmpic Games and Paralympic Games, awarded the school a plaque and a certificate. Head teacher, Billy Downie said pupils at The Streetly School are excellent examples of how London 2012 is helping to spark young peoples imagination inspiring them to get involved and make a difference. Streetly is seeing a rise in the number of thefts of lead from roofs and windows due to a worldwide increase in demand for metals and to their rising value. Operation Steel is a police initiative to crack down on lead thefts, by advising both householders and scrap metal dealers, how not to be involved in this illicit trade. Invitation from Parkside Play Group in Streetly which is looking to find past and present parents and children for a celebration event later this year. Parkside Pre-School Playgroup in Foley Road East, Streetly, which has been existence for more than 40 years, is hoping to celebrate the club through the ages. We want to make real connections through the generations, Jo Homer from the pre-schools support group said. We would like to know where children who attended the nursery are now and invite them to come along to our celebration. The Streetly Association will be holding a 50th anniversary event at the Streetly Youth and Community Centre in Foley Road East on Saturday, October 23 between 2pm and 6pm, where the playgroup will have a stand and anyone who would like to share their memories is invited to attend. Alternatively contact Jo Homer on 0774 0921458. September 2010 Streetly News Local Streetly hair stylist, Lewis Moore, proved he is a cut above the rest when he completed the recent Great North Run raising over 1,000 in sponsorship for the Walsall Hospice. Lewis is based at the Francesco Salon in Burnett Road, Streetly. He owns the franchise for this shop and for the salons in Aldridge and Tamworth. Streetly garden centre Pacific Nurseries on the Chester Road has given a whole new meaning to the words grow your own by providing its own home grown fruit to be used in products sold in the farm shop and the cafe. Apples, plums, damsons and greengages are being planted in a new one acre orchard next to Pacific. The orchard may also become a future home for free range hens. Beacon Radio is offering its listeners a chance to vote for their favourite pub or bar in the 2010 Best Bar None awards which recognise which licensed premises promote responsible drinking and customer safety. To vote, visit Beacon Radio Are you interested in astronomy As part of Meteorwatch 2010, senior Walsall Council countryside ranger, Morgan Bowers, will lead a series of events starting with A Beginners Guide to the Night Sky, at Barr Beacon on October 22nd. On November 19th, people can watch the Leonid meteor shower. Book a place by calling 01922 459 813. Are you a senior citizen Enjoy a Monday out Shugborough Hall, Milford, Staffs. Every Monday, pensioners can buy a 5.00 full site admission ticket and receive 20 off in the tea room. Shugborough is open daily from 11.00am - 5.00pm until 28th October. Call 01889 881 388 or visit Shugborough Hall website Streetly Tennis Club recently celebrated its centenary with a Las Vegas style dinner and dance. The club is located in Parkview Road where the land was first leased from Streetly Methodist Church in 1910. STREETLY ST GEORGE FOOTBALL CLUB SPONSORSHIP REQUIREMENT Streetly St George FC is a local adult Sunday football team who play in the Sutton District Sunday League. The team is presently looking for new sponsorships for the forthcoming season from local businesses in the area. The sponsors logo, name and contact details will be displayed on any strips and equipment purchased for the team. It is a great way of advertising and getting your business name known to local people in the area. At every game there are around thirty forty people in attendance including players, the opposing team, management staff and supporters. The present league has eleven teams with a potential exposure of around 220 250 people within the local area. Furthermore, the better the team does the more exposure your company will get. At cup finals for example, attendances are in the order of a further 100 200 people. If you are interested in advertising sponsorship, please get in touch to discuss further details and Email Simon Griffiths Robert Simmons, from Erdington, has added another dimension to the ongoing tallest sunflower competition. His prize bloom is a multi-headed one with twelve flower heads, or it was until a hungry squirrel had his lunch - and now there are eleven Local Aldridge company Bullock Construction made another step towards receiving a Considerate Constructors Award when it visited Taylors Tots Nursery in Boundary Road, Streetly to talk about the potential dangers of building sites. Children and staff from nearby Hundred Acre Playgroup also joined in. Children got to try on safety clothing and Bullock Construction has agreed to provide them with high visibility jackets for when they are out walking. Streetly based Erdington Operatic Society has once again won the National Operatic and Dramatic Associations award for the best regional production with their 2009 performance of The Mikado. They are now reaching final rehearsals for their November, 2010 production of Orpheus in the Underworld, a musical comedy. For more details of the show and where to get tickets see the Events Whats on page Professor Sam Ramaiah, Director of Walsall Public Health and Medical Director of NHS Walsall, died sudenly, aged 62, at Good Hope Hospital on Monday, 6th September after suffering a heart attack. He leaves a widow Jyoti and son Bharat and daughter India. Professor Ramaiah had served Walsall for almost 30 years. He was also assistant registrar with the UKs Faculty of Public Health and an honorary lecturer at the University of Birmingham. Do you attend a Sutton Coldfield doctor Did you know that three-quarters of all GP practices offer extended opening hours including early morning, evening and weekend appointments. To find out about your surgery visit NHS UK Visit a very informative website: blackcountryhistory. org to look at maps, documents and photographs showcasing the Black Countrys rich industrial history. The Illegal immigrants who ran a large-scale cannabis factory inside a house in Roman Road have been jailed for more than six and a half years. Peacocks fashion store will move into the vacant unit previously occupied by Au Naturale, on the Princess Alice Retail Park, New Oscott. The store will open seven days a week with late nights on Thursdays. Streetly couple Joy and David Cox have helped a fellow serviceman to have his harrowing account of his time in North Africa in the seige of Tobruk, and his capture as a POW, be part of a David Leese exhibition currently running at the National Memorial Arboretum. Visitors will be able to listen to a recording of Alex Franks from Wheaton Aston telling his story. The exhibition runs until 4th October. Local Streetly man Mark Hathaway, was injured whilst on a night out in Birmingham, when he tried to help a woman who appeared to be being attacked. Roy Webbs giant sunflower has been challenged - see earlier article. Patrick and Ben Mullis from New Hall Drive, Sutton Coldfield have grown a flower which is 13ft. 1in. Can you beat this Calling all Streetly residents who still have their crutches or other aids after treatment at Good Hope. YOUR LOCAL HOSPITAL NEEDS THEM BACK PLEASE FREE Visit to the Police Safety House in Brownhills Wednesday, 15th September, 2010 (11am 12.30pm) Only 20 places available, strictly on a first-come first-served basis. You need to book a place on this trip Free transport available from Streetly Community Association car park, departing at 10.30am. Learn how you can make yourself and your property safer and feel safer With the darker nights coming, learn how to keep yourself and your property safe and see some security solutions in action, from simple alarms to the latest in high-tech burglar alarms. To book your place call your Area Manager, John Morris on 01922 652029 now Macmillan Cancer Supports Birmingham and Black Country team are excited for their Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning event, which aims to raise huge amounts of money to provide the vital services and support to people living with cancer. The Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning is a really fun event that gets the whole nation slurping and socialising and theres no right or wrong way to go about it. You can tailor it to suit yourself, whether you hold a traditional coffee morning at home or work, organise a glamorous coffee - themed evening, or serve smoothies and herbal teas instead of coffee. It doesnt matter how much you raise, every penny will make a difference to people living with cancer. Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning intern for Birmingham and Black Country, Emma Bates, explains: The help we provide people with cancer is absolutely essential and the money raised from this event will help us to give support to everyone who needs it. We encourage everyone to take part, its great fun and it really makes a difference This is a special year for the annual event, with it being in its 20th year and predicted to bring in over 8m nationally, helping change the lives of people affected by cancer. Last year Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning raised over 280,000 for people affected by cancer in Birmingham and Black Country and this year we want to raise even more For people living with cancer, the difference between a good day and a bad day can often come down to really small things. That could be getting answers on something theyre worrying about, finding out they are entitled to financial help, or just having a chat with someone who understands. As an example, 130 is needed to fund a Macmillan cancer support officer for one working day and raising just 24 will pay for a Macmillan nurse for an hour. So why not put a smile on your mug and join in the Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning on Friday 24th September and feel good about raising money for a worthwhile cause. If youre interested in hosting a coffee morning, the fundraising team would love to here from you. Register now at macmillan. org. ukcoffee or call 0845 602 1246. For local information on WBCM, please call Macmillans Birmingham and Black Country office on 0121 742 6393. Five new zones have been created for Walsall binmen to carry out their rounds, meaning households in Streetly will have their rubbish picked up on different days. Walsall Council will print new collection date calendars to be delivered to families detailing changes, which come into force on October 4th. STREETLY SCHOOL IS LOOKING FOR PARTNERSHIP GOVERNORS Could you contribute to the success of your local school The Streetly School has been highlighted as one of the most improved schools in the country and the Governing Body is now looking for four Partnership Governors to help the school continue this successful journey. This is a very rewarding voluntary role that will provide you with one of the easiest opportunities to share your experience and in doing so make a valuable contribution to your local community. As a Partnership Governor you will: Have a genuine interest in the success of the school Act as a critical friend and be willing to express your views and share your experience in Governing Body Meetings Have a keen sympathy for the needs of all our pupils, whatever their abilities. The commitment would be to attend 2 meetings per half-term (held in the evening) and to occasionally attend school events and visit staff and pupils. You will also have to be CRB checked but the school will arrange this for you and at no cost to yourself. Please note that parents of registered pupils at the school, school staff, elected members of Walsall Local Authority and those employed by the Walsall MBC in connection with education functions are not eligible to be Partnership Governors. However we do occasionally have other governor vacancies so if you are interested we would still like to hear from you. For further details please telephone Mrs Diane Leese, Clerk to the Governing Body on 0121 353 2709 extension 338. Streetly gardener Roy Webb of Bakers Lane, has grown his tallest sunflower yet standing at 12 foot tall. Can you beat this Many thanks to all those who attended the craft fair recently held at Wheats Garden Centre and who helped to raise 1,120 for the Marie Curie Cancer Fund. Janine Kenny and Emma Blackburn, healthcare assistants at Newbridge House in Streetly, are skydiving 10,000 in order to raise money for Beat, the national charity for people with eating disorders. Newbridge House is one of a small number of centres in the Uk which treats young people with anorexia. The skydive takes place on September 4th at Whitchurch Airfield in Shropshire. If youd like to be a sponsor visit justgivingJanine-Em-Newbridge. August 2010 Streetly News 17th September, Walsall Hospice annual Starlight Walk in Walsall Arboretum is now taking Online Registrations available at Starlight Walk Online Registrations website before the 10th September. Oxfams new Fundraising Group in Streetly, Sutton Coldfield Oxfam are looking for passionate and dedicated people to join a brand new fundraising group in Sutton Coldfield. Oxfam are looking for people with a global heart, people who care about poverty, wholl get together with friends and neighbours to organise fun, friendly, local events to change lives in some of the poorest places on the planet. The groups fundraising activities will be anything and everything - ranging from cake sales to gala dinners, from plays to sponsored walks. Your role could involve anything from marketing your events or speaking to the media, to counting cash or brainstorming new activities. There will be a role that fits your skills and experiences the only criteria we look for is bundles of enthusiasm As a member of the group, you will be a key part of the Oxfam team and will have a real impact on Oxfams work. This is a fantastic opportunity to help change the world and make a real difference to people living in poverty, to meet new people in the Sutton Coldfield community, develop your skills and have fun Be amazing - Be Humankind. To help and join in, please phone: Sarah Barber on 07885 684744 or Email Sarah Barber Walsall now recycles 47 of its domestic waste and is one of the top recyclers in the UK. Well done all those involved - especially the residents Wednesday, 11th August, Drop-In Surgery at Streetly Library, Blackwood Road from 2.00 - 3.00pm. If you live in the Streetly, Pheasey, Aldridge or Walsall Wood, and you have an issue you want to raise, come along and discuss it with your new Neighbourhood Area Manager John Morris who promises that something will be done. It could be about car parking, anti-social behaviour, litter - in fact, anything about your area that is annoying or worrying you. For further information call John on 01922 652029. STREETLY OVER TWENTY CLUB is a social club for the more senior members of the local community which is looking for new members. The group meets from September through to April on Wednesdays, from 8.00 - 10.30pm at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East. Activities include talks, dancing, badminton, skittles. From May until September, the group meets, on Wednesdays, at Aldridge Airport (Greenacres) for bowling from 6.30 - 8.30pm. There are other activities throughout the year - fortnightly rambles, outings, lunches. For further details contact Ken or Barbara on 0121 580 8102. The Streetly Community Association is 50 years old this year and is thinking of celebrating. It is provisionally holding an event on Saturday, 23rd October and is looking for help and ideas, together with any information or photographs which will help tell the story of the Associations past 50 years. Vennligst hjelp. Contact Marion Charlton, Val Bates or Joyce Thorne via the Association Office on 0121 353 8630. For details of free sports days at parks across the West Midland region visit wwwworkwestmidlands and click on to summer events. A new Barber Shop and Ladies Hair and Beauty Salon has opened at THE HUB, 41 Boundary Road (off Hundred Acre), Streetly. For details call 0121 353 280. Streetly athlete Kevin Brown recently smashed the world record for pulling a truck over a distance of 100 metres in two minutes 24 seconds beating the previous record by 52 metres. Kevin, who is a four times world champion discus thrower and has an Olympic medal, staged the event to raise money for Acorns Childrens Hospice and for the athletics track at Small Heath school where he used to work as an assistant PE teacher. He managed to raise just over 15,000. Well done Kevin. Four men, two of them definately black males and one white, attacked a young woman and theatened her with a gun, demanding money, at her home in Centurion Drive, Streetly. The men possibly escaped in a black car which had been parked on the drive. Anyone who can help the police is asked to contact Force CID at Bloxwich police station on 0345 113 5000. or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. Help is at hand for all those ladies who have undergone a mastectomy. New business Belovely. set up by Michelle Usher from Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, designs and makes clothes especially to help these women feel attractive, comfortable and confident again. View Michelles collection at belovelydesigns. co. uk. July 2010 Streetly News Eight men from Streetly, Aldridge and Sutton Coldfield, pleaded guilty to taking part in a large scale brawl at the R1 Bar in Anchor Road, Aldridge, in which a number of people were injured. They have been granted bail until their case comes before Wolverhampton Crown Court on August 2nd. Local business man Robert Bunch is finally closing down his menswear shops and retiring. His Boldmere shop closes on Saturday, August 28th, and the Aldridge shop closes on Saturday, September 19th. All stock must be cleared. Did you know that Steve Knight - a former pupil of Streetly School - was nominated for an Oscar in 2003, for his original screenplay for the movie Dirty Pretty Things. The Oscar was, in the end, awarded to Sofis Coppola for her film Lost in Translation. Wonder what Steve is doing now Streetly taxi firm Hotline received praise from a local resident when they returned 2.00 they had mistakenly overcharged. Richard Berry thought this was great customer service. You can contact Hotline on 0121 353 2121. Wondering how to keep the children entertained during the summer holidays Visit the My Local Information page on Birmingham City Councils website for details of whats on at libraries, museums, leisure centres and more. Log onto birmingham. gov. uk and tap in your postcode. Moms Sally Parker from Sutton Coldfield, and Tracey Morahan from Kingstanding, have set up a website to provide information about summer activities for children with special needs. Visit specialneedsactivitiesbirmingham. info Streetly schoolgirl Emma Buckley, who attends St. Annes Catholic Primary School, won a competition and the opportunity to meet reknowned childrens author Jacqueline Wilson on a visit to the school. All the children were really inspired by her visit. Congratulations to Streetly cousins Laura and Hannah Stanford who have both gained degrees. A local business man was approached in Chester Road, Streetly as he arrived at work and threatened at knifepoint by two men who then drove off with his Bentley Continental car. If you witnessed the attack or saw two black males driving an open top luxury car, contact DC Powell at Bloxwich CID on 0345 113 5000 - extension 7889or 6821. Its a Family Affair. Mark Holley, an Anglo-Indian who came to the UK when he was 29, is now living in Streetly and, with his son Shane and his wife Audrey, is running a thriving local music club. Sutton Acoustic Guitar Club was started ten years ago by former Streetly resident Maurice Dolphin, and now has around 60 members. The club welcomes all sorts of musicians and meets on the last Wednesday of the month at Bromford Working Mens Club. As a result of the recent announcement to withdraw Government funding, plans to re-develop the Streetly School starting in 2012 have now been scrapped. June 2010 Streetly News The winner of. Streetly has Got Talent Sam Sanders holds onto the Winning Trophy of the Streetlys Got Talent competition which was held on Saturday 19th June at the Streetly Community Centre. The competition was watched by an audience of over 200 people who cheered on the 20 acts from the Walsall, Sutton, Birmingham, Lichfield and Tamworth areas. The acts were chosen from over 100 performers entering the auditions and performing in front of Judges from the Neighbourhood Watch, Police and Youth Services. Young Connie Tolbot (Britains Got Talent 2008) opened the show with a beutiful song, winning the hearts of the community yet again. The show was put on by Peter Roberts (Neighbourhood Watch) and PC Gary Hall (West Midlands Police Community Cohesion officer) to bring all backgrounds, cultures and generations together within the community. Streetlys Got Talent did just that, as young and elderly sung together and enjoyed the show. PC Gary Hall stated, We wanted to show that communities from all different backgrounds and ages can come together and enjoy a most entertaining evening. The audience helped raise 500 which will be used by Neighbourhood Watch to hold Summer BBQs in the local parks for the young people, this will be done in partnership with local Police and PCSOs in a bid to help stop Anti Social Behaviour and allow officers to get to know the young community better. Sam the winner who works at Tesco New Oscott Sutton Coldfield Said, I only entered the show for a bit of fun and to sing one of my favourite songs, Mustang Sally by the Commitments, but it seems that the audience who had the opportunity to vote, voted for me and I won the first prize. Sam will now take his place at Innovation Studios Pelsall, Walsall to enter the singing booth one more time to cut his own CD. Walsall Harmonic Male Voice Choir is looking for members. For more information visit nationalassociationofchoirs. org. uk or contact the choirs public relations officer Steve Melia on 0121 502 5751 email smelia5751aol Following the discovery of a cannabis farm at Tennal House, Roman Road, on the border between Streetly and Little Aston, four illegal Vietnamese immigrants have been charged with conspiracy to produce and cultivate cannabis. The house contained 1,100 drug plants. Those charged will be deported as soon as their sentences have been completed. Three custom made mountain bikes were stolen from the garage of a house on Foley Road West between 8.30pm on Tuesday, 8th June and 2.30pm on Wednesday, 9th June. The bikes, with a joint value of over 5,000, were - a Kona Explosive with a green leather seat and brass rivets at the rear and peak of the saddle, a Kona Shred, and a Whyte46. Anyone who can help the police please contact PC Becky Tricklebank on 0345 113 5000. As part of her recent 90th birthday celebrations, local Streetly resident Beatrice Scott, who is now an Honorary Life member of Streetly Tennis Club, was presented with an engraved silver key ring in the shape of a tennis racquet, and a silver framed photograph of the occasion. Beatrice still practises her tennis skills with a club coach each week as well as managing and teaching at the Keelings School of Dance in Aldridge. A motor bike rider was taken by air ambulance to Selly Oak Hospital after a colliding with a car at the junction of Bridle Lane and Aldridge Road shortly before midday on Sunday, 13th June. The man suffered head and wrist injuries. Local Streetly girl Stephanie Bourton, a business studies student, has signed up to take part in CYCLE CHINA, a 450km charity bike ride through China setting off from Bejing in April, 2011. Stephanie is now training in the gym 4 days a week before going out on the road. Stephanie is supporting the charity Women for Women which is committed to improving serious conditions that can affect women and their babies, and needs to raise 3,300. She is looking for support from local residents and businesses. If youd like to help, visit justgivingstephbourton or you can call Stehanie on 07817 632 745. Congratulations to Roy Sinar, former warden of the Woodlands Adventure and Outdoor Learning Centre off Little Hardwick Road, Aldridge, who has been awarded the MBE in recognition of 32 years service as a youth worker and for his involvement at th Woodlands Centre which provides outdoor activities for young people and is run by Birmingham Boys and Girls Union, a 104 year old charity. Roy and his wife Margaret now live near Whitehaven in Cumbria The new buildings at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham opened on Wednesday, 16th June 2010 when Selly Oaks AE department moved there. The address is Mindelsohn Way, Edgbaston, B15 2WB. The website is uhb. nhs. uk and the telephone number is 0121 627 2000. Hospital information line 0121 371 4000. Mint Restaurant, Thornhill Road, Streetly gained an excellent review when it was visited by the Birmingham Mail food critic Paul Fulford. To see why Paul awarded Mint four stars visit birminghammail and then click blogs. Watch England play at The Mint Restaurant, Thornhill Road, Streetly. Air conditioned room, no queues, own seat, great atmosphere. 25 per person to include:- prematch bbq inclusive of 4 bottles of lager or 4 glasses Pimms. guaranteed seats waitress service throughout the match no queues Saturday 12th is fully booked, but availability for 16th and 18th June. Call Matt or Dan on 0121 353 0488. Free graffiti removal service from Streetly private properties by walsall council. A new initiative to remove graffiti without charge from privately owned residential properties has been launched by Walsall Councils Street Pride team subject to the owners signing disclaimers. Graffiti is one of the issues being targeted by the council as part of the Wipe It Out section of its ongoing Cracking Environmental Crime campaign. Between January and December 2009 180 reports were received of graffiti and 198 removals took place. Previously the Street Pride team was only able to remove graffiti for free from publicly owned land, street furniture and buildings. It is hoped the new approach will help improve the overall appearance of Walsall borough and encourage more people to report graffiti. The scheme will initially run on a six month trial basis upto approx December 2010 and if successful could be made permanent. Andy Ody, Street Pride Grounds Manager, said: Traditionally people tend not to report graffiti and instead just accept it as part of the street scene. Probably the one area which causes real concern to people is graffiti appearing on private properties. In the past we have been able to remove this but only at a charge. Service standards set by the council relating to publicly owned land, street furniture and buildings outline racist and offensive graffiti will be removed within 24 hours and the remainder as quickly as possible. Graffiti in parks will often by removed by park rangers with the more difficult cases referred on to Street Pride. On the spot fines of 80 can be handed out to anyone caught spraying graffiti. If a prosecution is pursued through the courts, the maximum punishment available is a 10 year prison sentence if the case is sent to crown court. Graffiti can be reported to Walsall Council on 01922 653344 or by e-mailing streetprideemailwalsall. gov. uk The recent garden open day at Hamilton House, Little Aston raised just over 2,500 for charity. The garden will be open twice next year. Streetly football fan John Penn from Enterprise Drive, has hung a giant cross of St. George flag from the side of his house. The previously named Three Crowns garden centre has new owners and a new name. Seasons Change Garden Village, Sutton Road, Walsall is now owned by Mark and Maria Litherland who would love you to come and have a look at their garden centre and enjoy drinks, snacks and succulent roasts in the restaurant. Open Mon - Sat 8 - 6 and Sunday 10.30 - 4.30. Extensive parking available. Call 01922 454 557 or visit Seasons Change Garden Village website Dine in Style with a special offer from now until June 30th, two course Summer Special Carvery at Lakeview Restaurant and Bar, Calderfields Golf and Country Club, Aldridge Road, Walsall. 10 for two people with voucher - see local press. Contact 01922 632 243. Fancy Credit card scam. Be aware of one of the latest VisaMastercard scams. Someone who already has your card details will phone you pretending to be from the credit card Security Dept. advising you that they think someone is fraudulently using your card. They will ask you to verify various details and tell a very convincing tale of how they are going to help you. Finally, they will ask you for the three digit number on the reverse of yor card. DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM. If you do. they will use it to fraudulently make a purchase using your card. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kidney Patients Association benefitted from a donation of 1000 raised at a recent coffee morning at the Hardwick Arms. Louise Thompson, who works at the pub, had a kidney transplant in January and the event was held to support the transplant work and also to raise awareness of the importance of organ donation. Organisers of the coffee morning would like to thank all the staff, customers and local businesses for their extremely generous support. Another coffee morning, to raise funds for the Cancer Support Centre in Sutton, is being held in June - see the whats on and events page. May 2010 Streetly News Organist needed at Streetly Methodist Church. If you are a good keyboard player and especially if you can play the organ, please get in touch. An honorarium will be paid if you can make a regular commitment at our church. Phone 0121 353 3586. Streetly dance school the Zig Zag Dance factory is having a successful time again. Two pupils, Alicia Phillips and Logan Culliney, will be dancing with a member of the Pussycat Dolls on BBC2s Basil and Barners Swap Shop on Saturday morning TV. Ben Jones, a Latin and ballroom student, will also appear on TV on Dancing for a Dream. Tudor Musical Society is looking for a Dorothy and for other parts for its production of the Wizrd of Oz, to be shown later in the year. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, 11th May at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East, Streetly at 7.30pm. Contact Nigel Gaunt on 07944 776831 or 0121 354 3498 or visit tudor-wizardofoz. org. uk. Streetly School has forged a link with the Birmingham Talking Newspaper to produce several editions of a magazine which will be available to 400 blind and partially sighted listeners in Birmingham and Sutton Coldfield. The latest edition of the magazine included an interview with the head teacher, details of school trips and visits and information on other charity work carried out by the school, and was put together by a group of 14 and 15 year olds taking part in a citizenship programme. Richard Shepherd has been re-elected as MP for Aldridge Brownhills, with a majority of 15,256 votes - up 11.1 on 2005. Streetly Garden Centre William Wheat and Son has donated 500 plants to Wamley Junior School who are showing a garden at this years Gardeners World Live at the NEC. The head chef at a local restaurant has won a top culinary award. Mariappan Sethurajapillai - known as Murray - from the Mango Tree Restaurant on the Chester Road, Stonnall was named Taste of Staffordshires Master Chef of the Year 2010 at a recent gala awards ceremony. beating off 11 other finalists. A new childrens nursery is opening soon in Streetly. Taylors Tots, managed by Sharon Taylor, will be opening at Boundary Court, Boundary Road. Opening offers will be available together with flexible packages to suit a variety of working hours. Click here for details. Are you wondering what the new play area to the right of Streetly Community Hall, on Foley Road East, is Wonder no more. The work is part of the first phase of Walsall Councils 1.1 million Playbuilder scheme to enhance play opportunities for the boroughs children. Eleven sites are involved in this first phase including the one on Foley Road. All the sites will not be traditional play areas with playground equipment but instead will have natural features such as mounds, tunnels, climbing boulders and tree trunks. The ares are aimed at 8 - 13 year olds. Play England is funding the project. A local Streetly girl has been selected for the British Childrens Alpine Team. Florence Bell, aged 14, exels at slalom and Super G and is already recognised as one of the best British prospects in her age group. The New Door to Door. Sutton Coldfield Dairies take you back in time. A local Sutton Coldfield private dairyman has re-introduced a 7 day delivery service. Now residents and business owners in Sutton can get their milk and dairy produce delivered fresh from the local dairy farm every day. Phil Mitchell, the owner of the business and the person who delivers the milk said The milk doorstep delivery service has really struggled over the last 25 years and we have witnessed a year on year decline, making it impossible to get a delivery in certain areas. Customers would still prefer to get their milk delivered fresh every day and since the early 80s this service has not been possible in this area. After conducting some market research in Sutton Coldfield we found that many consumers had cancelled their delivery service due to their milkmen originally dropping a Sunday delivery and in some areas they were now only delivering 3 or 4 days a week. With Sutton Coldfield Dairies we put the control back with the customer. If they want a daily delivery then that is what they get. The only days we do not deliver are Christmas Day, New Years Day and Easter Sunday. It is now so easy to place a milk order or change your order. All a customer needs to do is phone us or email us their changes before 9.00pm the day before their next delivery and the changes are made. You can find out more about Sutton Coldfield Dairies by visiting their website at scdairies. co. uk or you can place an order for a doorstep delivery by phoning them on 0121 448 0269 or contact Phil the Milkman direct on 07957 557886. Streetly Neighbourhood Watch Youth4em is staging a competition to find talented performers in Streetly. The event is open to people of all ages living in Streetly and Sutton Coldfield and the winner will receive a trophy, and a session in a professional recording studio. It is guaranteed that the event will provide lots of fun for all those involved. Entry is free subject to getting through an audition. If you would like to take part email Gary Hall at gottalentvirginmedia or ring him on 07833 720015. Anyone under the age of 17 will be given a parental consent form to submit. Local Streetly GP Richard Denning has just self-published his third book The Last Seal a fantasy book set against the Great Fire of London in 1666. The book tells of a powerful demon trapped under the city of London for 300 years. In 1666, malevolent forces in the shape of two secret societies - the Liberand and the Praesidum - are caught in a battle to unleash terror and chaos on the world. The Last Seal follows two historical fictions - Tomorrows Guardian and The Amber Treasure all published by Richards own company Mercia Books. Richard feels that this latest book will appeal to readers who love Harry Potter or Philip Pullman books - people who who enjoy a bit of fantasy and escapism. The Last Seal is available on amazon. co. uk price 19.99. Richard has also organised a Sci-Fi Convention UK Games Expo in Birmingham on 5th and 6th June, where he will be launching a board game he has designed. April 2010 Streetly News Sadie Lawlor and her partner Mark Roberts, both teachers at the Streetly School, are running in this years Great Midland Fun Run, in memory of Sadies cousin Harrison Joyce who died in February, aged three, after being strangled by a window blind cord. Other staff and students will also be taking part. Harrisons family have also set up a website to raise awareness of the dangers of window blind cords harrisonslaw. co. uk A Streetly based company is bucking the recession and looking forward to a very busy summer. Goalden Events rents out table football for corporate events, parties and festivals and is looking forward to being extra busy in the run up to this summers World Cup. The company can organise a range of competitions and knock-out games and also provides referees complete with red and yellow cards and whistles. Excellent sporting behaviour is encouraged as is competition but most of all the games are meant to be fun. Visit goaldenevents. co. uk for more details. Richard Harry, aged 64, of Compton Drive, Streetly was found dead in his home on April 13th. The Coroners Office has confirmed that he died of pneumonia and is trying to trace relatives. If you can help call 0845 352 7481. On May 6th the same day as the General Election Streetly voters will choose councillors to represent the ward. Streetly Ward, which falls under Walsall Metropolitan Borough rather than Birmingham, is being contested. The candidates are: Shirley Balgobin, Lib Dem Leandra Gebrakedan, Green Eddie Hughes, Con Steven King, Lab Paul Valdmanis, United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP). 23 year old Aston Villa football player, England striker, Gabriel Agbonlahor has been called a nuisance by neighbours in Streetly because of his noisy sports cars. Gabriel Agbonlahor lives in a small gated row of houses in Streetly along with his brother and girlfriend. The noise from many visitors and friends driving fast cars late at night has been disturbing local residents for months. Gabriel drives several cars including a luxury 180,000 white Lamborghini, which has annoyed neighbours particulary at night when the engine is revved. Saturday, 17th April 2010, Centro is holding a exhibition to advise Streetly area residents about changes to Streetly bus services operative from 25th April. This will be an informal exhibition for residents to drop in and find out more about the Streetly area bus services, to be held at Streetly Community Centre, Foley Road East from 10.00am - 3.00pm. New bus network in Streetly From Sunday 25th April 2010 There will be major changes to some bus services in Streetly on Sunday 25th April 2010. These changes will reflect modern journeys that people want to make. Partners Arriva Midlands, Centro, Midland, Midland Rider, National Express West Midlands and Walsall MBC are working together to deliver a better North Walsall bus network. The network will begin from start of service on Sunday 25th April, and in the run up to that date you will see some numbers and timetables changing at bus stops and shelters in key centres, and on roads across North Walsall. Please visit the website network westmidlands website and click on North Walsall for further information. Your views about North Walsall Bus Network Partners Arriva Midlands, Centro, Midland, Midland Rider, National Express West Midlands and Walsall Council surveyed the public on the current bus network in North Walsall to form part of a review of bus services in April 2010. The results and findings will be shown on the Network West Midlands website A community room in Streetly has been given a new lease of life thanks to a grant from Walsall Housing Group (whg). The housing association, which is Walsalls biggest social landlord, awarded 800 to improve the facility in Sunnymead Way. The grant was made by whgs Aldridge Brownhills Local Trust from the Local Neighbourhood Fund, which supports community projects each year. Sunnymead Way Tenants and Residents Association regularly uses the room for social events and meetings but it was in need of redecoration. The grant paid for redecoration and to have the carpets deep-cleaned. Linda Simpson, secretary of Sunnymead Tenants and Residents Association, said: We are celebrating our first anniversary in June 2010 and have had a really good year. Its a really good community group and we hold regular meetings but also go on trips throughout the year. We use the room a lot and are very grateful to whg for their help and ongoing support. Police have repeated their appeal for witnesses to a serious road traffic collision, in which a 78-year-old man died, despite being air-lifted to hospital after a head-on collision in Rosemary Hill Road, Streetly, at 3pm on Sunday, March 14. Police closed the road and emergency crews attended the scene, with assistance from the air ambulance. The man was a passenger in a Honda Jazz driven by an elderly female who was taken to hospital with minor injuries. Two women, aged 48 and 14, were in the second vehicle, also a Honda Jazz, and received treatment for leg and chest injuries. The road reopened at 7.20pm. Anyone who has information about the collision should contact the Police on 0845 1135000. Indian Nights. New Indian restaurant and takeaway opens at 38 Boundary Road, Streetly on Sunday, 4th April. Special Menu - starter, main course, side dishes, dessert, coffee only 9.95. Opening offer from Monday, 5th April - complimentary starter and drinks. Contact 0121 353 3243. Another major stage has just been reached in the work being carried out on the Sutton Coldfield transmitter as part of the digital switchover process. A helicopter, hovering 750 feet above the ground removed sections fron the top of the mast, located in Four Oaks, and replaced them with new sections. This is the first of two helicpter lifts, the second lift will take place in August when a new Transmitting aerial will be lowered onto the existing mast. The Hardwick Arms Pub in Streetly held a coffee morning on Friday, 26th March to raise money for The Kidney Patients Association at Birminghams Queen Elizabeth Hospital. One of the team at the pub had a kidney transplant in January this year and the staff thought it would be nice to contribute to this charity and to highlight the importance of organ donation. The final amount raised will be published on this website. Ember Pubs, including Streetlys Hardwick Arms and The Queslett, will be offering customers the chance to create a tailor made ale to be sold across the country during July. The initiative is part of a nationwide competition organised with CAMRA and Cask Marque to encourage the celebration of cask ales across the UK. Entry forms will be available in the pubs from March 29th - April 11th. Local Streetly cycle speedway star Paul Heard has been chosen as England captain for the forthcoming matches against Wales. Paul is one of five Birmingham Monarchs who have been called up for international honours. In May, he will also be racing against the Rest of the World Team in Poole where riders from as far away as Australia will be competing. March 2010 Streetly News Geeves, the Dry Cleaners in Streetly Village on Thornhill Road, now offers a range of new services. see the new Geeves Dry cleaners page Local couple Tom Walsh and Suzanne Houghton have set up a website matching long term unemployed with jobs in the construction industry. Visit Subby Line website Congratulation to the staff, governors, parents and teachers of Lindens Primary School in Streetly which has just been named as outstanding by Ofsted inspectors. In September, 2005, Lindens School was given formal notice to improve after Ofsted inspectors identified many issues that needed to be tackled. Headteacher Simon Griffiths led the move for improvement introducing a first rate curriculum and ensuring that all staff worked towards doing their best for pupils. Teaching and achievememt across the board is now regarded as outstanding. Never mind rows of vegetables - this latest row of crops gives a whole new meaning to the term Millionaires Row During a recent drugs raid on the Streetly Little Aston border, police found 250,000 worth of cannabis plants growing in a house on Roman Road. The house is believed to be rented out and police arrested three Vietnamese men on the premises. Roman Road is known locally as Millionaires Row because it is the home to footballers and high-flying businessmen. The cannabis factory found here was one of three involved in the drugs bust carried out by 50 officers led by Walsalls Proactive Crime Unit. In total, five women and twelve men were arrested and held on suspicion of conspiracy to cultivate and supply a controlled drug. Local Streetly dancer Emma Boxley has been chosen to appear in Giselle at the Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton, later this year. February 2010 Streetly News A Streetly Indian take-away has raised 400 for Oxfams Haiti Earthquake appeal. Staff and customers from Rickshaw on the Chester Road raised the money through donations which will be used to provide fresh water and medication in this devastated country. Congratulations to Geoff Cross of Central Buses (SEE BUS PAGE HERE) who provides Streetly with the S1 little red bus which runs from Sutton Coldfield to Birmingam. In February, his success story was featured in the Daily Express and what an enterprising and encouraging tale it tells. Geoff started Central Buses at 16. In 2006, with his father, Geoff developed a business supplying electronic LED destination signs and CCTV equipment to the passenger transport industry called Centrad. Together, these businesses form CEN Group employing 17 people. Geoff puts the success of his bus company down to providing a high quality and reliable service with friendly drivers who give change, live service updates on the internet, and a Facebook page, all of which encourage customer loyalty. Geoff wants to share the secret of his business success with other young entrepreneurs and has just been appointed deputy chair of the Young Peoples Enterprise Partnership, a new initiative in the region to tackle youth employment and to promote entrepreneurship, backed by Advantage West Midlands and the Young Peoples Enterprise Centre of Expertise. Here in Streetly were certainly proud to be served by this hard working young man. Pacific Nurseries based on Chester Road on the Streetly - Aldridge border is introducing a new venture. The Pantry, an on site shop managed by Trish Bailey, will be selling locally sourced real food. Visit Pacific Nurseries website for more details. A new Surestart childrens centre will be opening in Streetly later this year. Building work will start shortly to house this service as part of The Streetly Community Association campus on Foley Road East. At a recent Burns Night celebration at Streetlys Mint Restaurant on Thornhill Road, diners raised 2,430 for the Norman Laud Association childrens charity in Wylde Green, which provides respite and nursery care for youngsters with special needs. DO YOU LIVE IN NICHOLAS ROAD, OR ON THE CHESTER ROAD BETWEEN THE STREETLY SCHOOL AND BRIDLE LANE IF SO WE NEED YOUR HELP. Peter Roberts, Chairman of Neighbourhood Watch, is no longer able to deliver the SCAN magazines to these roads. He has been acting co-ordinator for some years now but is no longer able to take on this extra work. Neighbourhood Watch therefore needs two volunteers who will deliver the magazines four times a year collecting subscriptions with the May delivery. Regretfully, if no volunteers come forward, no more Scan magazines can be delivered in these roads. Although collecting subscriptions with the May delivery is a slightly longer job, just posting the magazines the rest of the year takes very little time and can also be done at any time to suit you. It is also an excellent way to get to know and keep in touch with your neighbours. If you can help please contact Tricia McEvoy on 0121 353 8656. Maureen Robinson, headteacher of St. Annes RC Primary School on Blackwood Road is a very proud lady now that her Streetly school has been awarded Healthy Schools Status. Thanks to the efforts of staff members Dawn Colley, Demelza Smith and Yvonne McCullagh pupils now have access to up to three hours of physical activity, healthy meals and snacks and more knowledge of what leading a healthy life involves. Once again Streetly Tennis Clubs veterans are celebrating. Derek Bradshaw won a singles title in the National Veterans Indoor Championship and then, with his partner Alan Purnell, won the doubles final. For more details about the club visit streetlytennisclub. co. uk or call Will Rogers on 0121 353 2814. Sadly, local Streetly dancer Drew McOnie has been voted off the Satuday night show So You Think You Can Dance. Drew would have loved to continue but has no regrets as the whole experience has been absolutely amazing and taught him so much. Drew has also been amazed at the support he has received. Richard Shepherd, MP for Brownhills and Aldridge and Streetly, was at Streetly School and Sports College to mark a visit by Lord Faulkner. During the visit, which was part of the Peers in Schools project, sixth form students learnt about the workings of Westminster. Newly appointed headteacher William Downie felt that it was a great opportunity for the students to find out about the democratic process and to meet a lord. Sea Scouts from the All Saints group in Streetly are spending the first weekend in February taking part in the gruelling Cotswolds Marathon. This involves an 18 mile night hike Special offer to the Local Residents of Aldridge, Streetly and Walsall, a special discounted price of the HIP Report. HIP Home Direct is a Home Information Pack and Property Search Company based in Walsall, West Midlands, offering the complete Home Information Pack (HIP) Package including the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), as well as producing it own in-house Searches. Single point of contact makes the ordering your Home Information Pack a lot easier, whether you need a complete HIP, Part HIP, EPC or Search we can help you. The cost of the HIP Report is 199 total price. (Including a Hard copy as well as receiving the Report Electronically). No hidden extra charge. 199 is what you pay. With our HIP Report you own the HIP. Our HIP Report is acceptable at any Agents. PCCB Code Registered. With HIP Home Direct HIP Report the EPC part is also included as standard. All the required information and documents that are needed to market your property is within HIP Report. Please contact HIP Home Direct, If you have any question whatsoever, Tel 01922 633 692, Mob. 0785 461 3870 or email Email Please feel free to visit our website. hiphomedirect. co. uk This special offers apples to Local Residences of Walsall, Aldridge and Streetly only Great news for everyone thats looking to loose weight, get fit and enjoy a healthier lifestyle - Rosemary Conley Diet Fitness Clubs have been launched in Sutton Coldfield for 2010. This is a really friendly and sociable atmosphere offering support and guidance for anyone women, men, old and young who want to improve their diet, lose weight and get fit Each class is 90 minutes and includes a weigh-in, a motivational and informative talk as well as a 45 minute safe, fun and effective exercise to music session making it the only club that combine both diet and exercise in the same class. Rosemary Conley Diet Fitness Clubs are committed to helping their members achieve their weight-loss goals and adopt a healthier and fitter lifestyle, if you, your family andor your friends want to improve your health and lifestyle and feel fitter and slimmer in the New Year call Claire on 0121 313 0102 for more information. see class times and locations on the Streetly Events Whats on page January 2010 news The cashier at Foley Service Station was thrown to the floor as five masked robbers demanded cash at 6am Wednesday, January 27th Fellow staff member Ray Sarjant was pushed into the shelves and forced into the back room as the balaclava-clad group ordered they give them money. The gang then set upon a 59-year-old man who visited the shop chasing him onto the forecourt as he attempted to flee the store. He was left with injuries to his head, leg and hand. A panic alarm was raised and the intruders escaped without any money. However, they made off with computer equipment containing CCTV footage. The men fled on foot although it is believed they may have had a get-away car nearby. Witnesses should call Walsalls robbery team on 0845 113 5000. A local family from Kingscroft Close suffered a terrifying ordeal on January 26th when a gang of five men broke into their house and attacked a 57 year old man demanding the keys to his silver Audi A4 RS4 Quattro car parked on the drive. The victims wife and two children were in the house at the time but were unharmed. Police are anxious to speak to anyone who was in the area at 6.30am, perhaps on their way to work who may be able to help. The car was recovered from the Erdington area on Tuesday evening. Contact the robbery team on 0845 113 5000 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111. Jackie Harvey, who used her love of gardening to raise thousands of pounds for charity, has died after losing her battle with cancer. Jackie was the West Midlands county organiser for the National Garden Scheme and, together with her husband Martin, regularly opened their beautiful garden at their home Ashover in Burnett Road, welcoming over 10,000 visitors over the last 13 years. Streetly Mens Second XI Hockey team maintained their place at the top of the table when they beat Droitwich. Man of the match was Bates. Neil Goldsby, a Warwickshire team member since 1993, has been appointed new head coach at Streetly Tennis Club. The Sutton Coldfield and District Branch of the Multiple Sclerosis(MS) Society has launched a new helpline manned by four volunteers. Anyone living with or connected to people with this disease, or people who are sufferers of this illness who live in Sutton, Erdington, Great Barr, and nearby villages, can use this service which can offer advice, emotional support and information on grants. Call 0121 241 9300. Uncork the secrets to a hassle free move at Crest Nicholsons Streetly, In March 2008 CREST Nicholson will be raising a glass to home hunters in Sutton Coldfield with a cheese and wine evening and a chance to talk to the experts. Prospective buyers are invited to visit the Streetly development on Foley Road East between 5pm and 8pm on 20 March. The Crest Nicholson team will be on hand along with estates agents and to chat to visitors and in addition there will be the chance to find out more about Crest Nicholsons part exchange programme. Amanda says: Searching for a new home can be stressful, especially for those who have got an existing property to sell. The cheese and wine evening will give prospective buyers the opportunity to get invaluable advice from the experts, to find out more about Crest Nicholsons popular Streetly and Four Oaks developments and to have some fun. Under the part exchange programme Crest Nicholson will buy a customers existing property, subject to criteria, taking the problem of finding a buyer out of their hands completely and can even cover the cost of Home Information Packs (HIP), compulsory for all properties. Streetly is a select development of luxury two and three-bedroom apartments set in one of the most prestigious areas of Streetly. The spacious apartments are arranged in three stylish low rise blocks and just two properties remain for sale, priced from 319,950. The apartments benefit from allocated parking for both residents and visitors as well as excellent security in the form of an audio-visual entry and interior alarms. Each apartment features a fully-fitted kitchen with a range of Bosch kitchen appliances in brushed steel including a double fan oven, gas hob and chimney hood, as well as an integrated fridge freezer and integrated washerdryer. The bathrooms and ensuites contain heated towel rails in a chrome finish and polished chrome downlighters are fitted in the kitchens, bathrooms, en-suites and dressing areas. The apartment buildings also have a communal satellite dish, giving residents the option to subscribe to digital TV. Four Oaks is select gated community set on Four Oaks Road, comprising two and three-bedroom apartments and two-bedroom duplex properties. The apartments have fully-fitted kitchens with granite work tops and a range of Bosch kitchen appliances in brushed steel including a double fan oven, gas hob, and chimney hood. Integrated fridgefreezers and integrated dishwashers are provided as well as integrated washerdryers. Stainless steel Franke sink and chrome mixer taps are fitted throughout and Karndean vinyl flooring is fitted in the kitchen and utility room. The 16 properties are divided between three buildings, all with parking spaces or garages, with communal gardens at the front and rear and just two properties remain for sale priced from 279,950. Both of the developments have excellent access to local amenities, including the beautiful Sutton Park, and are convenient for both Sutton Coldfield and Walsall, offering a wide range of bars and restaurants and excellent shopping facilities. They are also ideally placed for easy access to the Midland motorway network and Birmingham, Worcester, Coventry and Warwick. Birmingham International Airport is easily accessible by car and a regular train service runs from nearby Four Oaks train station to Birmingham. For more information on available homes at Streetly and Four Oaks call 0121 353 5913 or log onto Crest Nicholson Streetly Development Online estate agency Turtlehomes are delighted to offer a special half price offer for all subscribers to the Streetly Village website. If you instruct Turtle Homes Streetly area to sell your home, we will agree a marketing price with you, take multiple photographs, floor plans and all of the information required to upload to the top property websites including Rightmove, Findaproperty, Primelocation, Propertyfinder, Globrix, Ebay and many more. In fact our marketing network attracts approx 80 million buyer searches every month. We will arrange with you suitable times for viewings, provide feedback, negotiate the best price for your property and and progress the sale to completion. In fact pretty much the same as your local estate agent but for a fraction of the cost. All of this for the first instruction at just 99 VAT marketing fee and 199 VAT payable upon completion. Local dancer Drew McOnie from Wood Lane in Streetly is through to the next round of the dance contest So You think You Can Dance Drew and his partner Hayley Newton were coached in last weeks show by choreographer Rafael Bonachela, the artistic director of the Sydney Dance Company, who has worked with stars including Kylie Minogue and Tina Turner. Are you a young aspiring singer Would you like to professionally mix and produce your own tracks The Gap, a youth group based in a studio on Trinity Hill in Sutton Coldfield, would like to help you do just that. Singers can be helped to promote their work too. The studio was set up recently by Charles Clayton and sound engineer Hayden Kind with funding from local churches, businesses and the council. The money is used to engage with young people through drop-ins and school visits, and also by putting on gigs and street dancing. The studio is available to book on Wednesdays 3.30 - 5.00pm and on Saturdays 1.30 - 3.00pm. by ringing or texting 07837 403 747 or by emailing The Studio For more information visit Gap studios Starting January, 2010, Walsall Council is introducing a 1.1 million Playbuilder scheme, which it is hoped will improve play opportunities for 8 - 13 year olds across the borough. In the final phase of the project, work is due to start in Foley Road East, Streetly, during March. Instead of tradional play areas with playground equipment. the new scheme will develop natural features including mounds, tunnels, climbing boulders and tree trunks. More of these new facilities are also being provided in Aldridge. Congratulations to Emma Overy from Streetly who won a bronze medal in the under 20s womens race at the recent Warwickshire Cross country Championships. Emma belongs to the Royal Sutton Coldfield Athletic Club. Well done Emma Everything is going, swimingly, at the swimming lessons run by Val Keight at Streetly School. Several local youngsters including Emily Kingston, Alex Pickett, Jake Gill, Jade Downs and Jaz Dharjan have achieved their 3,000 badges much to the delight of experienced teacher Val and the childrens supportive parents. Val has been teaching swimming to children and adults for 19 years. For more details contact her on 0121 353 6616 Pupils from Streetly School recently took part in a Make your Mark challenge to develop an eco-friendly business. The winners were Year 10 - they used an idea where bicycles could be hired in Sutton Park as part of a health and fitness drive. Year 9 pupils also took part in a stock market challenge where they had to wisely invest 15.000 in a range of companies. All pupils were encouraged to develop their entrepreneurial skills as part of National Enterprise Week. If youd rather talk face to face with someone about Walsall Council services, why not hop on board the First Stop Express. Staff manning the distinctive blue and white bus will be happy to provide information on or help with museum and galleries, sports and activities, places to visit, events, planning, disabled parking permits, waste disposal enquiries, recycling, pest control - and much more The bus can be found outside Aldridge Community Centre every Friday between 1400 and 1600. If you have any queries or comments about this service contact The First Stop Shop at the Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall, telephone 01922 650000. For more information you can log on to Whats on Walsall website Residents of Streetly and Aldridge and the surrounding area are to benefit from the results of a planting project launched by two local farmers from Shenstone. Father and son farming team Roy and Rod Bartlett, who farm 700 acres of land near Shenstone, have launched a three year project to plant hundreds of trees in 20 acres of woodland and to plant hundreds of metres of hedgerows in order to create a haven for wildlife. All the trees and hedges will be native to the area following advice provided by the Environment Agency. Roy and Rod are passionate about conserving nature for future generations. Their farming techniques include weeding by hand to reduce the use of chemicals, maintaining natural water features, and leaving grass margins around fields. There has already been an increase in the number of birds and other wildlife on the farm over recent years and the brothers hope that their efforts will create even more. Some Streetly residents might find it convenient to attend the Warren Farm Urgent Care Centre if they ar suddenly feeling unwell but feel that their condition doesnt warrant a visit to a hospital Casualty department. The Centre treats a range of minor illnesses and injuries, from rashes to earaches, minor wounds to burns, as well as providing emergency contraception. Warren Farm Urgent Care Centre is bases at Warren Farm Health Centre, Warren Farm Road, Kingstanding. It is open 0830am - 7.30pm every day except Christmas Day. Just walk in - no appointment is necessary. Dont forget - Casualty Departments and 999 are for life threatening conditions and emergencies only. For more information log on to benpct. nhs. uk All those in favour say Eye Good news for those Streetly residents who suffer from the eye problem macular degeneration. It is hoped that, under the new scheme, Sutton patients suffering from this disease can be quickly referred by their GP and optommetrists for assessment and treatment. Patients can also now be treated with the sight-saving drug Lucentis which was previously subject to the post code lottery. Green light for new Neighbourhood model for Streetly Local people in Walsall are set to be given new powers to influence decisions in the places in which they live after councillors gave the thumbs up to a new scheme at a special council meeting last night (Thursday 28 January 2010). Members were present to hear Walsall Partnerships proposals to replace Local Neighbourhood Partnerships (LNPs) with a new model, Area Partnerships. Chief Superintendent Kevin Bullas from West Midlands Police and Gary Fulford, Chief Executive of Walsall Housing Group both addressed the Council meeting and Denise McLellan, NHS Walsalls Chief Executive sent a letter of support. Nine LNPs have been operating in Walsall since 2004 to help local people to become more involved in matters that affect them in the area in which they live. Despite early success however, their popularity has waned in recent years, with limited attendance at public meetings and lack of understanding of their purpose. A review of the LNPs, which began in September 2008, confirmed that a new way of engaging with the public was required for the council and its partners to work more closely with residents. The new model will see the borough divided into six community areas. Within each Community Area, there will be at least one Place of Focus. These will be relatively small, locally identified places where residents and the council and its partners will work together to solve specific issues and problems. Instead of solely relying on public meetings, local people will be consulted in a wide range of places and at various times of the day, such as at local schools, supermarkets or from door-to-door. This will increase consultation with a wider cross section of the community and give people more of a say in shaping the services the council and its partners provide and the problems and issues they want addressed. People will also be encouraged to get involved in solving local problems by setting up their own initiatives and groups who can be consulted. Each Community Area will have a local budget of 40,000, managed by an Area Manager, which will be used to tackle issues affecting the people who live there. Of that, half (20k) will be ring-fenced to the identified place of focus within each Community Area. Councillor Mike Bird, leader of the council and chair of Walsall Partnership said: Its clear that we have to change the way we engage with our local communities and give people the chance to have real influence over the issues and problems in areas where they live. This was confirmed in our recent Audit Commission report that people living in Walsall feel they are not given a platform to discuss the concerns where they live. Area Partnerships will give local people the chance to engage with the council and its partners more fully. Clive Wright, director for Walsall Partnership added: We believe its important for our local communities to have a greater say in how resources should be allocated locally. But its equally important that we not only listen to the concerns of people but also explain what action has been taken to improve their neighbourhood. This will be achieved through our We Asked, You Said, We Did promise, which will highlight how we have listened and what differences have been achieved in their area. Councillor Garry Perry, cabinet member for safer, stronger communities said: This isnt a decision we have taken over night. We have consulted with residents, our partners and members of the voluntary sector to develop this model. Our partners including NHS Walsall, Walsall housing group and West Midlands Police are fully on board. We believe it will positively change the way that partners work together and help to resolve small scale problems quickly. It is estimated that the implementation of the new scheme will cost the council 412,000 in 201011 and 357,000 in 201112. In addition NHS Walsall and Walsall Housing Group have committed financial support to the scheme. More information on Area Partnerships will be made available soon. Helping our heroes - a local Streetly woman is part of the vital team that is helping to care for military patients at the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham. Since the special military ward opened in 2001, over 1,000 military patients have been treated there by a team of doctors, nurses, biochemists, radiographers, physiotherapists and nunerous other equally important support staff. Erica Perkins (nee Marder) who used to live at Waterworks Farm, Chester Road, opposite Pacific Nurseries on the Streetly - Aldridge border, is one of this team. She works as a senior nurse in intensive care helping to prevent infection and to nurse the patients through the most critical stage of their care. Last year, Erica spent 3 months at Camp Bastion and was really moved by the bonds built up between the injured there. After treatment at Selly Oak, the patients are transferred to Headley Court, a defence medical rehabilitation centre in Surrey. Streetly Hockey Club saw out 2009 on a high and are hoping to maintain this success in 2010. The Streetly Mens First XI are top of the West Midlands Division One and have also been successful in the National Vase competion. Streetly Ladies first XI are also top of their league. The Streetly teams play at the Streetly Sports College on Queslett Road and are always looking for new members. Call 07711 332505 or log on to streetlyhc. co. uk Whilst on the subject of hockey, two teams from Lindens Primary School on Hundred Acre Road, Streetly reached the final in the Streetly Schools annual festival. However, their success doesnt finish there. Other pupils from Lindens School will represent Walsall borough at the Black Country Youth Games held in January competing in triple jump, chest push, javelin, and track and field events. Well done to everyone The National Cyclo-Cross Championships due to be held in Sutton Park in January have been cancelled due to bad weather. It is hoped that they will be re-scheduled for the 5th and 6th February. The event involves competitors of all ages from under 10s to veterans over 50. For the latest update on dustbin collections log onto walsall. gov. uk. Regular updates are posted at 9.00am and 500pm. Are you over 50 Are you a senior citizen or retired from work Do you have any time to spare The Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme (RSVP) was founded in 1988 and its aim is to enable older people to feel valued and to enjoy life by becoming part of their community. It has a nationwide network of 10,000 volunteers over the age of 50 who help their local community in a variety of ways. Anyone who becomes a volunteer for RSVP receives training, support and insurance. One of the areas where volunteers provide invaluable help is in local schools where they listen to children read, play with them or do gardening or art. For more information call Debbie Laycock on 0121 308 3747 or email her on deblaycockgmail The funeral recently took place of George Burden, a hero of the Second World War. George, who was awarded the Military medal for bravery, died on December 17th, aged 89. He was a resident at Redhouse Nursing Home but previously lived in Aldridge Road, Little Aston on the border of Aldridge and Streetly. George was a trained horseman of the Staffordshire Yeomanry and saw action in Palestine, North Africa, France, Belgium and Germany. He was in action for the whole of the war and fought on the front line at El Alamein. Whilst fighting in Normandy as part of the D-Day invasion he was in command of three tanks under German gunfire. His tank was hit and the driver killed but, despite suffering burns, George walked back to the battlefield to recover his damaged tank and it was for this action that he was awarded the Military Medal. George is remembered as a kind and loving man as well as a hero. Warren and Jane Bullock, owners of the Zig Zag Dance Factory, which holds classes in Streetly, have tutored pupils to yet more awards. Sutton dancers Mark and Olga Elsbury won the British Amateur Chmpionship at the Winter Gardens, Blackpool. One of Warren and Janes three daughters, Alicia, also achieved second place in both the ballrom and the Latin American sections with her partner of only three months Logan Culliney. A new Zig Zag class teaching salsa, ballroom and Latin starts at Streetly Youth Centre, Foley Road East on Sunday, 10th January. Call 01902 897900 or log on to zigzagdance. co. uk Work on Streetly Playbuilder project to get underway Work on the first phase of Walsall Councils 1.1 million Playbuilder scheme to enhance play opportunities for the boroughs children is set to start this month. Eleven sites form part of phase one of the project with all the work due to be completed by 31 March 2010. They will not be traditional play areas with playground equipment but instead will have natural features such as mounds, tunnels, climbing boulders and tree trunks. The projects have been split into three different groups and contracts awarded to three bidders. Work on the site at Foley Road East, Streetly and Doe Bank Park, Pheasey, is scheduled to get underway in the first week of February. It is due to be completed by the middleend of March. Councillor Barry Sanders, Walsall Council cabinet member for leisure services, said: Now the timescales have been set for the work to take place residents can see clearly how the Playbuilder scheme is moving forward. These play areas will be aimed at 8 to 13-year-olds and will really enhance the play opportunities for youngsters in this age range across the borough. Play England is funding the 1.1 million project which will see a further 11 sites delivered in the 201011 financial year. We want your views - North Walsall Bus Network Partners Arriva Midlands, Centro, Midland, Midland Rider, National Express West Midlands and Walsall Council want your views on the current bus network in North Walsall to form part of a review of bus services in April 2010. We will be holding exhibitions where you can come and speak to staff and give us your views. Alternatively if you are unable to attend an exhibition you can fill in a questionnaire on line. Visit Network West Midlands website for details of the exhibitions or to fill in a questionnaire. STREETLY Hockey Club have been reflecting on a fine end to 2009 as they hope to maintain their form going into 2010. At the traditional Christmas break, three of the mens teams and one womens team are occupying promotion places in their respective leagues. Chris Booth, the Streetly mens club captain, said: Our First XI has had an extremely good 2009. We have continued from promotion last season and are currently top of BodyKraft West Midlands Division One, having only dropped points against Stafford. The fact we defeated our closest league contenders Redditch 5-0 in the final game before the festive break has given us a massive lift. We have also been successful in the National Vase competition. Whats great is that it is a relatively young and inexperienced squad and we have excelled under the guidance of coach Shawn Hall. We have combined a mixture of solid defence and quick attacking to produce some very attractive hockey. Streetly Ladies First XI are also top of their league, and ladies skipper Kate Stableford added: The first-half of the season has seen some excellent hockey being played, some amazing potential filtering through and an impressive level of commitment from the ladies section. The First XI have won nine out of their ten games and are looking forward to the second-half of the season. They have scored 51 goals and conceded seven, putting them on a goal difference of 44 including beating Stafford 10-0 and Walsall 15-0. Our newly introduced ladies second team are also having a good season, playing six games, winning three and losing three. This is most pleasing because last season the First XI were relegated from Staffs Division Three and struggling to fill one side on a Saturday. Now, with the addition of some new players and endless hard work from those behind the scenes, Streetly are now regularly turning out two sides on a Saturday. Streetly, who are supported by Harvest Estate Agents, play at The Streetly Sports College on Queslett Road and are always looking for new players. For more details, visit Streetly Hockey Club website or call 07711 332505. December 2009 news Police hunt masked gang after Streetly Co-op store robbery at 6am on Monday 7th, Staffordshire Police say four offenders, including one armed with a crowbar, burst into the Co-op in Thornhill Road, Streetly, near Sutton Coldfield, as staff were opening up. Wearing balaclavas and dressed in dark clothing, the robbers verbally threatened two men working in the shop before stealing a large quantity of cigarettes and an undisclosed amount of cash. No figure has yet been put on the stolen haul. Detective Constable Ian Pickstock, of Tamworth CID, who is leading the investigation, said: Fortunately no one was injured, although it was a frightening experience for those involved. The store was closed for a number of hours while officers examined the scene. Police also plan to study CCTV footage. Anyone with information should call police on 0300 123 44 55. November 2009 News FESTIVAL OF FILM PUTS SUTTON COLDFIELD IN THE SPOTLIGHT Sutton Coldfield will feature on the big screen this month as part of Screen WMs two week Festival of Film. The festival runs from 16 29th November and will include screenings of 12 different films at 8 venues across the region. Kicking off the line-up of films on Monday 16th November is Jon Wrights irreverent high school horror Tormented filmed around Sutton Coldfield. Starring a talented young cast including April Pearson and Larissa Wilson from Skins, Tormented is being screened at Birminghams AMC Cinema. The Festival of Film feature titles that have been inspired by, produced or filmed in the West Midlands in conjunction with Screen WMs Film and Media Production Fund. The programme includes Sutton Coldfield filmmaker Justin Edgars Special People, which premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in 2007, Penny Woolcocks Birmingham based 1 DAY and Straightheads starring Gillian Anderson and Danny Dyer, which was filmed almost entirely in the Wye Forest. Coventry-born director Debbie Isitt will close the festival with a special gala viewing of her latest release, Christmas comedy Nativity starring Martin Freeman and Ashley Jenson. Screenings will be free of charge and selected films will also include special QA sessions with the writers and directors. Dr Samir Shah OBE, Chair Screen West Midlands Board said: Screen WMs Festival of Film is a great opportunity to celebrate the West Midlands region and our film-making heritage. All of the films in our programme have either been inspired by the West Midlands, shot on location in the region, or written and directed by our home-grown talent. Many of the features have been screened at prestigious festivals across the globe. We hope that the Festival of Film will give people another opportunity to enjoy these exceptional films that all have their roots in the West Midlands. Nigel Russell, Head of Tourism, Culture Olympics at Advantage West Midlands said: In recent times, the Heart of England, West Midlands region has proved to be a top location for some of the UKs most successful films, writers and producers. The Festival of Film is a great way to celebrate the diversity of the West Midlands on the big screen, and for the region to showcase its talent to the rest of the world. For further information or to book your free tickets visit: Screen WMs Festival of Film BBC DOCUMENTARY SEEKS CONTRIBUTORS IN STREETLY AND SUTTON COLDFIELD IS AN ELDERLY RELATIVE OF YOURS A DANGER BEHIND THE WHEEL ARE YOU FACING THE DILEMMA: SHOULD YOU TAKE AWAY THEIR KEYS Independent TV company Matchlight is making a documentary for BBC1 exploring the dilemma facing the families of many elderly drivers - are they safe behind the wheel or should you take away their keys We would like to hear from people who are currently wrestling with this issue, and who might be interested in participating in our documentary. For many senior citizens, getting behind the wheel is perhaps the activity that most maintains their sense of independence. But the Department of Transports own statistics show that drivers over the age of 80 have more accidents per mile than any other age group. Would you intervene to prevent an elderly relative, whom you consider to be a danger, from driving WheN is the right time to bring up the subject, and how hard is it to confront a relative about it Or are you an elderly driver who feels pressurised to stop when you dont feel it is necessary If your family is dealing with this issue now, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us via email on keysmatchlight. co. uk or calling 0131 225 1711. Thieves stole a locked car with a dog inside owned by a 75-year-old widower while he tended his wifes grave at Streetly Crematorium in Walsall, on Tuesday afternoon 3rd November. When he returned 15 minutes later, after laying flowers on his late wifes grave, he found shards of broken glass where his car had been. The car was found with the dog inside on Wednesday in Erdington, Birmingham. Police said there were no witnesses to the theft and no evidence was left at the scene. Pc Mark Allwood, of West Midlands Police, urged anyone with information about the theft to contact them. Jobseekers allowance claims have risen by 100 per cent in Streetly, Aldridge, Pheasey and Pelsall as the recession continues to bite. A report to Walsall Councils regeneration committee, due to meet Tuesday 3rd November, shows jobless claims have soared by 75 per cent across Walsall Borough, an increase of 4,818 taking the total to more than 12,000. But four Walsall areas, Streetly, Aldridge, Pheasey and Pelsall, have seen claims rise by 100 per cent in the last 12 months a reflection of how many people have either lost jobs or have been unable to find work in the economic crisis. calls are being expressed for more aid to be given to manufacturers in the region in a bid to speed up recovery. The report also highlights a decline in construction contracts throughout the Walsall borough, large scale redundancies and the closure of town centre stores such as Woolworths. Councillor Ian Shires, who sits on the regeneration committee, blamed the decline in manufacture for the impact the recession has had in the area. He said: If you look at the countries who have bottomed out now they have all done it on the back of manufacturing, the problem here is weve lost our manufacturing. This is a serious situation. We now have predominantly white collar jobs, we need to make sure we have a good cross section of opportunities for people. The region needs to take a good hard look at itself, we need to stark making things. Our MPs should be banging on the doors of Westminster to get more help up here. Walsall North MP David Winnick said the recession had been devastating but had not had the impact of similar downturns in the 1980s. He said: Its having an impact as recessions always do, but it would have been much worse if Government had not continued with its policy of investment. The danger was the recession turning into a depression and all indications are that isnt happening, but were far from complacent. Recessions always have an adverse effect and on those least able to be in a position to help themselves. Standing the test of time, local fashion shop Hide and Suede in Streetly village is celebrating 20 years of trading. The business, on Burnett Road, is owned and run by Jenny Ladds and sells womens clothes, accessories, footwear and jewellery, and offers an alteration and repair service. After gaining a BA(Hons) in Fashion Design in Cheltenham, Jennys first venture was in Marston Green and Streetly is her second shop. Jenny provides a friendly, personal service to her local Streetly customers and customers travel back to her from other countries too. The influx of new apartments, restaurants and other businesses in Streetly has helped Jenny maintain her success and, hopefully the business will still be flourishing in years to come. New supermarket delivers the goods Following its buy out of Somerfield stores, the shop on Lichfield Road, Mere Green has been re-branded as a Co-op. There is plenty of parking at the store but Streetly shoppers can also be dropped right outside the shop by the S1 Sutton Link bus and, when spending over 25, have their shopping delivered free of charge the next day at a pre-arranged time. Ask in store for details. October 2009 News The Somerfield supermarket chain has been aquired by the Co-operative and, as part of this business deal, Streetlys local Somerfield on Chester Road, has been re-launched under the Co-op brand. Happily, all 22 staff have been retained by the Co-op. Children from Manor School, Streetly will be cutting the ribbon at the start of this new venture. ATTENTION S1 BUS USERS. ATTENTION S1 BUS USERS TIMETABLE AND ROUTE CHANGE WITH EFFECT FROM MONDAY, 26TH OCTOBER. THE EXISTING 0709 AND 0739 BUSES FROM STREETLY TO ERDINGTON AND THE 0737 AND 0807 BUSES FROM ERDINGTON TO STREETLY, AND THEN ONWARDS TO SUTTON COLDFIELD, WILL OPERATE TEN MINUTES EARLIER ON WEEKDAYS. THESE JOURNEYS ONLY WILL NOT GO VIA FLORENCE AND BROADFIELD ROADS BUT TRAVEL DIRECT FROM SUTTON ROAD TO CHESTER ROAD AND VICE VERSA. THE S1 BUS LINKS SUTTON COLDFIELD AND ERDINGTON VIA MERE GREEN, STREETLY VILLAGE, HUNDRED ACRE, KINGSTANDING, NEW OSCOTT AND WYLDE GREEN PROVIDING ACCESS ALONG THE ROUTE TO FOUR OAKS AND CHESTER ROAD STATIONS, SUTTON COLLEGE, BISHOP WALSH AND ARTHUR TERRY SCHOOLS, LEYHILL, MERE GREEN, AND SUTTON PARK GP SURGERIES, ALL SAINTS CHURCHES ON BELWELL LANE AND FOLEY ROAD, STREETLY METHODIST CHURCH, SAINSBURYS, MERE GREEN, TESCO, NEW OSCOTT AND LOCAL SHOPS, BANKS, BUILDING SOCIETIES AND DIRECT BUS LINKS INTO BIRMINGHAM AT KINGSTANDING CIRCLE. PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT AND USE THIS EXCELLENT LOCAL BUS SERVICE PROVIDED BY A LOCAL BUS COMPANY. FARE DEALS AVAILABLE. Congratulations and bon voyage to Streetly resident Jill Ball who has just retired from her job as receptionist with Aston based building services provider JS Wright after 32 years Jill hopes to celebrate her retirement with a well deserved Caribbean holiday. Streetly Windows will be the new sponsor of local football team Colron Under 9s for the next two seasons. The children look great in their new kit and all parents and supporters in Streetly wish them well. Well done to Elizabeth Bayliss, Stephan Knight, Alexander Campbell and Jack Bayliss, local junior martial arts pupils from Streetly classes, who were recently awarded bronze medals in the National Ju Jutsu Council Finals held on October 11th in Worcester. Good performances were also given by Callum Thompson, James Morley and Henry Harding. Classes are held in Streetly. Contact Ray on 01827 63356 or 0781 698 6405. CALLING ALL STREETLY OVER 60s YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU - and so does local Streetly granny Gill Parkes from Lilac Avenue. Gill is anxious to raise funds to provide small but necessary items for hospitalised troops and has just completed a sponsored run raising 400 for injured soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who are patients in Selly Oak Hospital. On a visit to Staffordshire Regiments headquarters she was told that it is very hard for the army to get funding to provide things like shavers, flip flops and the occasional chocolate bar and sweets. Gills idea is to mobilise a Grannies (and hopefully Grandads) Land Army to come up with fund raising schemes. She feels very strongly about supporting the lads who get injured and lose limbs whilst fighting for for our Forces. New parking restrictions on Blackwood Road, Streetly have forced the parking problem experienced there on to Hazelwood Road where thoughtless drivers are parking their cars with no regard to pedestrians, school children, and residents and to the safety of anyone who uses this and other nearby roads. Hopefully, this wont be an accident waiting to happen and drivers who have to park here will show a bit more consideration and care. Do you need help help with your pet Streetly based Streetly Dog Walker is a professional pet care business offering dog walking, cat sitting and pet taxi services at competitve prices. Contact 0121 352 1531 or 07824 810 277 or log on to streetlydogwalker. co. uk Raise your cup in thanks to all those people who attended the Macmillan Cancer coffee morning at Streetlys Hardwick Arms pub (see Pubs amp Bars page) and succeeded in raising a record amount of over 1,000. A big thank you to all the local businesses who donated raffle prizes too. Charity HELP THE HEROES is hoping to raise its profile and, at the same time raise funds, by publishing a charity calendar. Mat Christodoulou, a Streetly award winning photographer, is part of the team working on the 1940s pin-up style celebrity calendar. Mat has been named as the best student photographer and has recently held an exhibition of his work at Number 9 Gallery in Brindley Place in Birmingham. Two more awards were won locally when Streetly restaurant The Mint was voted the Best Newcomer 2009 in the Taste of Staffordshire Awards and also became runner up in the Restaurant of the Year category. Congratulations to owner Dan Ralley, head chef Matt Warburton and their eight members of staff. Restaurant of the Year (Non-European and Asian influence) second place won by Mango Tree, Stonnall, nr Lichfield (See all local Restaurants here) The congratulations, like the champagne, keep flowing Streetly couple Beryl and Arthur Medley celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary with an unforgetable family party. Arthur used to be an engineer at British Industrial Plastics formerly based on Aldridge Road, Streetly. Are you a railway user Using a Centro map of the West Midlands railway network you can now click onto any station for up to date information. Log on to West Midlands Railway updates to find out exactly how many minutes until trains will arrive and for up to date information about any incidents or delays. Streetly based group Erdington Operatic Society will be performing in Gilbert and Sullivans comic opera The Mikado from Tuesday, November 3rd to Saturday, November 7th at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall. To book call 0121 360 6627. September 2009 News Residents of Thornhill Road, Streetly are being good samaritans and collecting and recycling the hundreds of cans and bottles being dumped in Sutton Park. The Governments Building for the Future programme will target Streetly School in its first round of funding. Construction work will start in 2012. Good news Streetly restaurant Mint on Thornhill Road has re-opened after suffering flood damage in the summer downpours. Business as usual. Streetly dress shop Obsessions in Burnett Road, has just re-opened after refurbishment. To mark the occasion owner Heidi Middleton held a charity evening in aid of St. Giles Hospice. Local lad Paul Heard from Streetly is now the under 19 cycle speedway champion. Paul, who races with the Birmingham Monarchs and is also Midlands Junior Champion, hopes his winning streak will continue when he competes for the British Open Title, and in the Grand Prix of Great Britain before the end of October. Golden Shot Streetly resident Ann-Marie Henbury won a gold medal at the European Field Archery Championships recently. In spite of being a relative newcomer to the sport she has already been entered into next years Europrean Bowhunter Tournament in Austria and hopes to represent Great Britain at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, India next October. Streetly pre-school nursery Stepping Stones celebrated their fifteenth birthday by holding a Lion King theme party. Fifty pounds was raised for the charity Livvys Smile. A call for help - do you have any time to spare to help deaf people in Streetly Call Sarah Cassidy on 01902 413 003. Are you the lady in the black car who tried to intervene in a dispute between teenage boys in Lowlands Avenue, Streetly If so, please contact PC Ross OGrady at Aldridge Police Station on 0845 113 5000. Dancing their way to success, former All-England Champions Warren and Jane Bullock, who run the Zig Zag Dance Factory, received the Supreme Teacher Award at a recent Stars of the Future event. This award is presented to the school with the highest standard of ballroom and Latin American dancing based on an assessment of the schools children and adult dancers. Warren and Jane were originally trained by Len Goodman, the head judge on Strictly Come Dancing, and now run classes in and around Sutton and Streetly. For more information visit zigzag dance website Congratulations to the students from Streetly Ju-Jutsu club who recently all were awarded their new belt gradings. Their tutor Ray Owen said they had worked very hard and deserved their success. Anyone interested in joining the club can call Ray on 07551 630 493 or send Email to Ray Rallying support for St. Giles Hospice, Streetly man Ian Merriman and his two co-drivers Mike Simpson and Paul Hunt, are takng part in the Staples to Naples Challenge which, despite its name, starts in Calais and finishes 1500 miles later in Rome. To sponsor the team visit justgivingBL-Motorsport. August 2009 News Aldridge Rugby Club, off Little Hardwick Road, Streetly, was destroyed by fire in what police describe as a despicable arson attack in August 2009. The clubhouse will probably have to be rebuilt from scratch and club officials are hoping that the local community will rally round with offers of support. Meanmwhile, games and training will continue. Police are appealing for witnesses or any information. Contact DS Rob Bastin in the CID at Walsall on 0845 113 5000. Local Streetly couple Natalie and Parvaiz Elahi have realised their dream of owning a beautiful home in Streetly by taking advantage of a great off-plan deal to swap their two bedroom rented flat for a new home at the Kingsland Grange development off Bridle Lane. George Wimpey offers a range of special incentives on selected properties for first time buyers including an extra five percent towards their deposit and offers to find buyers for those people who own a property too. Streetly bus users (See Bus Services page) are once again up in arms over a change to their local buses. Residents of Chester Road and Banners gate fought long and hard to be served by the 993 bus service. This part of the service has now been withdrawn which means that there is no longer a direct bus to take these passengers to work, to shops or to university. The 993 bus which used to provide an excellent and fast link to the city centre is now split into three longer and more circuitous routes - the 992993994. Another result of these changes is that local elderly passengers can no longer access buses without a long and often uphill walk and are now unable to use the local Somerfield and Tesco shops, or to their GP, at the Chester RoadManor RoadBridle Lane junction. Some local people find themselves stranded in their homes and have to use taxis. If you have any queries, or comments to make concerning the recent changes on the 992993994 routes contact Customer Relations at Centro House, 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham B19 3SD or phone them on 0121 214 7214. email customerrelationscentro. org. uk A Customer Comments form is also available from Streetly Library or from the travel shops in the Pavilions Shopping Centre, Birmingham (lower ground floor near the entrance to M S food hall), and Birmingham New Street Station. Streetly Day Care Centre will close at the end of September. The Blackwood Road centre provides a vital lifeline to 50 elderly people and is the only relief for some housebound OAPs where they get to share a meal with pals and play darts, cards and other games. It is run by the British Red Cross, which is contracted to provide day care services at the site by Walsall Council. However, the council is pulling the plug on funding the centre. A letter sent to members by Caroline Leighton, operations director for British Red Cross, said: Currently day care services in Walsall are undersubscribed and there are a considerable number of vacancies in all centres. There are too many day services in the area and the council wish to consolidate the service to enable better use of resources. In light of this and the councils targets for efficiency savings, they are unable to continue to fund the Streetly Day Centre after September 30. Therefore, we have no option but to close the service by that date and our last day will be on September 29. July 2009 News Children from Blackwood Road School in Streetly, had a day out in Bewdley recently when they were invited by an expert on World War Two to the Bewdley Museums own classroom to learn about the life of an evacuee and the rationing of food and clothes. All the children dressed up in 1940s clothes and carried a handmade gas mask box. They also had an exciting trip on a steam train to Arley Station. A new self-referral physio clinic has been introduced at Good Hope Hospital in order to cut waiting time. Patients will be able to book an appointment to see a physiotherapist without having to go through their GP. For more information call the booking line on 0121 424 9053. Residents of Branton Hall Road, Aldridge, heaved a temporary sigh of relief when their ten year battle to divert heavy traffic from their road was offered a possible solution. The government has granted outline planning for a new access road to be built from the Bliss Sand and Gravel Quarry in Branton Hall Road to the A452 Chester Road. What a load of rubbish Did you know that the Aldridge Recycling Centre at Merchants Way, Aldridge - commonly known as The Tip - is now closed on Wednesdays as part of a cost cutting measure to save 100,000. Local Streetly Hairdressing salon is a cut above the rest. Francesco in Streetly village won the top salon award, and apprentice Antonia Hale won first place for her photographic entry in the first year apprentice category. Well done everyone Further funding is needed to help Streetly athlete Jade Surman achieve her goal of competing for Great Britain in the 2012 London Olympics. Jade has had a tough time recently fighting off injuries and would welcome any financial help. If anybody would like to sponsor Jade, or make a contribution, contact Birchfield Harriers on 0121 344 4858. Streetly author Philippa Jennings has had her first book published. Little by Little, published by Eloquent Books, is set in south west Scotland and Cumbria, and tells the story of personal and wider events effecting a farming community hit by foot and mouth disease. Philippa grew up in Scotland and teaches Business and ICT at Kingsbury School and Sports College and is already working on her second book. Sarah Riley is part of a Streetly family who knows only too well about the difficulties experienced by those troups serving in Afghanistan. Sarahs brother is serving as a Captain in the 2nd Fusiliers and has himself suffered the death of someone in his regiment. Sarah wants to do something to help the situation by raising money for the charity Help for Heroes so is running a stall at a charity craft fair being held at Wheats Flower and Garden Centre, Chester Road (in between the Hardwick Arms and Irish Harp pubs), on Sunday 9th August from 10.30 - 4.00pm Sarah would love to see you there supporting our troops. You can also log on to helpforheroes. org. uk. Streetly restaurant suffers a setback. The Mint restaurant in Streetly Village, on the corner of Thornhill and Burnett Roads, has been forced to close after recent flash floods devastated the kitchens. The restaurant opened in November 2008 following a 350,000 refurbishment and all the kitchen equipment will already have to be replaced. Owner Dan Ralley hopes that Mint will re-open in August 2009. Mint restaurant, in Thornhill Road, owned by Dan Ralley, aged 34, described the downpour and flash flooding: We were in the middle of a busy lunch service, when the manhole cover near to our basement kitchen blew. It was like something you see in the movies, the cover flew 6ft in the air and 3ft of water swirled into the kitchen. Then the manhole covers began to blow all along Thornhill Road, a car got stuck, it was complete chaos. The water came in so quickly, we had to stop serving, it was flooding into the fridges. I couldnt quite believe what was happening. We had people waiting for their main courses but we had 3ftfoot of water in the kitchen. The flood has had a devastating impact on the fledgling business, which opened in November 2008 following a 350,000 refurbishment. The feeling at the moment is one of massive frustration. We are hoping to reopen in early August and I hope that by getting the story out, local people will realise that we will be back and we will be better and stronger from this. Flood defence measures will be put in place at Mint to prevent further problems. A couple who are always thinking about others - Val and Terry Keight have once again been selling plants and shrubs at their home to raise much needed funds for African orphans. Val and Terry started off by donating pencils, footballs and books but things have progressed since those early days. After the 2008 plant sale they went to Africa to look at a school they support in Zambia, paid a visit to an amazing lady in her 70s who cares for 265 youngsters, and visited a water hole they funded leaving sufficient funding to provide another fresh waterhole in a village nearby. The next things on their shopping list is equipment for a play area. Watch this space. Streetly residents who attend the surgery at 250A Chester Road with long term illnesses. can take advantage of a new scheme called Birmingham Own Health. People who sign up are put in touch with care managers and health coaches to help manage their condition. The service is aimed at patients with diabetes, coronary heart disease, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder(COPD), and high blood pressure. For more information visit birminghamownhealth. co. uk or ask at the surgery at 250A Chester Road. Congratulations to the children of Lindens Primary School who, under the guidance of Helen Yates, won the Walsall Key Stage1 Choir of the Year competition for the second year running. Judges felt that the singing was nicely controlled, with effective actions and that it was an enjoyable presentation with a sense of conviction. Mrs. Yates wont be the only one who is extremely proud of the childrens performance Andrew Jordan and Jordan Sports continue to go from strength to strength. After gaining excellent rankings in recent races, Andrew has made history by becoming the youngest ever driver to qualify on pole position in the history of the HIQ MSA British Touring Car Championship. Congratulations are also due to Neil Harrison who was crowned the light heavyweight British Jujitsu Champion recently. Neil runs North Birmingham Judo Club, based in Streetly at the community centre in Foley Road East and offers classes for both children and adults and a beginners programme. Call 07817 666964 or visit birminghamjudo. Local resident Pushpam Singh held a charity dinner with Indian music and dance, and raised more than 2,500 towards the work of Save The Childrens work in India. Such an amount would fund training for ten teachers for a year or would pay for vaccinations for 500 children for diseases like malaria or measles. Want to encourage your children to walk Look at Kiddiwalks In and Around Birmingham, written by Melanie Graham and published by Countryside Books. The book details 20 circular walks between 1 and 3 miles in length. The routes are clearly described, as are things to do and see along the way and suggestions for places to eat. There are some really good photographs too. The book should be available soon from Waterstones or W. H.Smith or direct from the publisher at countryside-books. co. uk price 7.99. HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES TO RECYCLE - Drop them into the containers in schools. council offices, leisure centres and libraries. Streetly Library on Blackwood Road has their box on the windowledge just inside the entrance door. Both rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries are excepted. Local Streetly solicitor Brian Hadcroft was jailed for 4 years over a mortgage scam that cost Barclays Bank and Abbey more than 1.6 million pounds. He was convicted of theft in January 2009 over a fraud which led to the theft of mortgage money from Barclays Bank and Abbey. Barclays Bank transferred more than 1.6 million into Hadcrofts account in October 2008 to pay for the purchase of a hotel in Tamworth. And Abbey transferred more than 330,000 into the account to buy a bar in Digbeth. But, in both cases, the cash was then transferred out of the solicitors account for Hadcrofts own use, rather than paying for the properties as agreed. After Hadcroft was jailed at Birmingham Crown Court, Det Insp Mark Salt, of West Midlands Police Economic Crime Team, said: This has been a long and complicated investigation. He was in a position of trust as a practicing solicitor but breached that trust for his own personal gain. This is a person who believed it would be easy to commit fraud but our team of investigators are skilled and experienced, and can deal with the most complex of cases. We will look to use the Proceeds of Crime Act to recover money stolen and compensate victims of the crime. Jo Lester and Jackie Coken, two retired teachers who used to work together at Blackwood School, won a RHS silver award for their Stumpery Garden at the BBC Gardeners World Live event recently held at the NEC. Everything in their garden was sourced from Walsall Arboretum where they are both volunteers. Jacob Smith and Luke Goulbourne, aged seven and from Lindens Primary School had a wonderful day when they were match day mascots for Aston Villa at their game against Bolton Wanderers. A pioneering outdoor gym, which will be open to its students as well as older residents in the area, is to be launched by The Streetly School. Land at the side of the specialist Sports College will be transformed into an exercise zone in a bid to encourage people to adopt an active lifestyle. The scheme has the financial backing of the local PCT which is hoping to target the over 50s and by Awards for All. The gym may also be used to rehabilitate hospital patients. A group of local lads have applied to win a football based scholarship to an American University. Harry Mason has already been accepted and Luke Wilson, Josh Bambury and Oliver Dixon are waiting in hope of good news. The lads all attend The Streetly School. Poets Wood development in Streetly has been branded the new estate from hell with some families locked in a five-year battle to try to get their houses brought up to scratch. Faults reported include peeling tiles, exploding light fittings, flooding and faulty garage roofs. Residents have also complained that doors have not been fitted properly which has led to a rise in burglaries. More than 20 homeowners reported problems under the Buildmark Cover to NHBC the standard setting body for new homes. A spokesman for NHBC said: The majority of contacts received, relate to issues reported to the builder during the first two years of the Buildmark cover. As it is the builders responsibility to rectify any defects reported to them, the builder has gone on to resolve the majority of cases without further intervention from us. A spokesperson for Redrow said: We are very sorry for any inconvenience experienced by our customers and can assure them that we are committed to resolving any outstanding snagging issues of which we are aware. The vast majority of the items referred to have been dealt with for some time. A very small number referred matters to the NHBCs free dispute resolution service. Redrow said the issue of some of the homes which were knocked down and then rebuilt was primarily related to road gradient levels and customers were offered initial refunds if they didnt want to proceed. June 2009 News Police BBQ to tackle anti-social behaviour is a success June 10 2009. POLICE held their first BBQ in the park in a campaign to tackle anti-social behaviour. Youngsters were offered free burgers and soft drinks during the event held at Blackwood Park, Streetly, in the first in a series aimed at keeping them on the right track. The event was organised after complaints from local residents about anti-social behaviour. More than 40 young people attended and registered their details. Sergeant Chris Sprague, from Streetly neighbourhood policing team, said: The BBQ was very well attended and was a huge success. Birmingham Childrens Hospital has joined forced with Oxfam for a house-to-house collection scheme to raise money for charity. The charitys bag collection scheme will collect will collect clothes, books, music and homewares from houses within the hospitals catchment area. Every bag of donated items will help Birmingham Childrens Hospital provide vital research and equipment to help treat sick children and support Oxfams work with people living in poverty around the world. In the past, the hospital had used commercial contractors to make the collections and sell the donated materials to generate money, but by working with Oxfams brand new house-to-house collection service, they are able to both increase the amount of money raised per item donated and to assure people making donations that every penny of profit goes to charity. Collection bags will be sent out to homes across Birmingham four times a year, beginning this month with Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, Solihull, Edgbaston and Yardley, for supporters to fill and Oxfam to collect and sort at their Wastesaver recycling plant before being sold to generate maximum value. Birmingham Childrens Hospital will receive 75 for every tonne that is collected while Oxfam will sell the items to high street shops and clothing hubs or sell them directly to the public at Oxfam shops around the country. Alder Hey Childrens Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital and The Childrens Hospital, Sheffield, have also signed up to the scheme. Tracy Marsh, director of the Birmingham Childrens Hospital Charity, speaking on behalf of the four childrens hospitals, said: We are all very excited to be working on this very innovative partnership with Oxfam. Fundraising is essential for all four hospitals as they continue to provide the best possible care for the UKs most seriously ill children. In this climate every penny counts and this partnership means that just one bag of collected goods will go a long way to providing vital equipment and research for sick children. Richard Fern, Birmingham Oxfam Campaigner at Oxfam, said: Birmingham Childrens Hospital is much loved by everyone in the region. Health services are universal human rights which we support all over the world. This is a groundbreaking new scheme and allows people to have absolute confidence that 100 per cent of the profit from their donations is going to support good causes both in the UK and in the developing world. The hospitals get a better deal from items collected for them, and Oxfam is able to generate money to tackle poverty. Its a win-win. CHARLIE Stretch spent his 20th birthday not celebrating, but wondering whether he would ever make it back to Birmingham. As a radio operator on board HMS Sirius, Mr Stretch listened as shells hit water around the boat while the vessel bombarded German positions at Ouistreham. He turned 20 on board on Sunday 7 June 1944 as the battle raged on land and sea. I was scared stiff, said Mr Stretch, from Streetly. There wasnt a lot of information coming but we were amazed at we did hear about the number of troops landing in France. We got a letter from Eisenhower and when they said our boys were in France and pushing the Germans back, we felt like bloody heroes. It didnt stop us feeling any less scared. I didnt have much of a birthday but at least there were plenty of fireworks. Turning 20 also meant I qualified for rum rations and I needed them that night. Walking between the war graves at Bayeux, Mr Stretch, now aged 85, said: I know its only by the grace of God that there arent people here today looking down at my headstone. We were the lucky ones. A GREEN-THINKING Streetly company is smoothing the way for Sutton Park users by filling in the holes in the uneven surfaces. Rather than disposing of excess tar surfacing material at the tip, civil engineers RW Services has teamed up with Birmingham City Council, to use it to improve car parks within the 2,400-acre site. The companys contracts manager James Freeman came up with the idea while visiting the park with his family. He noticed that the surface in some of the car parks was beginning to deteriorate and realised that his companys remaining tar surfacing material could be used for the benefit of both the company and the council. Arrangements are now in place for the left over material to be used to fill in potholes. Mr Freeman said: As a local company, we are more than happy to help out when we can to improve things within our local community. Councillor Anne Underwood, Sutton Coldfield constituency chairman, added: This project is a great example of partnership working between the city council and a local business. ANNUAL crime figures for Walsall show a decrease in reported crime for all but one neighbourhood, with new data on anti-social behaviour identifying trouble spots in the borough, a police internet site has revealed. Large decreases in crime levels have been identified in Walsall Wood (down 27 per cent) and Palfrey and Caldmore (down 26 per cent) for the period May 2008 to April 2009 on West Midlands Polices My Neighbourhood website. With the motto Face Facts Feel Safer, the police have this week encouraged more Walsall residents to find out what is happening on their doorstep by logging on to myneighbourhood. info The website is described as a sophisticated online crime mapping system based on postcode searches. A detailed breakdown of both crime and anti-social behaviour incidents is given, with the latter identifying the numbers of rowdy incidents fuelled by alcohol or caused by those 17 and under. In addition maps identifying hotspots within the borough show concentrations of both criminal and anti-social activity. Given different neighbourhoods have varying populations, the police have also identified the number of incidents per 1,000 population. Streetly and Pheasey had the lowest crime rate in the borough with just 39.2 offences committed per 1,000 people, closely followed by Pelsall with 40.6. Chief Inspector Kevin Doyle, from the neighbourhood policing team said: Crime mapping is something that West Midlands Police have been developing for over two years. We now have the facility to share the reality of crime and anti-social behaviour levels in all of our 248 neighbourhoods across the West Midlands. Working with communities, crime fell across 80 per cent of our neighbourhoods last year, and we need to be just as successful in dealing with anti-social behaviour. Superintendent Gez Moore, of the forces Citizen Focus department, said: The interactive site allows the community to obtain information around local crime and anti-social behaviour. The crime and anti-social incidents are then instantly presented for the general public to view. It provides a valuable insight into what is taking place locally and provides opportunities for the public and other agencies to get involved in local issues. To find out more visit myneighbourhood. info or go to west-midlands. police. uk and follow the links from the home page. May 2009 News Local Streetly couple Leslie and Beryl Wheeler recently celebrated their Diamond Wedding and received a message from the Queen. The couple, who live on Northside Drive, met at a dance at the King Charles Public House in Kingstanding in 1947. Beryl used to work in the jewellery quarter, and Leslie served with the Royal Navy during the second world war. They have two daughters, five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. John Quinn from Streetly ran in the recent London Marathon to raise money for the John Taylor Hospice. Local Streetly beauty Laura Harvey, a law student, has received hundreds of public votes to ensure that she will be a semi finalist in the Miss England competition to be held in June. To see Lauras profile log onto missengland. infosemi-finalists. Staff from the Hardwick Arms Public House will be joining in the Great Midlands Fun Run in Sutton Park on May 31st. They will be running as part of the team from the Sutton Colfield Cancer Support Centre. Former Olympian Sally Ellis has devised a training regime to help the runners enjoy their day. If you are running and want to benefit from Sallys advice logonto greatmidlandsfun-run. What a load of rubbish Aldridge and Streetly residents are disappointed that their local recycling centre at Merchant Way, Aldridge will now be closed on Wednesdays as part of a budgetary decision to save 100,000. Residents of Branton Hall Road, Aldridge heaved a temporary sigh of relief when their ten year battle to divert heavy traffic from their road was ofered an alternative solution. The government has granted outline planning permission for a new access road to be built from the Bliss Sand and Gravel quarry in Branton Hall Road to the A452 Chester Road. A new self-referral physiotherapy service has been introduced at Good Hope Hospital in order to cut waiting time. Patients will be able to book an appointment to see a physiotherapist without having to go through their GP. For more information call the booking line on 0121 424 9053. Clive Hemus from Streetly was one of the first to register for this years Great Midlands Fun Run being held on May 31st. Since the first 8.5 mile run in 2003 the event has raised over 642,000 for charities and local organisations. Clive will be raising money for Kinstanding Age Concern. March 2009 News Local charity Midlands International Trust has benefitted from donations from a Streetly doctor. Dr. Abdul Gatrad, OBE, together with his brother and sister, has helped fund projects to enable poor children around the world to have life changing reconstructive surgery, and eye treatment. Dr. Gatrad is a senior consultant paediatrician at Walsall Manor Hospital. Do you play a string or a brass instrument If so The New Streetly Youth Orchestra is looking for new members. Rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings during term time at Manor Primary School, Briar Avenue, Streetly - just turn up. Did you used to work at a local Woolworths store Former Woolworths manager Derek Phillips is hoping to write a book about about these famous stores. Email him at derekphillips507google mail or write to him at 3 Whitcross, Barwick, Somerset, BA22 9TQ. Shoppers recollections are welcome too. Local Streetly school pupil and synronised swimmer Ellie Holder has been chosen to be part of the England development squad where she will train once a month with athletes from Team GB. Ellie, who attends Streetly School, recently won three gold medals at the British Synchronised Swimming Championships. Staff and chldren from Blackwood Primary School, Streetly recently held a Peter Pan themed day to celebrate the opening of the new school library. Year 8 pupils at Streetly School have been learning about the puppy walking process involved in the training and development of a guide dog, by following the progress of Bertie who has been visiting the school since he was 16 weeks old with his puppy walker Madge Nightingale. The children are also raising money for the charity Guide Dogs for the Blind. February 2009 News The recently opened eating disorders centre in Streetly, Newbridge House, launched a new initiative as part of National Eating Disorders Week in February. Simple questionnaires were sent to GPs in north Birmingham to help them to identify patients who may have anorexia or bulimia. The questionnaire examines the patients feelings and behaviour towards food and is designed to help GPs spot problems and ensure patients receive vital treatment as soon as possible. Local Streetly man Charles Tandy died in 2001 following a burglary at the training college where he was an instructor and, in February, his killer was sentenced to nine years in prison for manslaughter. The police and the judge paid tribute to Mr. Tandys family for the bravery and dignity they showed over this long period of time and also to Mr. Tandy who was recognised by everyone who knew him as a thoroughly good and kind man. Former world championship dancing finalists Warren and Jane Bullock, who hold one of their Zig Zag dance classes in Streetly, have again won a Carl Alan award for their contribution to dance. Sad news. Streetlys very own Diva Doria Doreen Lyons passed away in February aged 75 years. Streetly Library on Blackwood Road has re-opened after some alterations. Please note that the new telephone number is 01922 654864. Go Shopping in Sutton Coldfield and enjoy free parking every Thursday from 10.00am in The Mall (formerly known as Gracechurch Centre) Pupils from Manor Primary School, Streetly recently visited the new RSPB nature reserve Middleton Lakes situated in Drayton Bassett. The centre will be open to the public shortly and will be offering a programme of regular events and guided walks. The children took part in bird watching, pond dipping and bug hunting. For more details call 01827 259454 or email middletonlakesrspb. org. uk Residents who have battlng for years against the poor and dangerous condition of Boundary Court just off Hundred Acre Road, Streetly have had their hopes of any action dashed with the announcement that a long awaited compulsory purchase order will no longer be pursued. The building has long been the site of drug taking, alcohol abuse, litter dumping and behaviour and nearby residents are frightened that the situation will now go from awful to even worse. Do you play hockey If youre interested in joining the Streetly First or Second X1 or the Badgers call David Peers on 07711 332505. Streetlys Veseyans RFC strongly defended their recent home win against Leek by beating them for a second time. Two racing drivers are combining their talents and experience to race a Ford Mustang GT4 in the 2009 Britcar Production Championship. Ex. Streetly resident and BTCC Mike Jordan is teaming up with GT racer Stuart Scott with backing from Cambridge Business Travel. Jordan will prepare the car, which is already in the UK, under his new team banner JordanSport. co. uk Ex Streetly racing driver Mike Jordan and his new team (Team Pyro) will be entering the Ascari KZ1, run by David and Godfrey Jones, in the 2009 Avon Tyres British GT Championship. In a similar move, Gareth, Philip and Morgan Jones, their sons will take in some Britcar races in a Porsche 911GT3 Cup run by JordanSport. co. uk. Jordan, who recently downsized and rebranded his Team Eurotech operation into JordanSport, feels that the situation is ideal for everyone involved. The association between Pyro and Jordan began in 2007 when Team Pyro tended the Renault Clio raced by Mikes son Andrew. George Wimpeys brand new development in Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, will comprise homes for all types of buyers, including contemporary two-bedroom apartments, and three, four and five-bedroom homes, with prices ranging from 139,995 to 430,000. An example of the first houses available at the development is the four-bedroom detached Tolworth, available to purchase from 299,995 or in part-exchange for an existing property, which is available on selected plots. George Wimpey also offers a range of deals tailor-made for first-time buyers including help with their deposit, and for those with a property to sell, the leading housebuilders part-exchange and easymover programmes offer a range of attractive incentives to make moving quick and hassle-free. To register for information when new homes are released for sale, prospective buyers should contact the Sales Executive at the development. To find out more about the new homes at Kingsland Grange, visit the development at Bridle Lane, Streetly, and open Thursdays to Mondays, 11am to 5pm, or go online at Georgewimpey. co. uk. January 2009 News Yet more residents who live on George Frederick Road and Banners Gate on the Streetly - Birmingham border, have been penning their complaints about the withdrawal of their off peak 377 bus service. Many residents are now unable to get out and about for shopping, visiting and medical appointments and, in the recent severe weather have had to hire taxis. A Streetly couple fell for each other in a very big way over sixty years ago when they met at a roller skating rink at Dymchurch on the Kent coast just after the Second World War. Edna and Fred Groom, who live in Burnett Road, Streetly have just celebrated their Diamond Wedding with a church blessing at St. Margarets Church, Great Barr, followed by a celebration at the George Hotel, Lichfield. Streetly Village now has two restaurants. MINT located at the corner of Burnett and Thornhill Roads opened recently to provide straight forward dining celebrating great British produce. The restaurant has just received excellent an review from the Birmingham Mail food critic Paul Fulford. Open Mon - Sat from 6.30pm Sunday Brunch 10 - 12pm Sunday Lunch from 12pm Call 0121 353 0488 or log onto mint-restaurant Streetly residents wont have far to go to enjoy a cup of coffee and a chat with friends when the former Hindleys bakery in Mere Green, just a few minutes drive away, opens as Costa Coffee in February,2009. Just round the corner on Mere Green Road, the Loch Fyne restaurant is to be re-branded. Called The Old Speckled Hen the pub will serve home cooked British food and real ales. The Aga Shop on Burnett Road, Streetly, recently hosted the Heart of England Fine Foods annual competition to find the regions tastiest sausage. Owens family butchers of Stoke on Trent won the award for the best breakfast sausage and Boxleys butchers took the specialty prize for their pork and marmite sausage - apparently you either love it or hate it DOVE SPA is open in what was formerly the Re-aqua beauty salon on Burnett Road, Streetly. For details of all treatments phone 0844 800 2139. A new joggers group has been set up up locally in Sutton. Budding Streetly runners will now be able to up the pace with other like minded enthusiasts. For more details see the club and events pages. Police have asked local Streetly pensioners to beware of two white men involved in recent distraction burglaries. The men knock on doors claiming to be from the water board and say that there has been an explosion in the area causing water to be contaminated. They then steal cash. Police advise that there is no such thing as a water board now and that bona fide officials from water companies such as Severn Trent or South Staffs would not require access to homes in these circumstances. If you have any information which could help police with this problem please call them on 0845 113 5000 or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. A Streetly man has been made an OBE for his services to to the West Midland Reserve Forces and Cadets Association. Colonel Thomas Derek Christopher Lloyd who is currently a Deputy Lieutenant for the West Midlands, and Provincial Grand Master of Freemasonry for the Province of Staffordshire, served in the TA for 30 years and recently retired as chairman of the regions RFCA after six years in the post. Colonel Lloyd was born in Great Barr but has lived locally since the 1960s. He is a pilot and a keen skier and recently crossed the Atlantic in a small, two man yacht. A group of adult students - all with learning disabilities - recently passed the first level of their horticultural exams. The ASDAN scheme, offers a wide range of qualifications for people of all abilities. The successful students were presented with certificates by local Streetly business man Brian Wheat, of Wheats Flower and Garden Centre. Streetly Library on Blackwood Road will be re-opening on Monday, 9th February following major alterations. Meanwhile, books can be returned to any Walsall library. Walsall is set to receive additional government funding to help provide Friday and Saturday night activities for young people, in a bid to keep them off the streets and out of trouble. Young people will help to decide what these activities are. The emphasis is that they have local access to these activities at times they want and need, such as Friday and Saturday evenings. Streetlys very own singing sensation Connie Talbot goes from strength to strength. She celebrated her 8th birthday by reaching number one at the top of the US billboard singles chart following appearances on American TV and radio. She also launched her latest album. In December, Connie performed in Berlin, at Disneyland Paris, in Korea, Taiwan, the Philipinnes and Hong Kong and making a return appearance on The Ellen Show in the US. Interested in playing football Colron Boys Football Club under 12s are based in Streetly and are looking for new players. Training is at Streetly School at 6.00pm on Thursdays. Contact Gary on 0781 4542888. The Birmingam branch of Age Concern has set up a new service called FIRSTCALL whch will enable the elderly, and their families and helpers, to get help through a dedicated phone line and website. Firstcall for Birmingham is manned between the hours of 9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday and until 4.30pm on Friday, The number is 0121 270 3311 and the website is ageconcernbirmingham. org. uk. Streetly Wedding Belle Joanna Meadows married Scott Hayler at The Ventian Hotel, Las Vegas. The couple honeymooned in Egypt. Veseyans RFC are continuing to battle their way to Twickenham. After a narrow win over Wolverhampton they beat Cleobury Mortimer 48 -0 - a great confidence booster to take with them when they play Bishops Castle in their next match. Streetly Hockey Club had a mixed bag of results. The Steetly 3rd XI and the Streetly Badgers both lost their matches but the Streetly 2nd XI held out against the Kingswinford 2nd XI to beat them 4 - 0. Streetly Tennis Club had a brilliant result when they won both the Senor Mixed and the Mens 60s doubles titles at the National Veterans Inter-Club Tournament held in Brierley Hill recently. The Streetly over 60s mens team will now represent Great Britain in the 2009 European Club championships. Well done to them January 2009 News Streetly residents will benefit from an improved train service on the cross city Lichfield to Redditch Line via Birmingham New Street. From December 15th the number of evening and Saturday services will be increased to four an hour doubling the existing frequency. It is hoped that Sunday frequency will be increased in the future too. New timetables will be in Blackwood Road Library and in the travel shop, Birmingham New Street Station as soon as they are available. Or you can email wwwworkwestmidlands Residents of George Frederick Road are still up in arms about the loss of their daytime 377 bus service. Many of the residents are elderly and unable to access the new route and will have to rely on taxis or friends who have cars. Having contacted National Express they are convinced that the change is merely a way of boosting income and has nothing to do with providing a service. The new route will add a further 10 buses an hour travelling to Kingstanding whilst leaving these residents stranded. Bus number 5656A, Diamond bus service from Brownhills to Birmingham via Aldridge, Streetly and Kingstanding introduced some timetable changes from January 4th, 2009. Details available on this website and at wwwworkwestmidlands New timetables will be available from Blackwood Road Library and from the travel shop in Birmingham New Street Station. PC Gary Hall of West Midlands Police, stationed at HQ Birmingham is the Diversity and Community Cohesion Officer for the West Midlands Policing area. PC Hall is looking for a group of Senior volunteers who would be interested in becoming a voice of the senior community to the West Midlands Police. This would be purely a voluntery role however transport and refreshments would be supplied. I am looking for up to 25 people in all but they may not all be needed on the same day or evening. The role of the Senior Independant Advisory Group (SIAG) would be to advise the police service on items concerns which are linked to the police service and our more senior community. We are looking for a group of senior people over the age of 55 who would be willing to give about 2 or 3 hours per month to help us with this project which would be doing a great service to the community. If you would be interested in joining the group then could you please contact me on 07833 720015 or my desk number at the Police HQ: 0845 1135000 ext 76306144. PC GARY HALL DIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY COHESION OFFICER 1ST FLOOR, AQUA HOUSE 20 LIONEL STREET BIRMINGHAM WEST MIDLANDS. Newbridge House in Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, offers NHS help to teenage boys and girls with eating disorders battling problems like bulimia and anorexia to look like their skinny superstar idols. Despite anorexia typically developing between the ages of 14 and 17 and bulimia from 16 to 22, most young people are treated in general psychiatric units at hospitals rather than specialist centres. But Newbridge House, which even includes a classroom, will see psychiatrists, psychologists, family therapists, dietitians and occupational therapists giving teenagers and some young adults from across the Midlands NHS treatment. It was opened amid growing concern that skinny celebrities such as supermodel Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie and Hollywood actress Lindsey Lohan were to blame for young girls becoming obsessed with their body shape. And the so-called size zero obsession among fashion designers has also reportedly led to girls as young as eight trying to starve themselves. Dr Richard Newland, a GP and chief executive of Newbridge House, said: We have created a welcoming, homely environment which is distinct from the institutional, hospital setting where people with eating disorders are often treated. Eating disorders vary in severity and the way they affect each individual. Some people may stay in Newbridge House because they need a high level of treatment and support, others will come to our centre for day care, returning home every evening. Our team members are all specialists in the field of eating disorders with a wealth of expertise. Medical director is Prof Hubert Lacey, one of the most renowned in the medical area in the country. The detached, 16-bedroom house has been turned into a residential home for boys aged between 14 and 17 and girls and women from the age of 14. Most patients will be funded by the NHS and referred by their GP or a psychiatrist. The number of children being admitted to hospital with eating disorders has risen by more than a third in the past decade with one in every 100 girls affected by eating disorders. Birmingham has the highest number of people claiming incapacity benefit due to an eating disorder in the UK, with 40 people per 100,000. After initial objections, Newbridge House on the Chester Road, Streetly has opened as one of only a few units which will offer specialist help to teenagers and young adults suffering from conditions such as anorexia and bulimia. The centre can be contacted on 0121 580 8362 or at newbridge-health. org. uk. Praise for a local business hit the news when Regency Plaster of Aldridge Road, Streetly came to the rescue of a distressed couple whose plasterer made a dreadful mess and ruined the plaster arch bought from Regency Plaster. Regency Plaster not only provided a new arch free of charge but also sent a bona fide plasterer who did a fantastic job. In these days of rogue traders and couldnt care less attitudes this company obviously deserves the business. Have you got any more tales of good service so that we can spread the word POLICE are appealing for witnesses following a spate of distraction burglaries in walsall area including Streetly. Officers are currently looking into links between the offences. In each incident two white men in their late 20s called at the home of residents claiming to be from the Water Board and referring to an explosion causing contamination of water. The men then entered the home of the victims and stole cash. Two incidents took place at addresses on Goodwood Drive in Streetly, where the offenders took cash from the home of an 88-year-old woman and the home of a 70-year-old woman. Det Chief Insp Robert Hazel, from Walsall police station, said: There is no such thing as a water board anymore Officials from a water company such as Severn Trent or South Staffordshire will not require access to your home. Anyone with information about any of the incidents is urged to call CID at Walsall police station on 0845 113 5000 or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. 625 millions pounds has been allocated for crumbling Walsall secondary schools in line to be bulldozed and rebuilt, which includes among five schools, The Streetly Specialist Sports College ( Streetly School ) Proposals are in a early stage, and Debbie Hunton, headteacher at The Streetly Specialist Sports College, said there was a mood of elation among pupils and staff. Members of the Cabinet are due to meet on February 4th 2009 to agree plans for the recommended schools. 16 year old Paul Heard who attends The Streetly School has just signed a contract with Birmingham Monarchs Cycle Speedway team. Paul started racing in 2005 for Sandwell and became a leading junior, qualifying for three successive British Junior Finals in 2006, 2007 and last year at Poole in Dorset. Paul won the prestigious Chairmans Cup at Bury in 2007, successfully defending it in 2008. He also reached the British under-19s Final in 2008. Pauls father, John is a leading official in the sport, holding a number of key administrative positions. Both are shortly to head out to Australia as part of the official British Lions Cycle Speedway team touring party. Paul Heard has been named in the junior Lions squad and he is expected to challenge for the World Individual Junior title, also being staged in Australia in February and March 2009. Paul said Several of my main British rivals have signed for Premier League clubs and I did not want to be left behind, I am looking forward to racing for Birmingham with my great friends Marcus Wadhams and Chris Timms. Paul Heard is expected to make his Birmingham Premier League debut on March 15 2009 when the Monarchs head to reigning British Team champs Wednesfield Aces in a crunch local derby. LIVING PAINTINGS is an award winning charity that provides braille and written copies of childrens books. There are all the usual favourites such as Winnie the Pooh and the Gruffalo and educational packs are available too. This vital service provides a free picture book library to non sighted youngsters who look forward to having new books just as much as their sighted friends. If youd like to find out more about this library, if youd like to join, or if youd like to help in any way contact Su Pollard at at Living Paintings, Unit 8, Kingsclere Park, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 4SW. Telephone 01635 299771 or livingpaintings. org Are you an ex Coldstream Guard in Streetly area If so, you may like to meet up with other ex members of the 1st Battalion who meet up on the second Wednesday of each month at the Nautical Club, 34 Bishopgate Street(off Broad Street) in Birmingham City Centre. The club holds dances and goes on trips to see the Trooping of the Colour and to visit training barracks to see recruits in training. It also visits soldiers in Selly Oak Hospital who have been injured in Afghanistan. The group would love to welcome some new members - lady friends and wives are welcome too. Contact Mike Broadbent on 0121 358 5122 or on 0780 319 8231. St. Annes RC School in Blackwood Road is organising Walk to School on Wednesdays in order to keep fit and healthy. Parents and grandparents are being encouraged to get involved and classes will be competing against each other to see who can get the most walkers The 377 Walsall to Sutton Coldfield Bus has been re-routed. Off peak services will no longer travel along George Frederick Road but instead will travel along the stretch of Sutton Oak Road between the Parson and Clerk public house and Kingstanding Circle, continuing into Rough Road and Banners Gate. The change has been made because of the demand from Walsall residents who want to travel to Kingstanding. However, residents of George Frederick, Westwood and Longmoor Roads are very concerned at the loss of this local service which they have had for over fifty years. These roads are hilly and many elderly residents fear that they will become trapped in their homes and no longer be able to do their weekly shopping. Residents of Bridle Lane are up in arms about the continuing encroachment of phone masts. Two masts have been erected at the junction of Manor Road and Bridle Lane and a third one has just been erected a few yards away on the Chester Road in spite of planning permission previously having been refused. Local singing star Connie Talbot appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show in America on November 17th. Connies second album, which is a mixture of traditional and modern Christmas songs, is being released on November 24th and her American television appearance will be screened in this country later in the year. Streetly MP, Richard Shepherd is lending his support to a campaign which will help local businesses to save up to 1,100 a year by claiming the Small Business Rate Relief that they may be entitled to. Businesses can check their eligibiltyby logging onto conservatives website A strong performance by Streetly Veseyans RFC guaranteed a 21 - 6 win against Leek, an excellent result after their previous disappointing match. Knitting expert, Julie Reekie put an appeal in her doctors surgery, and in Blackwood Road Methodist Church for help to knit blankets for local charities. Gwen Skeldon and Joyce Eade answered her cry for help and two blankets have already been donated to Age Concern with a third for Acorns Childrens Hospice on the way. Good Hope Hospital parents, whose babies die during pregnancy, at birth, or within 28 days of birth are to be helped to gather memories of their baby. SANDS - the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society - will provide a memory box containing a camera, a white blanket, two teddy bears, a handmade card, and a trinket box for small items such as wrist tags. SANDS provides information and support for bereaved parents and their families and can be contactd by visiting Sands website Claire Boylan and Jenny Austin, both sufferers of alopecia - or hair loss - have formed a support group for fellow sufferers. Almost 300 people from the Sutton Coldfield and Walsall area now belong to the group which meets monthly at various locations to share problems, get advice, and make friends. Join us to meet and talk to others with hair loss. For information call Claire on 07785 501 588 or Jenny on 07530 718 382 or visit alopeciaonline website A scheme run jointly by the charity Leonard Cheshire Disability and Barclays has helped 163 disabled people to set up in business and provided support to over 800 more. Steve Dent of Sutton Coldfield was paralysed following a spinal injury and was helped by the Ready To Start scheme to form his company SPOKZ which sells disabled sports and lifestyle equipment. For more information visit readytostart website or spokz website A new restaurant was opened on the corner of Thornhill Road and Burnett Road in Streetly Village on Monday, 10th November 2008. MINT hopes to provide straight forward dining using great British produce and will be serving food on Monday to Saturday from 6.30pm with Sunday brunch from 10.00am till 12.00pm and Sunday lunch from 12.00pm. For more information or to make a reservation phone 0121 353 0488 or visit mint restaurant Streetly area house-hunters looking for a stylish home are invited to register to buy off plan for a new development at Kingsland Grange, Bridle Lane, in Streetly. George Wimpeys brand new development will comprise of homes for all types of buyers, including contemporary two-bedroom apartments, and three, four and five-bedroom homes, with prices ranging from 139,995 to 400,000. Home buyers registering their interest now, will receive details of the first properties as soon as they are released - and by buying off-plan, customers can stamp their style on their new home, choosing kitchens, bathrooms, floorings and fittings to suit their own specifications. To register for information about new homes at Kingsland Grange in Streetly, follow this link to the George wimpey website On Sunday 26th October a sponsored PSDA dog walk was held in Sutton Park to raise money for vetinary care. more info available, just Call freephone 0800 917 2509 or log on to pdsa. org. ukwalkies The Air Ambulance went to the rescue when an elderly man from Foley Road East, Streetly fell over 25 feet from his ladder whilst trying o chop off tree branches. He was taken to Heartlands Hospital by the air ambulance, which landed in the grounds of Manor School, Briar Avenue, and was found to be suffering from neck and rib injuries. Andrew Jordan is well on the way to more success. He has signed up with Triple Eight Race Engineering to race in the 2009 British Touring Car Championship in a Vectra run by Team Euro Tech. Dad Mike is a little jealous but extremely proud A 500 grant from The Midcounties Cooperative has enabled the Streetly Community Association to buy seven lightweight tables and a trolley to be used by the many groups who use this venue. Dance classes, flower arrangers, the WI, parties and weddings will all benefit. For more information or to find out about classes and groups available, call 0121 353 8630 or email streetly association . Could this be you The Prrtt Society is looking for people with the surnames Pirretts, Parrotts, Purretts, Perretts, Porritts or anything similar to discover more about their ancestors. A local resident who was the president of the Sutton Coldfield Movie Makers has died after a short illness aged 101. Gladys Dean, a former teacher, was a founder member of Birminghams Crescent Theatre. Planning application refused. Plans to turn what was previously Pinewood Nursing Home on Chester Road into a childrens home have been refused. Application had been made for the building to become Newbridge House a centre for children with eating disorders which residents did not object to. Objections from local residents were raised when it was discovered that the application was a C2 classification. Once this classification had been granted the property could have been used for residential purposes, for a hospital, school or training centre, by reason of old age, disablement, past or present drug or alcohol dependency or mental disorders - without seeking further permission from the Council. Residents were very concerned at the wider implications of such a development. A Council spokesman said that it was the wrong sort of venue for the wrong sort of place. World Record Local resident Tony Davis was awarded a Guinness World Record for the amount of blood he has donated. Tony is a platelet donor and his 605 donations go back to before official records began. Tonys daughter needed the help of a blood transfusion when she gave birth to her first child and now Tonys donations are used to help cancer, haemophillia and dialysis patients. Local business closes doors for the last time Streetly Furnishings on Aldridge Road finally closed its doors to the public on Sunday, 7th September after twenty two years of providing homeowners with beautifully crafted solid wood home furnishings. Director Mark Hyde is retiring from furniture retail to devote more time to a more recently developed import company and to seeing more of his family. Happy Birthday to Vicky Southam Snookers oldest fan celebrated her 108th birthday recently with cards from friends and relatives including one signed by snooker celebrities such as Joe Perry, Peter Ebdon, Ali Carter and Shaun Murphy. Vicky Southam was named after Queen Victoria. She worked as an orderly at Dudley Road Hospital during the first world war before going into nursing. As part of the war effort she also polished bullets and made soldiersshirts. Vicky still lives independently, with some help, in her own home. Ace performances Streetly Tennis Club still continues to be on a winning streak across the board. Junior players Josh Sherrington and John Keighley won both doubles and singles titles over the summer months under the coaching of Richard Macey and his team. Derek Bradshaw and Ken Buswell reached the doubles final in the Over-60s. Ken also added the Over-75 grass court singles title at Wimbledon to the indoor and hard court titles he won earlier this year. For more information log onto streetlytennisclub. co. uk Another run of success Three local athletes ran away with gold medals in the British Masters Road Relays. Richard Cashmore, John Hughes and Bunny Kyd, who all belong to the Royal Sutton Coldfield Athletics Club, came first in the veterans Over-70 three mile road relay held recently in Sutton Park beating runners from all over the UK. Jordans race at Silverstone Father and son team Mike and Andrew Jordan, who were based in Streetly for many years before moving to Lichfield, both finished in the top ten of the British Touring Car Championship at Silverstone in front of a 27,000 crowd. The Hardwick Arms is being researched by local historians who are keen to trace the history of the pub, they are currently trying to find out when the pub actually became the Hardwick Arms and have narrowed it down to between 1904 and about 1914 - even the brewery dont seem to know, if you have some information, please contact streetly website. Local Streetly golfers, Steve Such and Mark Strange are organising the Annual golf tournament Autumn Cup for the third year running. The tournament, involving two teams of eight players, is played over 3 days and this year will be held at th Wychwood Park De Vere Hotel in Cheshire. Former Streetly Comprehensive pupil in TV series Linzie Bissett was recently on air on Channel 4 every Thursday evening helping wine expert Monty Waldin set up a wine business in the Pyrenean foothills. The six part series is called Chateau Monty. Linzie left school at 15 and her first job was working for insurance company Allied Dunbar. Now back in England and currently trying to set up a new catering business Linzie said that the experience was a chance of a lifetime and had changed her life. Local man hits the boards Alyn Evans, former Arthur Terry pupil and Streetly resident, was on stage in the charity gala performance of Me and My Girl at the London Palladium in October 2008. The performance raised money for the Anthony Nolan Trust. For more information see uk New furniture store opened in Streetly on Saturday, 20th September 2008 at 334 Aldridge Road, Streetly. Tlf. 0121 352 1733. Open Mon - Sat 9.30 - 5.00 and Sun. 10.00-4.00. Lots of bargains. Managers Special every week. Congratulations to local swimmoming Paralympic gold medal star Ellie Simmonds from everyone in Streetly. On Saturday 13 September 12 noon a PROTEST MEETING was held outside ALDRIDGE BAIL HOSTEL Local residents concerned about a recent incident involving the sexual assault of a young 8yr girl in Aldridge, wish to press for the closure of Aldridge Bail hostel in accordance with the high court decision in 1996 which found that it should be closed. Streetly residents share these concerns having heard about proposals for 3 more facilities to be located in Streetly. These will be called supported accommodation and described as not bail hostels or registered premises, and therefor will not be in any way secure and provide accomodation for court bailed individuals who represent no risk of significant harm to others although it excludes offenders with convictions for any sexual offence, cruelty to children or racially aggravated offences under the terms of the government awarded contract to ClearSprings who describe their business as a leading private provider of accommodation and support services for vulnerable clients, we pride ourselves in our capability to deliver services in a professional and safe manner. These new buildings will be rented private houses within residential areas which require no local consultations or planning permission, as part of a scheme introduced on Monday 18 June 2007 to enable the courts and prison governors to make greater use of bail and early release on a strict curfew. see more information here including the Government petition Ex streetly race ace Andrew Jordan, was recently crowned as HiQs champagne moment winner for the first time following his brilliant drive at Oulton Park in July 2008 when he raced to his first ever podium finish. HiQs asked spectators to vote for their star performer on their official website hiqonline. co. uk with Andrew winning 67 of the votes. More success for Andrew Jordan who finished third overall in the 24th round of the HiQMSA British Touring Car Champonship at Knockhill. Dad Mike didnt fare so well. A brake problem lead him to start in 16th position on the grid finally finishing 11th in the third race. Connie Talbot the young Streetly singing sensation is spreading her wings to star in her own karaoke game for the Nintendo Wii. The console game entitled Sing Along With Connie, is based on her recent album Over the Rainbow features all 15 tracks and should be available early in 2009. Sharon Bunn from Streetly won a brand new Vauxhall Corsa in the St. Giles Hospice weekly lottery. Steve Thompson Cars of Lichfield sponsored this pirize as part of St. Giles Hospice 25th birthday celebrations. Its not just the British Olympic Team who are won gold - Streetly School is celebrating excellent GCSE results with 72 of pupils gaining five or more A to C grades. In recognising the pupils hard work, head teacher Debbie Hunton was delighted with the results. A heart warming tale - a man who underwent a heart transplant almost 20 years ago celebrated his Golden Wedding in August 2008. Doug Hindle and his wife Jean say the secret to their happy marriage is always making time fo each other. Proposals to convert a property in Chester Road, Streetly, into a care home for youngsters have caused considerable local objection and concern. Inspirations Care Services have put forward the application to change use of the building to cater for 9 to 17-year-olds. This will be for children who have suffered from neglect, physical or sexual abuse or have been subject to traumatic experiences in early years. In a report to councillors David Elsworthy, head of planning, building control and regeneration, has recommended the scheme is approved subject to conditions. He says: The applicants do not admit children who have sexually offended, who are drug or alcohol dependent or who have diagnosed mental health issues. The homes try and mirror family living as the children have usually not experienced any type of normal family environment. Residents are concerned about what kind of children will be housed, crime and disorder issues and fear it will be an overdevelopment in the area. They also say there are already problems with anti-social behaviour from loitering youths and it would erode family character of Streetly. The site lies on the junction of Kingscroft Road. Inspirations Care Services insist there will be three to four adults on shift from 8am until 10pm each day, with two adults on-site overnight. The application will be considered by members of the development control committee. Outstanding nursery Ofsted report Coogee Nursery School based in Burnett Road, Streetly has been classed as outstanding by Ofsted Inspectors. Jane Medina, owner and teacher, said she was very proud and thrilled with the result. Everyone at the school worked tirelessly to give the children a loving, caring and exciting environment in which to blossom and develop. coogee nursery school website Police appealed for witnesses following a collision between two cars in Streetly on Saturday 9th August 2008. A Honda Civic and a VW Golf were in collision on Foley Road West at around 2.35pm. The Honda then collided with a tree. Two men, both aged 18, were taken to hospital with serious injuries. A 45-year-old man and a 48-year-old woman received treatment for minor injuries. Foley Road West was closed for around 3 hours while inquiries were made at the scene. Any witnesses are urged to contact the road policing unit at Walsall police station on 0845 113 5000. Streetly doctor Richard prescribes a little fantasy fun A local GP often swaps his stethoscope for the world of fantasy and magic. Dr. Richard Denning who is a GP based at the Oaks Medical Practice in Streetly, recently helped to organise a games expo event which showcased the hobby of board and role-playing games. During the exhibition, visitors were able to learn about a wide variety of games including Dungeons and Dragons. Dr. Denning and a host of other games hobbyists organised the event in their spare time in order to attract more people to take up the hobby. Theres a deer at the bottom of my garden Deer-keeping hasnt been practised in Sutton Park since the town got its charter in 1528, but the deer havent gone away - they are still spotted in Sutton and Streetly. The deer are the Reeves Muntjac breed and experts at Sutton Park Visitor Centre reckon that the number in Sutton Park is in double figures. Less numerous red and fallow deer have been spotted too. It is thought they follow the railway track and have been seen in Streetly near the where the railway crosses the public right of way from Lindrosa Road over Little Aston Golf course. Local residents have also reported sightings in their gardens. Early mornings are the best time to catch a glimpse of these beautiful but timid creatures. Have you seen a Muntjac deer Send details of your sighting and any photos to Streetly website Streetly Furnishings, located on Aldridge Road, in Sutton Coldfield closed down in June 2008 after 22 years in business providing homeowners with beautifully-crafted solid wood home furnishings. Director Mark Hyde, 50, retires from furniture retail to divide his time over-seeing a more recently developed import company as well as seeing more of his family. The Streetly Diva now has a page on Streetly website which explains how she raises funds for good local causes and brings a smile to eveybody, see Diva Dorie Streetlys very own young singing sensation Connie Talbot has also made it onto Streetly website Connie Talbot Caroline Griffin recently moved to streetly on the estate opposite Farmers Johns. I have discovered a lovely woodland with 2 lawned areas off Compton Drive and Gunstock Close. A lot of rubbish has been dumped at various places in the wood, there is a lot of dog fouling on the lawns and also a lot fencing is broken. The bird song as you walk along the path is lovely. There are also many varieties of wildflowers, Forget me nots, dog rose, ferns, blackberries, Elderflower, holly, laburnum, sycamore, oak, holly and many Rhodedendrons. There are 2 walsall Metropolitan Council signs saying No fly tipping, penalty 50 by order of the Chief Executive and Town Clerk. I have e mailed Walsall Council about the dog fouling, asking for signs to be put up. Does anyone else in streetly know anything about it. I have found a book called the the Streetly Local History Trail in the Local History Department of Sutton Coldfield Library. This gives the history of the Blackwood area of streetly and how the Queslett road got its name, also info on the tabernacle chapel on Aldridge Road. and lots of other info on the history of streetly. I have received a reply from Andrew Cooper from Walsall Council, who visited the woods with an Arboricultural Officcer looking at the issues I raised and those of other residents. He asked a service provider to remove the flytipped waste from the rear of Gunstock Close by the end of next week. He will report back to the Parks Manager Nigel Illsley. He has also told me that part of the councils tree management review they are looking for local volunteers to act as tree wardens for woodlands and open spaces and wonders if I would be interested in participating. I have emailed back to say yes, and should anyone else wish to help, they should contact Ian Mcdermott 0121 360 9464 or via e mail, Mcdermottiwalsall. gov. uk Streetly has set up its own local history group The History group meet on a monthly basis looking at topics such as schools, shops and businesses, public houses, local characters, in fact anything which might be of interest. If you have any memories of what used to be where put them down on paper and either bring them to the next meeting or drop them into 51 Lindrosa Road, 15 Thornhill Park. or Blackwood Road Library. Dont worry about the spelling, we just want the facts no matter how trivial they may seem. Please include details of where you can be contacted. The group has the backing of Walsall Local History Centre which would like to archive all material including any photographs you might have. The Centre would also like to encourage the involvement of local school children. The meetings and times are detailed on the Events page. We shall also be remembering all the shops in Streetly. Any details - dates, names, location, owners and staff will be greatly apreciated. Banners Gate United Reformed Church has been saved after members voted for a merger with Streetly Community Baptist Church. The URC building in Westwood Road will now offer a permanent home for the Baptists, who have been holding their meetings at Streetly School. The Baptists, who had an equal vote on the merging proposals, will add new life to the ageing congregation at Banners Gate, who have now been able to reverse their decision to close their church. Although it may take some time for the formal establishment of the Partnership, joint worship, mission and other activities have already begun and the first joint service was held on Easter Sunday. ( see the Church page for more information ) Streetly as part of Walsall Council is also part of The Black Country in terms of Planning and Development Black Country Core Strategy: What is it about. The Black Country has a distinctive character and strong communities. Local people have strong ties to their area and are justly proud of the Black Countrys heritage. However, the Black Country is also an area facing considerable social, economic and environmental challenges. To address these we need to build more homes to meet future needs, attract new jobs, shape the growth of town centres and transform the environment. Our vision is to create a Black Country where people want to live and provide a wide range of job opportunities. The four Black Country Local Authorities of Dudley MBC, Sandwell MBC, Walsall MBC and Wolverhampton City Council are producing a Core Strategy. This will be a spatial planning document which will guide the delivery of more than 60,000 new homes across the Black Country between now and 2026, supported by new shops, offices, leisure, transport and environmental improvements. In your area this will cover : the location and type of future housing developments where jobs should be located how people can move around the Black Country the location and size of new shopping, leisure and cultural facilities protection and improvement of the natural and built environment how to address the needs of the Black Countrys diverse communities Based on what people have told us so far we have identified a series of regeneration corridors where this change will be focussed. These are shown on the map overleaf. The Core Strategy will affect all areas in the Black Country both inside and outside the corridors. Inside the corridors change will be focussed on delivering new homes and employment. Outside the corridors, in places such as Aldridge and Streetly, the focus will be on protecting and enhancing what is good. More information including detailed proposals for the regeneration corridors and the centres of Brierley Hill, Walsall, West Bromwich and Wolverhampton can be found in the Core Strategy Preferred Options document. This can be viewed at the First Stop Shop, Walsall Civic Centre, at Aldridge Streetly Libraries and Core Strategy On-line Copies can be sent to you by requested using this E-mail link Other information available includes a summary of consultation responses received so far and technical evidence. Further details are available from Mr Jon Lord ( Principal Regeneration Officer-Policy Team) Walsall Council E-mail Mr John Lord Telephone 01922 652478 New rail services linking Birmingham to places like Aldridge, Streetly, Castle Bromwich, Minworth, The Fort and Walmley are being investigated by Centro. The West Midlands public transport body is funding studies that will look at linking Birmingham with a number of possible new routes. It has commissioned the research, which if positive, could be a first step towards a series of vital new services. The plans include at least two new services an hour between Birmingham and Tamworth, calling at new stations at Kingsbury, Castle Bromwich and The Fort. Trains on the route would also call at the new 9 million Coleshill Parkway Station and at Wilnecote and Water Orton. They are also looking at services that would travel through Sutton Park between Walsall and Water Orton, calling at new stations in Aldridge, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, Walmley and Minworth. Key to the plans is the proposed implementation of new Chord lines in Bordesley, which would allow new and existing services to access the newly refurbished Birmingham Moor Street station. Consultants Halcrow are carrying out the study and are due to complete it by November 2008. They will be looking at the cost, as well as key issues like overcrowding. Planners and economists will also assess passenger demand, congestion, emissions and accidents. Councillor Gary Clarke, chairman of Centro, said: If these plans are realised, they will build on the significant investment already seen in regional rail network over recent years. Free loft insulation and wall insulation is available to any Walsall ratepayer aged 70 or over. Contact Hayley Campbell on 01922 652 123 for the full details. Walsall Council, Housing Standards and Improvements. Free venue for non-profit organisations The Innkeepers Lodge on Chester Road, next to the Parson and Clerk, is offering free access to its meeting room facilities to registered charities. This includes use of a LCD computer projector and screen, flip charts, TVs and videos. There is plenty of parking and disabled access. The room can accommodate 20 people for a business style meeting or up to 50 for a sit down event. The rooms will be available on a first come first served basis. Phone the duty manager on 0121 353 7785. Walsall M. B.C. Draft Sustainable Community Strategy The draft Sustainable Community Strategy provides a vision for Walsall in the year 2021 and sets out our priorities for the next 6 years. We have listened to local people and this is an opportunity for you to tell us how important the priorities that we have developed so far, are to you. Your response will influence the key things that service providers do and how resources are allocated. Please take a about 4 or 5 minutes minutes to answer the following questions in the link below. Walsall Draft Sustainable Community Strategy Questions Photography in Streetly. is now being used to show how residents are proud of thier community and will work together with local communities and organisations including the Police in a bid to tackle and resolve any decline or damage in the area, nothing is more powerful. than a picture See the photo Album You are welcome to send Photographs of the local area to highlight those scenes and views you enjoy most, you may also wish to send any photo which brings attention to any area of damage or in need of repairs which can then be passed to the correct people to take positive action. Want to complain about your Streetly area concerns. and get results. vi vil. NOW YOU CAN. Its official. complaints get noticed when you take a moment to write it down on a NEW One off Issue FORM. Down load it. fill the essential parts of the form, then choose, take it to your next CAG meeting or Local Neighbourhood Parnership Meeting. post it, or even save it on your pc then email back. The aim of this form is to report details regarding a one-off issue that any resident of Aldridge South or Streetly may choose. This information will be logged with a unique reference number. Once the completed form has been actioned you can obtain the latest status of your issue by contacting Streetly area LNP officer John Morris (01922 652029). Jane OConner PPI Facillitator Just to introduce myself. I am the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Facilitator at Walsall tPCT. I am new in post and my role is to ensure that you, the local residents, local workers and communities are able to feed your views into the groups that are responsible for commissioning the health services that you use in Streetly, Walsall. Your contribution will help lead to an improved quality of service, and better, more efficient services that reflect the needs of the community that they serve. I will be meeting with voluntary sector organisations in Streetly and Walsall so that we can discuss how we could work together to achieve these aims. If you wish to know more, please contact me: Jane OConnor Patient Public Involvement Facillitator (PPI Facilitator) Health Development Jubilee House Bloxwich Lane Walsall WS2 7JL 01922 619983 copy Copyright Alan Neath. 2005 -- All Rights Reserved Did you see any errors on this page. please let us know. contact Streetly website Thank you very much.


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